Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

233 posts in this topic

Has anyone else noticed the chisel's right-click functions do not work on any type of stone as of hotfix 10? e.g. I can't smooth raw gabbro with a bismuth chisel.

Unable to reproduce this bug. All chiseling actions have worked so far for me.

HF10 bug, confirmed on server side only, when crafting a bismuth bronze anvil you get back a black bronze anvil.

Fixed for HF11

HF10 bug, When you put an ingot stack down it cuts my framerate by 75%, going from around 150FPS down to 40FPS.

This only happens when you look in the stacks direction, even when it is behind walls.


HF10: Shift clicking items into an empty forge in quick succession will result in more itemstack "move" events than clicks. Shift click three times and you might see 5-6 items being moved into the forge's slots (including the slots on the right side).

HF10: I made a perfect bismuth bronze pickaxe head on a bismuth bronze anvil and came back a short time later to make another pickaxe head. When I shift clicked a new bismuth bronze ingot into the anvil it automatically produced a perfect bismuth bronze pickaxe head, no working the ingot required.

Shift clicking always seems to break every time mojang updates. I'll get to it eventually but I really really hate shift click code. Just try to avoid it in the future it at all possible since it breaks very often.

Crashing from ingot placement in multiplayer is still an issue. This is fundementally gamebreaking. I posted a crash log one page back.

Dunk has a fix implemented for HF11

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Thank you for the update. Didn't mean to sound pushy, just hadn't heard anything in response so I wanted to make sure it didn't get buried.


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Unable to reproduce this bug. All chiseling actions have worked so far for me.

Sorry Bioxx...I forgot to have a hammer with me when chiselling. All working now. :)


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hotfix 10 bug.

Was looking for the kapok door in creative, and it's not there. When you put 6 plank to craft one, you get wool cloth. guess it was only the config file

I guess there is still some bug with the tool rack not dropping the right type of wood rack when broken (tried wit 3 type of rack and always end up with aspen rack).

Also repeating the two previous issues I found, as they were not listed as fixed by Bioxx in his last post.

Wheat and wheat grain still have the same texture.

When you put a stone stack in the knaping grid to get a second tool, the stack will drop and sometime duplicate. Fixed


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most issues also occur to me, whilst using TechnicLauncher.

ps. I used 6 wooden planks in the door configuration and received a book. Yay but whaaa?


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most issues also occur to me, whilst using TechnicLauncher.

ps. I used 6 wooden planks in the door configuration and received a book. Yay but whaaa?

You didn't delete your configs.

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Um... I think I found a large bug... as in, one that ate my world, and spat out a few vanilla ocean biome chunks floating in a sea of lava. The vanilla chunks appear to be ocean biome chunks with a few mine shafts sticking out into the air above the molten sea. Vanilla entitys now spawn in hordes on the few chunks not covered by lava. The water in the vanilla chunks doesn't fall down into the lava, rather, it sits still like an average clump of dirt, only transparent and filled with squids. A few waterfalls have formed on some of the chunks, and the water plunges down into the lava to form small wet islands of vanilla cobble. There is no type of TFC block at all, and when I attempted to start a new world, It loaded vanilla mine craft with no tfc items whatsoever, I opened LAN and then set cheats on and went into creative to survey the damage.

I attempted to restart my TFC launcher twice, to no avail. I then attempted to reload the world, didn't work. We may not have had the best server, or a well known one, but we spent 4 days setting up before it was eaten.

I was running an unaltered version of the TFC launcher when this occured, and there were no problems beforehand. An error message appears on the small black screen

"[sERVER] [WARNING] Skipping TileEntity with id Partial"

This tends to repeat itself until I can't see anything else.

Also, there is a lengthy bit that comes into the window every now and then...

2013-04-11 20:28:00 [sERVER] [sEVERE] Item entity 16122 has no item?!

u: Loading entity NBT

at mp.f(SourceFile:1058)

at mv.a(SourceFile:146)

at acj.a(SourceFile:273)

at acj.a(SourceFile:72)

at acj.a(SourceFile:60)

at iy.f(SourceFile:125)

at iy.c(SourceFile:76)

at ix.<init>(SourceFile:26)

at iw.a(SourceFile:172)

at iw.d(SourceFile:300)

at gu.d(SourceFile:194)

at jh.a(SourceFile:278)

at ee.a(SourceFile:136)

at ch.b(SourceFile:59)

at jh.d(SourceFile:60)

at jk.b(SourceFile:35)

at bjk.b(SourceFile:84)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(SourceFile:480)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(SourceFile:397)

at bjh.q(SourceFile:122)



Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

at ns.b(SourceFile:138)

at rh.a(SourceFile:229)

at rh.a(SourceFile:179)

at mp.f(SourceFile:1053)

... 21 more



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Go into the tfc folder and delete the bin folder and then relaunch the launcher. It should re-download and work and your world should be unharmed (I had the same problem and this fixed it)


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Unfortunately can't test these bugs atm im flying back to the uk tonight so i will be able to bugtest all this on saturday, but for now please provide any bug info in the following format:

[b]Bug report:[/b][u]Suggested category:[/u] Severe/Annoying/Minimal[u]Suggested name:[/u][u]Description:[/u][u]Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?:[/u] Yes/No[u]Pastebin of the error report if this bug produces one[/u][u]Screenshot with proof that you are not a filthy liar if a screenshot is neccesary:[/u]

Thank you.


