Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.23+] Leather Water Sac for TFC

111 posts in this topic

I really want to love this mod, but would it be possible to get it working with barrels instead of filling it only from water sources?


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New version is out ! :)


note: Because of all the new changes, there is a possibility that this version will not like the old items very much. I would suggest using (Shift + Right mouse button) before anything else ;)


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what texture pack did you use in the first pic? looked awesome. ^_^


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Emris, in the recipe when you say 2 TFC leather pieces to cut, you mean 2X5? because to get the knaping like interface, 5 units of leather are consumed, so this water sack consumes twice the ammount of leather it takes to make an leather armor piece


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Emris, in the recipe when you say 2 TFC leather pieces to cut, you mean 2X5? because to get the knaping like interface, 5 units of leather are consumed, so this water sack consumes twice the ammount of leather it takes to make an leather armor piece


What are you talking about? What do you mean by "units of leather" ? You take a single leather item, hold it in your inventory and right click to open the leatherworking interface. That uses up 1 leather item. In the interface, you make the pattern he shows in the OP, to get half of the leather sac. Repeat the same thing with another single leather item to get the other half, then sew the two together.


Yes his leather sack takes two leather items, whereas the TFC leather chestplate only takes one leather item to make, but to be honest leather really isn't expensive enough that it's that huge of a difference.


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Oh, I was wrong then, it's been a while since I crafted leather items. I thought that it hsared the same mechanic with the clay items, my bad


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Emris, your download link seems to be broken.


Download works just fine for me. Are you sure you're clicking on the right link?


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Download works just fine for me. Are you sure you're clicking on the right link?

Huh. It's working for me now. It wasn't working earlier.


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My server was down for a few hours.

It goes all crazy in the summer, i guess it doesn't like the heat :P


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There's a problem with this mod and streams - real flowing rivers, when using water sac i can't gather water from streams that have a low water level (less than half a block) and flowing water, unlike with clay jugs and buckets.


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It looks like vanilla code is not seeing TFC flowing water blocks.


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I noticed an issue with refilling the water sac from a barrel, we can only do it if it is completely empty. I love this addon so much that I am completely dependent on it. 

If the barrel is not full, then you can empty your leather sac and refill it. But if the barrel is full there is no way to fill your leather water sac unless it is completely empty.

Edited by Djakuta

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It looks like vanilla code is not seeing TFC flowing water blocks.

Boy that was pretty fast, thanks.


EDIT: nope, still can't gather water from flowing water.

Edited by gopp

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That's strange, it works fine in all my tests.

Are you sure that you are using the version 3.6.B79?

Is the water sac empty when you try to fill it?

You can only fill the same fluid that is already in the water sac. To empty press shift(sneak) + right-mouse-button.


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That's strange, it works fine in all my tests.

Are you sure that you are using the version 3.6.B79?

Is the water sac empty when you try to fill it?

You can only fill the same fluid that is already in the water sac. To empty press shift(sneak) + right-mouse-button.


V3.6.B79, check.

Empty sac, check.

Can fill sack from still water ponds, check.

Can empty sac, check.


So yeah, i have no idea why it's not properly working.


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Can you post a picture.

All my tests are working.

I have no idea why it's not working for you.


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You know in my comment:


There's a problem with this mod and streams - real flowing rivers, when using water sac i can't gather water from streams that have a low water level (less than half a block) and flowing water, unlike with clay jugs and buckets.


I'm talking about the mod "Streams - Real Flowing Rivers", right? Not flowing TFC water.


Just in case...


I'll upload some when i'm at home.


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A slight bug creeped in with the latest changes to the barrels/vessels in 0.79.22... when you right-click a barrel/vessel with a water sac it removes the liquid from the barrel and opens the gui, but does not fill the water sac.


If you place the water sac in the barrel with it set to output, it still fills correctly though.


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That's a mini bug in TFC, but Kitty already fixed it in release 23, which should come out soon.


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New version water sac crash my client, I´ve last TFC 23 mod with optifine


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Remove optifine and reproduce crash, then provide crashlog, as pastebin link. There is no point reporting a crash without a crashlog.


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The reason for the crash is a last minute commit/change from dries007.

I'm not really sure why it happens though, but it's fixed now :)


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