Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Farming Tutorial (works!!!)

34 posts in this topic

After a while of playing i have realized how to farm efficiently. First you will need a water source, a metal hoe and seeds of some type.

  • Find where you want to make the farm and make sure you have water within 5 blocks near by (you can use wooden buckets to get water)
  • Hoe a lot of land where you want to make the farm, bigger than you want the area to be.
  • Turn your hoe on nutrient mode and plant seeds wherever all three bars go really far up
  • Wait a month or two and your plant will be ready for harvesting!

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Tutorial to get infinite money:

Step 1: Buy a box.

Step 2: Put infinite money in box.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Enjoy your money.

- Banks will go bankrupt -

- Money will go bankrupt -


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Tutorial to get infinite money:

Step 1: Buy a box.

Step 2: Put infinite money in box.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Enjoy your money.

- Banks will go bankrupt -

- Money will go bankrupt -

Now to do this with food and end world hunger!

We're geniuses!


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Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels affect crop growth.


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Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels affect crop growth.



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Don't troll please ! xD we have too many trolls right now xD

I thank you for making this thread for the less infromed .

-Sincerely Krski


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Don't troll please ! xD we have too many trolls right now xD

I thank you for making this thread for the less infromed .

-Sincerely Krski

I was correcting the grammar.


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I was correcting the grammar.

Since we're into correcting, you were correcting Dunk's word choice, not his grammar. His sentence was grammatically correct, it just conveyed the incorrect meaning.


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I'm with TK on this one. The grammar was incorrect; the word "effect" is a noun. The sentence is missing a verb (i.e. affect).

Anywho, nutrient bars aren't described very well in the wiki. Essentially, every crop uses one nutrient color more so than the others. You don't plant the crop where all three bars are at the max height, you plant the crop where its essential nutrient is at its max height. Rotating crops will allow for the used up nutrient to recover. I essentially made 20 fields to plant all of our crops. Each field was labeled with the current crop (plus nutrient) and the previous crop (plus nutrient). The next crop planted there would be of the third nutrient variety. The extra fields were used in the event that no field of the appropriate nutrient variety were available.


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Effect is also a verb meaning "to bring about as an effect", and affect is also a noun meaning "mannerisms of communication".

Both "effect" and "affect" work in the sentence, and create valid and reasonable statements

effect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (cause) crop growth (to happen).

affect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (have an effect on) crop growth.


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Effect is also a verb meaning "to bring about as an effect", and affect is also a noun meaning "mannerisms of communication".

Both "effect" and "affect" work in the sentence, and create valid and reasonable statements

effect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (cause) crop growth (to happen).

affect: not everyone understood how nutrient levels (have an effect on) crop growth.

No, both you and mayaknife are wrong, even though effect is both a verb and a noun, its use in this sentence was incorrect.

Effect when used as a verb is used to mean "to bring something about as a result".

As an example taken from the Oxford dictionary blog, here are a few pieces of text that correctly utilise effect as a verb:

  • The couple had been separated for two years, but her boyfriend tried to effect a reconciliation.
  • A Royal Commission appointed in 1906 effected several reforms.
  • Governments can mobilize the political will and resources to effect change when they choose to.
As you can clearly see, the best way to interpret this would be to change the word 'effect' with the word 'cause'.

With that in mind you can superimpose the word change into dunks sentence and see that it makes little sense.

"Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels cause crop growth."

Some might still argue that the sentence still works. The problem is that this sentence implies that no matter what the actual nutrient levels are, the crops grow because of the nutrients having a level. This is untrue in the case of the appropriate nutrient for a crop being at 0 and the crop not growing.

Now as a helpful tip when arguing, please research intensively. This misunderstanding is a result of people not reading into what they are trying to counter argue. If people decided to read fully into the point they are arguing against, I would not need to write long posts. Do not take this post as an insult, but as a lesson.

As a response to mayaknife:

I was correcting his syntax, syntax is part of grammar, therefore, I was correcting his grammar.


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- Oops, I quoted myself on accident and therefore double posted. Someone delete this please.


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No, both you and mayaknife are wrong, even though effect is both a verb and a noun, its use in this sentence was incorrect.

Effect when used as a verb is used to mean "to bring something about as a result".

As an example taken from the Oxford dictionary blog, here are a few pieces of text that correctly utilise effect as a verb:

  • The couple had been separated for two years, but her boyfriend tried to effect a reconciliation.
  • A Royal Commission appointed in 1906 effected several reforms.
  • Governments can mobilize the political will and resources to effect change when they choose to.
As you can clearly see, the best way to interpret this would be to change the word 'effect' with the word 'cause'.

With that in mind you can superimpose the word change into dunks sentence and see that it makes little sense.

"Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels cause crop growth."

Some might still argue that the sentence still works. The problem is that this sentence implies that no matter what the actual nutrient levels are, the crops grow because of the nutrients having a level. This is untrue in the case of the appropriate nutrient for a crop being at 0 and the crop not growing.

Now as a helpful tip when arguing, please research intensively. This misunderstanding is a result of people not reading into what they are trying to counter argue. If people decided to read fully into the point they are arguing against, I would not need to write long posts. Do not take this post as an insult, but as a lesson.

As a response to mayaknife:

I was correcting his syntax, syntax is part of grammar, therefore, I was correcting his grammar.

"Sting, not everyone understood how nutrient levels cause crop growth."

You're actually arguing Upthorn's case. The sentence makes sense, just not in the context used by dunk. We're basically arguing over whether word choice is considered a form of grammar. I think that we can all agree that 'affect' is the correct word in this situation.


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What are you guys going on about? Either stay on topic or don't post something.


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What are you guys going on about? Either stay on topic or don't post something.

Yeah this thread is a bit whacky now lol.


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So how long does it take nutrients to "return" to the tilled soil after planting/harvesting?

If rain is able to hit the spot does that have any effect?

Would digging it all up, placing the soil back and waiting for grass to regrow be more efficient?


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So how long does it take nutrients to "return" to the tilled soil after planting/harvesting?

If rain is able to hit the spot does that have any effect?

Would digging it all up, placing the soil back and waiting for grass to regrow be more efficient?

Yes, waiting for it to grass over is probably faster than waiting for the levels to go up.

But digging up the soil takes like 1 hour.


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Yes, waiting for it to grass over is probably faster than waiting for the levels to go up.

But digging up the soil takes like 1 hour.

The levels never raise up to the original freshly tilled field either.. They only ever get up to '1/2 a block height' (nutrients) in my experience.

Sucks, but the only way I've EVER been able to grow maize was on fresh grass. Which means I have to punch farmland for 45 minutes.


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The levels never raise up to the original freshly tilled field either.. They only ever get up to '1/2 a block height' (nutrients) in my experience.

Sucks, but the only way I've EVER been able to grow maize was on fresh grass. Which means I have to punch farmland for 45 minutes.

I think the "full" level of nutrients is a bug, some of them reset to 1/2 of block height after planting, it is probably something to do with how the graphics are rendered.

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Does rain have any effect on growth or nutrients?

Not that I know of, if you're in a normal rain area. Definitely doesn't restore nutrients.

I think the "full" level of nutrients is a bug, some of them reset to 1/2 of block height after planting, it is probably something to do with how the graphics are rendered.

I thought that as well since they reset after a while of being left fallow, but after testing it seems they're actual nutrients if you immediately plant seeds there. 4 maize grew in the time 1 grew in 'default low' nutrient.

No clue what's going on there.


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