Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.23+] Leather Water Sac for TFC

111 posts in this topic

Like the title says, it's a Leather Water Sac that can be made from TFC items.
It has 12 uses (which is about 2 thirst bars worth) before you have to fill it up again.


To clarify my view on modpacks, if you are using TFC, you are more then welcome to use the Leather Water Sac. Have fun :)


A few pics:




To make one, you need
- 2 x TFC Leathers that need to be cut correctly
- 2 x Wool Yarns (String can not be used anymore)
- 1 x Bladder that you get by killing a sheep, cow or deer
- and any kind of TFC knife (The knife gets the same damage as when you use it with crops)



First you have to cut the leather


Then kill a sheep, cow or deer to get the bladder.

Then you can craft it in a workbench like this

lws2_02a.jpg or lws2_02b.jpg



Version 3.8.B79.23+

- Added Cow and Deer bladder. (!The old sheep bladder item will be deleted with this update!)

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.9.B79.jar


Old version

Version 3.6.B79.23+

- Update for the TFC changes in version .23

- Fixed, adding TFC leather recipe causes a crash.

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.8.B79.jar

Version 3.6.B79.20+

- Fixed: Water Sac can be filled from flowing water

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.6.B79.jar

Version 3.5.B79.16+

- Update for the new TFC API changes.

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.5.B79.jar

Version 3.4.B79.13+


- Fixed the splash particles.

- Added support for almost all TFC fluids

- Can be used with TFC Barrels and Large vessels

- Shift + Right Mouse Button will empty the sac

- Added more language files

- Is NOT usable in creative anymore, but it still works with barrels and large vessels

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.4.B79.jar

Version 3.3.B79+


- Added more splash particles.

Download => [1.7.10]LeatherWaterSac-3.3.B79.jar

Version 3.2.B78_HF7+


- A fix for the new getReach method.

- Added fr_CA.lang, nl_NL.lang, ru_RU.lang, sr_SB.lang, zh_CN.lang and zh_HK.lang

Download =>

Version 3.1.B78


- Fixed a derp in the language file.

- Added da_DK.lang

Download =>

Version 3.0.B78


- Added Salt and Fresh water

- Added TFC weight and size system

- Localization uses the "en_US.lang" file system now. Other lang files can be added also.

Download =>

Version 2.1.b77


- Fixed the Item names

Download =>

Version 2.0.b77


- Added splash sound+particles when filling the sac with water

- Added a new item WaterSacLeather .. made with TFC leather working gui

- Added a new item SheepBladder .. drops when sheep is killed

- Changed the recipe .. can onle be made with the workbench now

- Added config file for item IDs

Download =>





Version 1.5.b77


- Added Wool Yarn to the recipe.
Download =>

Version 1.4.b76


- Changed the recipe to TFC leather.
Download =>

Version 1.3.b76


Download =>





Version 1.2.b75


- Should work in creative mode properly now.
Download =>

Version 1.1.b75


- It's still 12 uses, but one drink gives you 1/6 of your water bar regardless of your XP level
- Will not waste a drink when you are full.
Download =>

Edited by Emris

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10/10 Would download again.


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very nice, been wanting one of these, but 12 uses is like 12 days, might wanna drop it to 2.

you can always carry more.


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When you get to a higher level, 1 drink will not fill you much. It's about the same as drinking 1 bottle.

Playing experience will tell us if 12 uses is too OP or not.

2 uses makes the sac imho not so useful. But i could see it coming down to about 6...maybe.


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When you are at a higher level, twelve days of water will still last you twelve days.


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I think this is an excellent mod, really fits tfc and I hope the devs make something similar in tfc2 because a leather watersac fits the feel of tfc tons better than a glass bottle.. And I think 12 drinks makes perfect sense


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i would say 7 uses. one week of water is more believable than almost 2 weeks from a single water container.


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I don't understand this, 7 days of water vs 12 days business.. its not a days worth its one drink! I have to drink 3-4 times a day usually, making this at best a 4 day supply.. Nothing wrong with that.


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Looks like a nice job there!

my opinion: 6 or 7 uses

and too cheap on leather (compared to other leather made stuff)

I also mighty like the use of knife there!


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I'm still a bit nooby about modding... What exactly should I do with the zip file? Copy the files within into minecraft.jar or copy the files in the "mods"-folder to my "mods"-folder?


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Install like any other Forge mod....copy the .zip file into the mods folder :)


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Looks like a nice job there!

my opinion: 6 or 7 uses

and too cheap on leather (compared to other leather made stuff)

I also mighty like the use of knife there!

I agree completely, 6-7 uses and a refill.

But since each cow or pig drops a plethora of leather I don't think the leather usage matters much. But since a helmet takes like 5-6 pieces (can't remember) and your noggin isn't much bigger than a good water skin....


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Install like any other Forge mod....copy the .zip file into the mods folder :)/>

Thanks man!


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After playing a bit using your mod, I think the amount of uses is fine as it is now. But maybe that's just me, I do run/sprint around a lot.


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Going to try this out tonight! Love the idea, since carrying a bucket to plop down and bathe in to "drink" is something I will never bring myself to do, and water bottles don't stack....


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I made a few adjustments, i hope this will be more balanced.


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Testing this out for my server when we do a reset. I dont know what im doing wrong but I can't seem to fill the water sack. I right click water like I would with a water bottle but it doesn't fill the sack. What could I be doing wrong?

After some playing around with it, I see that when I right click water with it, it gets a small red bar but it goes away in less than a second. Maybe I'm working with a bleeding edge version that has a bug in it?

This is the link I downloaded it from:

Edit: it works now that I am in NOT in creative. You might want to mention this in the instructions or make it work when you are in creative?


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Creative mode fixed.


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Wow that is a really good idea. I hope Bioxx (or whoever) makes it into an item!



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Nice work there, the real name for one of these is a water skin. But these are normally made from a cow/sheep bladder. Here is a suggestion: make cows and sheep drop bladders when killed with a knife or when you have a knife in your tool bar. You can then use a knife and string to turn the bladder into a water skin I think this will add an extra use for the underused knives. If you want extra difficulty you can even add a cool idea a friend of mine suggested, to make animals die but not drop anything, in addition to their corpses not disappearing(except for the 5 minute entity persistence). Then have the knife be used to butcher the corpse through a right click. Depending on the knife more or less items would be dropped. If you do not wish to mess about with entities you can even make the corpse drop as an item. But make it too large for any chest. I would definitely download the mod if that was a part of it.


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If you would allow me, this seems like a fun little addition to add to TFC. I don't know if I'll reuse any of your code seeing as the whole leather system is being altered, but I'll certainly credit you with the idea.


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If you would allow me, this seems like a fun little addition to add to TFC. I don't know if I'll reuse any of your code seeing as the whole leather system is being altered, but I'll certainly credit you with the idea.

Awesome :D. But if you are going to do that, will the water skins use actual sheep/cow bladders or will they just use leather like in this mod?


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Awesome :D. But if you are going to do that, will the water skins use actual sheep/cow bladders or will they just use leather like in this mod?

leather. No need to add so many items.

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