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New version of CCC and NEI still did not fix the problem, still crashing with them. noticed the launcher updated to hotfix 11 but nothing on the main site?


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Occasionally, creeper explosions are producing unnamed items with no texture. This happened in Chert stone for certain, and another stone type that I cannot recall off the top of my head.


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Try right-clicking with these unnamed items on the ground....i think you will get a small rock when you do :)


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Can't craft blueprints now... :(


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tenterro, that should be a config file bug. Delete the config file and try again.


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Hopefully not repeating anything known for HF11 (looked briefly, didn't see anything but it's getting harder too search) but here's two:

Cobblestone from cave-ins yields cobblestone blocks instead of stones unlike other cobblestone blocks.

There's still at least one ore out there somewhere that doesn't have a name registered because I'm coming across a "Traces of [blank]" message. I have suspicions it is garnierite because I was in gabbro and went hunting but never saw anything but traces and didn't find the ore.


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Cobblestone from cave-ins yields cobblestone blocks instead of stones unlike other cobblestone blocks.

puxapuak, the cave in cobblestone will drop cobblestone instead of stone. It's a fix to avoid the cobble to drop the wrong type of stone. If you want to get stone, just craft the cobble back to stone.


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Oh ok, thanks. I'd just remembered Dunk saying that this shouldn't happen in one of his update vids.


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It would be nice to have update to know the status of the bugfix. Is there any plan for hotfix 12 or will we get build 77?

Bug report: Forge laging the game

Suggested category: Annoying

Description: When a forge is cooling down, just when it get cold, it seems to go on/off quickly (it's flashing) and when it's flashing, the game start to lag. After some time, maybe one minute or less, the flashing stop.

Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: Yes (I used to have a bug with a door and It was fixed by deleting the config file, so I assume it's ok).

Bug report:

Suggested category: Minor

Description: The wheat and wheat grain texture is the same. It's just a texture to change, so for users of texture pack, it doesn't matter, but you should fix it. Only affect the people who don't use texture pack.

Bug report:

Suggested category: Minor

Description: The anvil textures are mixed, #8 should be Bis bronze, #9 black bronze and #10 rose gold, right now, bis bronze have #8, Rose gold #9 and Black bronze #10. I can fix it myself by renaming the texture, but most people might not notice or know how to do.


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Bug report: One hit death

Suggested category: Severe

Description: I tried to run TFC on "mcpc-plus-1.5.1-R0.3-SNAPSHOT-f656-349" core. After installing latest PlayerAPI I got succesfull launche of server - no crashes, everything worked great, but when I try to login on server I get a problem with spawning. I'm gettin hit once when spawning and that coses death, every hit coses death. No crashes in consol or client - just one hit death. If needed Iwill share the client and server which I made.

Also I can say that no other mods or plugins was not install'd on server or client side.

Here is link to MCPC+ core: click me

Link to MCPC+ version history: click me

Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: No

Pastebin of the error report if this bug produces one Nothing at all...


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I found tree... oh three bugs.


Chiseled wooden blocks looks like treated as a stone.

It's too hard to break by punch or axes, but easy by pickaxe.


When cutting down a tree, leaves remains, and break one of them, disappear all.

If leaf blocks remained too many(not only Sequoia. e.x. Douglas Far woods too), breaking it cause a crash.


When breaking a forge, it's drop an item "forge", can put anywhere and use as normal.


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HF11: The bottom texture for metallurgy and scribing table blocks uses the same texture as the sides.


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Very irritating bugs (spontaneous items drop):

1. When you open TFC crafting block and move the item or item stack along the empty inventory slots or hand action bar, it may drop.

2. The same effect is observed when moving between inventory or action bar and some TFC crafting block.

3. Similar effect when you open TFC crafting block and split item stacks or combine same ... sometimes you replace block, sometimes drop part of item stack, and sometimes combined (only the last two split).


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Crash when attempting to place a block on the block underneath a chiseled block.


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I'm getting spontaneous crashes, with v this v showing up in the console:

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to TFC.WorldGen.TFCBiome

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at TFC.ClientProxy.waterColorMultiplier(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFluid.func_71920_b(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_78621_p(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_78612_b(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer.func_78907_a(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72716_a(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at

2013-04-21 13:25:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at


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