Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Rendering whitout rendering blocks to show distance .

7 posts in this topic

Firstly i am not a person of knowledge of any moding or any coding , but i will try to describe the action , please post comments on this thread to correct me if i am wrong or to discus about the suggestion and its improvements !

-This will (my thought) increase the view of the player whitout rendering wast majorities of blocks .

-The thing that anoyed me the most is that i was not able to orient myself in any way whit low power computers , this is not just a problem for low power computers but even for powerful computers , i do not know how explain myself better but i am sure there is a way for my explanation and for this thing!

Shoot at will!

1.Creating the world

2.Once the world is created minecraft renders all the chunks that are in the sight radius of a human being

3.Minecraft memorizes the block textures of the blocks that are located on the minimum ground level and any block above exposed to air

4.Minecraft unreders those chunks

5.Minecraft renders the regular chunks

6.Minecraft presents the textures of the inviroment that are away from the old ("normal minecraft") rendered chunks as it would any rendered normal block

This might result in a lag spike at the world creation , but if such a thing was possible to exist (farlands) then im sure that this will be possible again

I am sorry if i am wrong in any way , or if my suggestion is just silly and not worth even considering........

Thoughts please!


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what i'd like to see is the render distance gradually loze detail the further the render goes, thus enlightening the burden while allowing for a larger view distance (i think :D) also, once the 'dropoff of quality' border starts, no blocks would get updated.


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what i'd like to see is the render distance gradually loze detail the further the render goes, thus enlightening the burden while allowing for a larger view distance (i think :D) also, once the 'dropoff of quality' border starts, no blocks would get updated.

Lod? Why not just use optifine? Minecraft isn't made for proper graphics optimisation.


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because optifine drop off at the max of your render distance, i want the render distance itself to be imrpoved by the details slowly becoming lesser, which would in turn put a lessened tax on your PC, which in turns allows for a longer render distance (again, not sure if its even possible/profitable to do this, but it'd allow players to get that landscape feel we lack now, because at far, at the max, its just BOOM WORLD ENDS (which sucsk for mountaineerers like me)


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There was recently a suggestion thread on MC forums about a more optimized chunk loading system that used 3D chunks rather than 2D (the current system). In other words, the game renders visible sections of the terrain, as it does now, but truncates each chunk vertically so that everything down to bedrock isn't rendered until a player can actively see it. It's explained better on the thread:

In theory, this would allow you to see for miles with little overhead.


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There was recently a suggestion thread on MC forums about a more optimized chunk loading system that used 3D chunks rather than 2D (the current system). In other words, the game renders visible sections of the terrain, as it does now, but truncates each chunk vertically so that everything down to bedrock isn't rendered until a player can actively see it. It's explained better on the thread:

In theory, this would allow you to see for miles with little overhead.

That would be nice.


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There was recently a suggestion thread on MC forums about a more optimized chunk loading system that used 3D chunks rather than 2D (the current system). In other words, the game renders visible sections of the terrain, as it does now, but truncates each chunk vertically so that everything down to bedrock isn't rendered until a player can actively see it. It's explained better on the thread:

In theory, this would allow you to see for miles with little overhead.

There is already a 3d chunks mod out there, its just incompatible with everything, if TFC could make its own version of it, then amazing things would be possible.

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