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Sandboxing to kill time

20 posts in this topic

So I thought I would talk quick about some builder sandbox games Ive tried out. Maybe give some people stuff to do while they wait for TFC2. All of these are beta's or alphas so purchase at your own risk :P

Blockscape. I havent really played it much, due to its lack of features, and pretty rough alpha type state, but I have seen many people talk about it here and thought some of you might like to know that the engine has been entirely rewritten for the game. The graphics are even better (if you can believe that) and include stuff like texture blending on regions where stuff like sand and rock meet. The surfaces are no longer just flat planes, but now have curves and other really nice features. A while back the first wiring type stuff was added with a few logical gates, and one or two gimmicks which change state from the 'electricity'. If any of you had heard about this game, now would be a good time to go check it out. While there isnt a snapshot yet which contains these new features, the forum users have been promised one very soon :D.

StarForge. I bought this one a while back and had pretty much written it off because I didnt see much new content on their forums for what seemed like forever, and the alpha they had provided sucked... badly. All that has changed! Last night I redeemed my copy on Steam, and I tried it out for maybe a half our or so before bed, and its starting to really shape up. Its sorta like a FPS meets minecraft, where you can build dig and craft, it seems like the player will have a skill tree implemented at some point in the future (the UI is there, but doesnt currently function) The weapons need a bit of work, but they are getting better, and as of now the game actually has a working fort defense mode which I will be trying out tonight.

Darkout. I bought this one recently and havent really gotten much out of it. It was greenlit on Steam, so I got a copy cuz it looked a little interesting. Its sorta like terraria, with that sidescroller thing, only it has research elements, and the mechanics of the game are quite different. Ive played enough to make it slightly more than half way through the tech tiers, and I would have to say its not the greatest game ever (sometimes it fails to keep my attention, because you end up having to wait alot, or grind mindlessly for research points), but I still think its worth a shot if this style of games are up your alley.

Gnomoria. Gnomes... lots of them, controlled in an almost RTS type fashion, only there is no need micro management (not that you cant order a gnome to do something), you assign professions to them and let them go about their business. They have RPG elements what with skills associated with certain tasks (mining, smithing, farming, etc) which your gnomes lvl up in over time as they perform the task. Building is a bit difficult, but the tech tree is pretty large, allowing for a lot of variation. The game is excellent, and I recommend it.


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This looks like a damn good time. Sandbox, creation, and plenty of time-killing-goodness that makes for a great weekend buzz! I just have to wait for their upcoming port to MAC to try it out. :)


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This looks like a damn good time. Sandbox, creation, and plenty of time-killing-goodness that makes for a great weekend buzz! I just have to wait for their upcoming port to MAC to try it out. :)

Indeed it does... might have to pick this one up this weekend


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It's hard to talk about good sandbox games because its is a very big genre and not very well defined but I can suggest a few others.

Under the ocean. Still very WIP but it is a very promising game, you'll try to survive on an island using the things you find and building stuff with them.

Kinect void. Also in development, you get to build your own space ships and explore a procedural universe.

UnReal World. Survival as it should be... hehe, nice sandbox roguelike also a very challenging game.

Project zomboid. One of my personal favorites, the 0.3 version is coming out soonish, it is in closed beta as of now.

Kenshi. You can even build your own towns in this tactical squad-based game, I think it is based on eastern medieval era.

X3 Albion Prelude, one of the best games I ever played! Sandbox space simulator with even a stockmarket simulator and you build space stations and connect them to make a production chain.

Menoch, Planet explorers is made in unity, it SHOULD be playable on MAC, but if there's a problem probably it is because of OpenCl that they use in it, I found that problem in some PCs. But my impression of that game is that it has a LOT of good stuff but Major gamebreakers like the mmo-like quest system, god that is annoying... Like fetching the same item 50 times!! But as starforge changed their methods I hope they also do.


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might i introduce to you my good friend...


I would have to have lived my entire life under a rock to not have heard of the awesomeness that is starbound, and some distant, but great day in the future when it comes out, ill probably die of malnutrition at my desk playing this when it comes out.


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I would have to have lived my entire life under a rock to not have heard of the awesomeness that is starbound, and some distant, but great day in the future when it comes out, ill probably die of malnutrition at my desk playing this when it comes out.

I think I need to get out from under this rock...

Starbound looks awesome. Is it from the maker of Terraria by any chance?


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I think I need to get out from under this rock...

Starbound looks awesome. Is it from the maker of Terraria by any chance?

I dont know to be honest, but I can say that its gunna kick the ass of terraria^2 :D


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StarForge. I bought this one a while back and had pretty much written it off because I didnt see much new content on their forums for what seemed like forever, and the alpha they had provided sucked... badly. All that has changed! Last night I redeemed my copy on Steam, and I tried it out for maybe a half our or so before bed, and its starting to really shape up. Its sorta like a FPS meets minecraft, where you can build dig and craft, it seems like the player will have a skill tree implemented at some point in the future (the UI is there, but doesnt currently function) The weapons need a bit of work, but they are getting better, and as of now the game actually has a working fort defense mode which I will be trying out tonight.

T'was already mentioned. I, too, looked at it a little while back, but I was less than impressed with it. I should look at it again, but I'm under some game overload. I picked up X3, which looks amazing: sort of an offline 'EVE'. Gnomoria looks alright, but I'm a staunch Dwarf Fortress-er, so I feel some loyalty to Tarn. I can appreciate that Gnomoria is more accessible, though, and it could bring in a new generation of gamers who enjoy complexity and challenge.

Whenever I see these sandbox threads come up, I always think of Garry's Mod. I've looked at it so many times, but I've never played it. Has anyone any experience with this? I just don't get the premise, I suppose, though I might if I played it.


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I think I need to get out from under this rock...

Starbound looks awesome. Is it from the maker of Terraria by any chance?

-pulls Menoch out from under rock-

grabs shoulder of said menoch and points inspiringly at the stars-

Look up, what do you see? This, my friend, is our destiny. There lies the beginning of the journey of a lifetime, we are bound for these stars, Starbound, if you will...

yeah one of the devs from Terraria is working on this game, no release date is set yet


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You were born too early to explore the stars, eh?

This is why I sorta wish I was born about 2500(?) years from now.


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This is why I sorta wish I was born about 2500(?) years from now.

well theoretically, in 2500 years, the human race could have possibly destroyed itself, causing 2500 years from now to be one of the worst times to be in

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Stop right there criminal scum. You have violated my eyes. Pay the fine or face time.

Just joking, maybe.


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Starbound preorder is up.

Just so you know.

oh my gods, i nearly exploded twice when i first found out that it was available for preorder

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Ok... so I just shat me pantaloons! I WANT! Lol. I shouldn't get it as I am fighting a tight deadline to get my game up to speed, but I can NOT pass this game by. Pre-Order here I come!


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I want to inform you about one game I used to play. It's not sandbox in general sense of the world, but it's kind of close enough.

The game called Space Rangers (or Space Rangers 2, or Space Rangers 2 Revolution, the latter is an expansion) and is amazingly good, in my opinion.

It got HD-rehash recently, but it's not the real point. Since I'm not sure how to explain what the game is exactly apart from "turn-based 2d tactical strategy sandbox space game with RPG elements and some other features" I'll just post a quick-found youtube video here and answer any questions if there will be any.


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