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Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

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It is a bit disappointing, to say the least, that this project has gathered almost the same amount of money that Planet Explorer has.


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It is to an extent, but I get a kick out of watching kids use their get up and go to get what they want... legally... It shows that today's youth still has hope and that they aren't all standing there with their hands out.

I am glad she is getting this oppurtunity to learn about business and responsibility. Kudos to her mom.

That said... damn I want to play Planet Explorers! I wish I wasn't such a poor bastard struggling with his own creations... I would pledge...

I look at people like Bioxx, Dunk, and the plethora of people out there with fricking talent coming out the wazoo, and wonder how much cool shyte we would have in this world if money wasn't an issue.


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One thing is a kid wanting to learn about making videogames, another thing is one eight year old raising 22k to do it.


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One thing is a kid wanting to learn about making videogames, another thing is one eight year old raising 22k to do it.

Remember her mom is in cahoots. And we all know what happens when $ signs enter the female equation.

Agreed you don't need 22k o make a game on RPG Maker. Lol


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She's still trying to figure out where the 21k that 'wasn't asked for' is going... At least she promised she won't keep it, anyway back to Space Explorers I'm still unsure about pledging for a simple reason: I fear being disappointed with the final version, when you have high expectations you're bound to be disappointed...


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This is true, my friend. That's why I don't ever expect too much from people, that way i never get disappointed. And I always try to remember that no matter how good something is, there will always be something that sucks about it.

... sorta like tacos...


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I downloaded this game and tried it out the other night. It seems like it could be fun, but I have some issues with it. The whole script thing is sorta stupid, or at least it is early ingame (didnt make it very far yet). It implies that you cant research things, but instead have to aquire a script to create anything new from some NPC or something. The planet I started on was pretty barren, with sorta... oblivion type graphics, which isnt terrible... it just shows its age. It looks like it could be awesome at some point, but for now I think im gunna just wait on this one. Oh and the music... while I like the music, freakin puts me to sleep quicker than a thanksgiving dinner.


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I downloaded this game and tried it out the other night. It seems like it could be fun, but I have some issues with it. The whole script thing is sorta stupid, or at least it is early ingame (didnt make it very far yet). It implies that you cant research things, but instead have to aquire a script to create anything new from some NPC or something. The planet I started on was pretty barren, with sorta... oblivion type graphics, which isnt terrible... it just shows its age. It looks like it could be awesome at some point, but for now I think im gunna just wait on this one. Oh and the music... while I like the music, freakin puts me to sleep quicker than a thanksgiving dinner.

Lol. Yea it looks like it could be a fantastic game, and the script might be to keep creative aspect under control during the alpha phase. I think it could definitely get a boost if they make their kickstart. Cool premise anyway.

.... mmm... Thanksgiving dinner!!!


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damnit now im hungry....


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damnit now im hungry....

And I keep thinking of Frank Caliendo doing George Bush going "gobble-gobble".


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It implies that you cant research things, but instead have to aquire a script to create anything new from some NPC or something.

Maybe there will be research in future updates but you can excuse it saying that it is a advance civilization, you just need to find out who knows how to do the stuff you want and learn from him.

oblivion type graphics, which isnt terrible... it just shows its age.

That is one of the things that got me worried, the game is in development for about a year or so and it seems that they are pleased with the graphics, it seems that they are focusing on features which is not bad but the graphics ain't good, either it could be more stylized or more realistic but in my opinion it looks dull... Like an old mmo... This game reminds me so much of old MMOs, the quest system, the inventory, the player, when cutting trees... Still it has so much to offer! Well, I guess I'll keep waiting for Voxel Farm...


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