Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.23+] Leather Water Sac for TFC

111 posts in this topic

Great concept.  It certainly fits the time frame.   Would it be possible though, to give different bladder options in the config?  On an open server, this mod might encourage new players to slaughter sheep on sight.  Maybe substitute something wild like, Bear, Stag, etc. 

Edited by WillOfStone

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The wiki says traditionally they used sheep or cow, I think it should work at least with Deer too.

Not sure about Bears, I think their bladder are not so big, Probably it has to be a ruminant. 


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Yes, sheep are rare and have a high value in TFC, so adding cow and deer to the mix makes sense. Enjoy :)


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Thanks for the update.

BTW my server got hung up for a long time and the only message was :"Waiting for log file".

I remember other times and run the command /fml confirm in the console, that solved the issue. Just a heads up for other server owners. This will only happen for existing worlds, because it needs to replace the item  bladder with the item sheep bladder.

I tested and it works, we now have Sheep, Cow and Deer bladder.


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Thanks for the change. It will help as a selling point to our admins for adding this mod.  


The only reason I proposed wild animals, is because they are respawnable.  Yes, bears have large bladders. This is from real life hunting and butchering experience not a wiki.  The meat is very similar to pork, as they are both omnivores, and can be smoked like ham and made into breakfast sausage.  My daughter's personal favorite. :)


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I always imagine that bear meat would taste good, never had the opportunity. 

Deer, wild boars and alligators are the ones more accessible here in Florida. This year they will allow for Bear Hunting after many years the Bear population is out of control. Not sure if I will be able to go, am very busy with work. 


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Love this mod, and works great in modpacks. The only request i have is if you could please add Streams mod support. The Streams mod works great with terrafirmacraft, and i get get freshwater buckets and barrels straight out of the flowing streams. The only thing that bothers me is that i cannot get water out of the stream using a Leather Water Sac. Thanks a lot!


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update Chinese version?
add this in assets\lwstfc\lang\zh_CN.lang



and zh_HK.lang


drink.full=好飽 !
drink.salt=噢, 好鹹, Urgh!

and zh_TW.lang





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Hey there, Is this mod being updated or fixed at all? I was curious to know because I encountered an issue with CraftTweaker that fails to remove the recipe for the Leather Water Sac, The reason for this is so I can change to recipe to a preferred one and remove the unnecessary multiple knife recipes (Using Ore Dictionary), If so then thanks!         -UnlimatedStone9


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Since TFC-TNG is updating to Minecraft 1.12, I miss your mod. Are you interested in updating it to 1.12.2? If not, I would like to do so. As it's GPL3 per the license file, I believe I can fork away. I wanted to check in with you first. There doesn't appear to be any other way to contact you, as your minecraft forum account appears deleted.




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