Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

233 posts in this topic

Use brick items.

was that written on the change log? D:


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I'm playing on server, latest hot-fix (9) and when I shift-right click with an ingot on top or bottom of ingot pile instead of placing another ingot in pile server crashes. No matter full or partially filled ingot pile, sides work well. Ingot placed totally cold no temperature shown. Using different metal ingot than in pile also cause crash.


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Doing my preliminary testing of all of the basic features of hotfix 9, will return in a few hours.

was that written on the change log? D:

I don't think so, but that was the first recipe I checked.

I agree that it should've been in the changelog.


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Added a FAQ section for these commonly asked questions that keep appearing.


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Whenever I make limewater it creates a new bucket right now.


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Another issue I just noticed is that farmland and crops appear as pink on Zan's Minimap. I don't know about REI's minimap. However, this shows an odd flaw, really. It's a bit distracting to see that bright pink strip next to the pond.


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As always, my formatting goes as follows:

• Minor annoyances, texture errors

Serious issues, possibly breaking progression

Critical issue that causes a crash


Clean configs, as always. Build 76 Hotfix 9! No launcher, TFC recommended forge version.

TFC books cannot be written in with the scribing table as advertised, and the vanilla book and quill recipe is disabled

All anvils drop either copper or bismuth bronze anvils -Aware, fixed in hotfix 10?

• Tool racks, when broken, drop a different type of tool rack depending on cardinal orientation

• Wrought Iron and Steel armor textures are swapped (intended? blueish wrought iron armor looks peculiar, but I kind of like it!)

• Swapping out a ceramic mold for a single clay mold instantly cooks the new mold

Using a red steel bucket to fill a barrel with water turns it into a wooden bucket

• (?) All of the 6 block 'wall' recipes yield only 1 wall instead of vanilla's 6 (that's a ton of wasted resources) (?)


No crashing bugs from what I can tell! Yay!

Also, memory leak? The used memory FLIES up to 100% and goes back down to 20% rapidly. My console is also getting spammed with packet queues, after playing for 15-20 minutes, and eventually locks up. No crashes, no errors.. The game is unplayable for longer than 15 minutes.

Memory leak is because barrels, refer to the thread by Bioxx, and my post.


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there is a bug with limewater now causing duplication with the buckets.


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there is a bug with limewater now causing duplication with the buckets.

Steps to reproduce? I can't seem to dupe any buckets on hotfix 9 with limewater.

Durrrrr. I'm dumb.

• Crafting limewater gives you the limewater bucket item and writes a new bucket itemstack to the inventory.


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Anyone able to confirm problems with placing wood support beams?


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As i remember Zerren, stone walls recipes always given to me 1 wall instead of vanilla 6

Minor annoyance: tool racks don't drop at all if i break the block where they stand

i'm trying to see if animals breed now, i got some passive mobs pregnant, let's next days


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As i remember Zerren, stone walls recipes always given to me 1 wall instead of vanilla 6

Minor annoyance: tool racks don't drop at all if i break the block where they stand

i'm trying to see if animals breed now, i got some passive mobs pregnant, let's next days

Yes they've always given 1, but it's never been addressed or explained. At least now they'll see the problem and decide if they want to fix it.

Also yeah breeding works fine from what I can tell. Cows bred, produced a baby, baby grew, then could breed with another cow.


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Getting crashes when placing ingots in the world on my multiplayer server, crash log included. Just did fresh install of minecraft_server with the Forge build 629. Crash does not occur in single player.

Crash can be reliably reproduced when you begin placing more than 32 ingots on a stack. When there are less than 32 ingots, typically placement is fine, but I have had it crash with less than 32. However, when you attempt to place more than 32 ingots on a stack, the server crashes almost immediately (I've only managed to place more than 32 ingots on a stack once.)

Crash log:


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I built two fence gates today, worked perfectly fine.

Used ash plank blocks for them.


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An encountered a bug today where making plank blocks into stairs causes them to be indestructible or nearly so, with normal tools


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Also having problems when stacking ingots on a server where sometimes (not every time) it brings the server down, you can use chat but everything becomes non-interactable. After that noone can connect to it. So it is effectively down. Will try and post some log.

This is on HF9.

This was after placing 1 ingot, then cooling off one in a barrel and placing the second ingot. (copper)


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Another issue in HF 9 is getting back dupe buckets when creating limewater.

The bucket will be empty, this was on a server.


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In case the HF10 fix for breaking anvils doesn't fix this, in HF9 when you craft a bismuth bronze anvil it crafts a black bronze anvil instead.


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What is happening? I am starting the launcher (the latest incl. bugfix9) and I am playing minecraft vanilla (without forge, player API ...)? My old save game leave me alone, the player falling into the world. Uhh. :(


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Ahh, I am understanding. The launcher don't use forge and loading the the savegames from the vanilla ".minecraft"-destination and not the ".tfcraft"-folder. Weird! <_<


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it's not much of a "bug", but wheat grain have the wheat texture.


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I am now able to reproduce the TFC gui only thing every time, where items drops to the ground.

Pick item and hover over empty gui slot then press and hold left mouse button, move mouse one or two pixels, release button and item drops out of gui.


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me and a few others on my server are having the "Dropping Items" issue and its very frustrating. Works fine in your own inv or a chest but placing items into a gui like a forge or campfire is a nightmare.. i tried crafting a pick and whilst the ingot was in the anvil it took me 4 attempts to place the plan along side it :(


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What is happening? I am starting the launcher (the latest incl. bugfix9) and I am playing minecraft vanilla (without forge, player API ...)? My old save game leave me alone, the player falling into the world. Uhh. :(

Ahh, I am understanding. The launcher don't use forge and loading the the savegames from the vanilla ".minecraft"-destination and not the ".tfcraft"-folder. Weird! <_<

Having the same problem. started with bugfix10., any way to fix this?


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