Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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5 word story

186 posts in this topic

although i wont summarize it


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.....the wabbit said the end!


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.....Really? What about the cows


(hint - NINJAAA)


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Oh look, it's a Necromancer!


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run away before he kills


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Killed the story , the end .


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dam this looked like it would be fun


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someone compile the story, ill create a new thread :D


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compiled version:


Oh god, the ninja cows! The ninja cows are coming! Thus, we must stop them. So let's arm ourselves with sharpened pencils and swords and crossbows that shoot farther than catapults. Once upon a time the ninja cows found a secret that no one told, of a lost bakery in the land of Bakebelieve, which was a land of Bakers, Ninja cows and the Almighty Squid, the true baker of the perfect sandwich bread that could annihilate an army as powerful as bacon sandwich. But suddenly a wild Krski appeared! Using my Master Ball... And wolf was the Lord of Wolves, also known as Lord Of Wolves, president of the Wolf Kingdom whose Lord Is the Krski un ninjad. The pancake in this message is just a small joke which will one day be the world's most powerful weapon. Have you seen the hamster destined to wield this weapon? I don't think you did. Because there is no hamster on a piano, eating pop-corn. But, there is a hamster inside a blender with cherries that is secretly the heir of the throne of the Bakers of the Round Table that is eating tomato seeds! So, the hamster actually WILL win the war and cure bakeitis. This will mean that people might be happy. But the evil russian scientist won't.Because he likes it when he watches hamsters eat bread. Now we are going to go to sleep because of the drug that the Squidput in our golden mead. Now let us face the weary and beatable army of crazy apes with electric saws and steath bombers of cheese with high speed kitten launchers. The launchers launched at wind when the tempretarture was hot so the missles went up high into the air and exploded into a fountain of rainbows, kittens, skittles, unicorns and all that other manly stuff. what no one knew however was that these manly things were secretly non-manly, and that everyone would come to know that they were all actually Gamma Radiation induced hallucinations. and exploaded do to malfunction. causing a fountain of irradiated mendeljevium to fall to the already irradiated zombie ninja squirrels to dope chips with uranium, to create a new type of extremely weak silicon, incapable of being called silicon, because it has no properties of tritium or sand, then slime wars began , when the empire of the floating slime-brains decided to make the bacon sandwich . that harnesses the powers of magical floating whales, to create a wormhole to Xen, causing Peter to kill the chickens because he was infected by Curse of the Stripe'd Worm but then he realised that the baking skills of his husband were derp. Therefore sadly she was derpina that lived before being rebuilt as Derp that wasn't derp but Derpina and was eventually still Derp but Derp was a zombie villager and had no gender preference, therefore he was asexual and has undergone sex change. He had done this twice. And now, Soul and Maka which are names?Marko and Soul and Maka are names that are names with names. Meanwhile on the surface of a bald man's head , the anti-derp army of the other bald man's head from his own bald head was atacking a Derposaurus for beign far too close to the single hair left on the bald man's head. Suddenly a an atacking Derposaurus-man apeared and unleashed the Balrog from Moria , ultimately destroying the true meaning of liff, and the ultimate cow torpedo exploded causing a multi-dimensional wide war in which kittens were thrown. However, this was not the bigest problem of the vietnamise grammatically incorrect snails that roamed not caring about grammar , now through the fields of marshmallows we can dogs and eat plump helmets and other dwarven high densety canned dogs , now while powering up, they charged the unused thread directly , when  it suddenly was revived again. by the Adventurer Dukejuke, who did absolutely not necro it, but used paladin powers to revive it into its former almightyness.but he betrayed the Rules That stated he must eat 5 words in each sentence But words don't taste good for a Demonic Spaghetti Goddess so she ate something tasty like ..... 6 word posters, who just Taste oh so very good and taste better because of their unique mathematical miscalculations. which makes them jealous of because they taste much better luckily, he changed his ways and now is one with the dark side ... of 7 word posters who had to post epic posts to redeem their sins, because they betrayed their friends and posted horrible derails outside of the threads clearly stated rules which causes us to die. And now, warlocks and witches and Trained German Katana Masters and mad /h/ 4chan users threathen this balance of worlds that is the terrafirmacraft forums. End. yes its the end. were it not for Him Goozac,the almighty Duck Lord "Quack" said Goozac the duckgeese and the 5 word story ended with the magic wordshappelly ever after ...... that wasn't five words sir..... it matters not, for I disregard standards and conventions. therefore I killed the lovely ending... by forcing it to continue just to torture killster more although i wont summarize it .....the wabbit said the end! .....Really? What about the cows Oh look, it's a Necromancer!run away before he kills lol nice story so far Killed the story , the end . 


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compiled version:


Oh god, the ninja cows! The ninja cows are coming! Thus, we must stop them. So let's arm ourselves with sharpened pencils and swords and crossbows that shoot farther than catapults. Once upon a time the ninja cows found a secret that no one told, of a lost bakery in the land of Bakebelieve, which was a land of Bakers, Ninja cows and the Almighty Squid, the true baker of the perfect sandwich bread that could annihilate an army as powerful as bacon sandwich. But suddenly a wild Krski appeared! Using my Master Ball... And wolf was the Lord of Wolves, also known as Lord Of Wolves, president of the Wolf Kingdom whose Lord Is the Krski un ninjad. The pancake in this message is just a small joke which will one day be the world's most powerful weapon. Have you seen the hamster destined to wield this weapon? I don't think you did. Because there is no hamster on a piano, eating pop-corn. But, there is a hamster inside a blender with cherries that is secretly the heir of the throne of the Bakers of the Round Table that is eating tomato seeds! So, the hamster actually WILL win the war and cure bakeitis. This will mean that people might be happy. But the evil russian scientist won't.Because he likes it when he watches hamsters eat bread. Now we are going to go to sleep because of the drug that the Squidput in our golden mead. Now let us face the weary and beatable army of crazy apes with electric saws and steath bombers of cheese with high speed kitten launchers. The launchers launched at wind when the tempretarture was hot so the missles went up high into the air and exploded into a fountain of rainbows, kittens, skittles, unicorns and all that other manly stuff. what no one knew however was that these manly things were secretly non-manly, and that everyone would come to know that they were all actually Gamma Radiation induced hallucinations. and exploaded do to malfunction. causing a fountain of irradiated mendeljevium to fall to the already irradiated zombie ninja squirrels to dope chips with uranium, to create a new type of extremely weak silicon, incapable of being called silicon, because it has no properties of tritium or sand, then slime wars began , when the empire of the floating slime-brains decided to make the bacon sandwich . that harnesses the powers of magical floating whales, to create a wormhole to Xen, causing Peter to kill the chickens because he was infected by Curse of the Stripe'd Worm but then he realised that the baking skills of his husband were derp. Therefore sadly she was derpina that lived before being rebuilt as Derp that wasn't derp but Derpina and was eventually still Derp but Derp was a zombie villager and had no gender preference, therefore he was asexual and has undergone sex change. He had done this twice. And now, Soul and Maka which are names?Marko and Soul and Maka are names that are names with names. Meanwhile on the surface of a bald man's head , the anti-derp army of the other bald man's head from his own bald head was atacking a Derposaurus for beign far too close to the single hair left on the bald man's head. Suddenly a an atacking Derposaurus-man apeared and unleashed the Balrog from Moria , ultimately destroying the true meaning of liff, and the ultimate cow torpedo exploded causing a multi-dimensional wide war in which kittens were thrown. However, this was not the bigest problem of the vietnamise grammatically incorrect snails that roamed not caring about grammar , now through the fields of marshmallows we can dogs and eat plump helmets and other dwarven high densety canned dogs , now while powering up, they charged the unused thread directly , when  it suddenly was revived again. by the Adventurer Dukejuke, who did absolutely not necro it, but used paladin powers to revive it into its former almightyness.but he betrayed the Rules That stated he must eat 5 words in each sentence But words don't taste good for a Demonic Spaghetti Goddess so she ate something tasty like ..... 6 word posters, who just Taste oh so very good and taste better because of their unique mathematical miscalculations. which makes them jealous of because they taste much better luckily, he changed his ways and now is one with the dark side ... of 7 word posters who had to post epic posts to redeem their sins, because they betrayed their friends and posted horrible derails outside of the threads clearly stated rules which causes us to die. And now, warlocks and witches and Trained German Katana Masters and mad /h/ 4chan users threathen this balance of worlds that is the terrafirmacraft forums. End. yes its the end. were it not for Him Goozac,the almighty Duck Lord "Quack" said Goozac the duckgeese and the 5 word story ended with the magic wordshappelly ever after ...... that wasn't five words sir..... it matters not, for I disregard standards and conventions. therefore I killed the lovely ending... by forcing it to continue just to torture killster more although i wont summarize it .....the wabbit said the end! .....Really? What about the cows Oh look, it's a Necromancer!run away before he kills lol nice story so far Killed the story , the end . 



That is the most awesome story I have ever read!


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