Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Torches burn out!

15 posts in this topic

Torches burn out after random period of time, and all torches burn out during rain if outside. Torches could be re-lit with either another torch or flint and steel.

I love the addition of warmth ! This mod is quickly becoming the phoenix rising from the ashes of unrealworld. Great work guys!

Maybe an indoor fireplace in the near future ? I bet you already have that planned!


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Maybe this could be done, but only after mob spawn rules are drastically changed. You wouldn't want to come back to your house after a journey only to find it filled with creepers and zombies, right?


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Indoor fireplace could emit light for a long time, even after the fire has burned out, the embers could maybe still shine. That would be cool.

Or! maybe allowing us to craft a lantern using animal fat. this animal fat could be obtained by crafting a peice of mutton with any knife. This lantern would burn significantly longer than torches but would still eventually burn out.


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How would this transition to multiplayer?

I do not want to spawn in a dark room and be attacked by creepers every time I relog into a server.


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Ok, I've thought about this for a while, and the only thing i could come up with actually doesn't relate to light at all.

first i went to complex things like some sort of code to check if its indoors, check for a door and a roof and all that.

but that seemed confusing and probably quite impractical. But then i thought of flooring, a new block.

This flooring block would be a half slab of any type of wood you make it. Made with the standard tfc planks. But would require the entire 3x3 of the planks for 1 sheet of flooring.

This half slab could only be placed on the TOP half of the box area to avoid any conflicts with interior space. As in this wouldn't be like snow or anything like that, it would be flush with a full sized block next to it.

This flooring block would never allow spawning of mobs. no matter of the light conditions. I don't know. I tried :D


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That sounds unnecessarily limitting. Honestly, we'll have to wait for TFC2 before we can even have torches that burn out. If I remember right, dunk said something about removing the hostile mobs, and replacing them with better threats.


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Why wait?

Just a skeleton re textured could be a good bandit archer couldnt it? But you still wouldnt want mobs to spawn inside of your house.

I think being able to designate an indoor area would fix that.


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A lot of other bits of the game would need to change before torches burning out wouldn't be somewhere between "game-breaking" and "really annoying".

Personally i don't think the game needs more mindless clicking (continual torch re-lighting), and i really don't see how torches burning out adds anything good to gameplay.

If you want to gimp torches somehow so that more advanced "lanterns" or "lamps" are superior, then decreasing the light output of torches a couple levels seems a better option.


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So, all of this has been talked to death several times over the last year or so. Basically there are things that Bioxx wanted to add to tfc, like temps and enviornmental hazards related to exposure to extreme heat and cold. But was running into trouble because of all the codeing sidetracks he has taken causeing great difficulty sorting through and adding new things such as this. Not sure if he still has a desire to go on wish the thermal stuff but if so id look for it to show up in tfc2.

Burning out lights, also suggested and fought over several times. The "realistic immersion" seems cool, but in the end its just more annoying stuff to micromanage imo.


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Maybe this could be done, but only after mob spawn rules are drastically changed. You wouldn't want to come back to your house after a journey only to find it filled with creepers and zombies, right?

This quote needs to be more noticed. The lighting changes are there so that LIGHTING can be more realistic. Perpetual light sources from throwing a stick in a fire lacks believability. The reason it's a problem that turns into "pointless button-clicking" is because of the equally-unbelievable link between mob spawns and light levels. If it didn't affect your base's safety to leave the storeroom dark when you weren't in it, would you really bother keeping the lights on all the time? Maybe a few would for a while because of overly-ingrained habits of light=safe from vanilla, but most of us would just stop worrying about it, and find ways to keep most or all rooms lit be exterior lighting.

So, as turtle says in that quote: as soon as mob spawns are decoupled from light levels, the torch change goes from bad idea to good. At present it's bad, but that's because the perpetual torch is compensating for bigger flaws in Minecraft's design.


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to take a midway, perhaps it could be coded that mobs spawning is determined by SOLAR energy instead, with them spawning in areas without solar energy, (to compensate for safety, areas should be made capable to secure from mobs (as a mid game thing, it adds to the difficulty to deal with mobs every now and then, even in 'safe' areas such as your house, although the AI should be changed to prevent INFINITY SKELETON/SPIDER CAMPING YO BED!


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to take a midway, perhaps it could be coded that mobs spawning is determined by SOLAR energy instead, with them spawning in areas without solar energy, (to compensate for safety, areas should be made capable to secure from mobs (as a mid game thing, it adds to the difficulty to deal with mobs every now and then, even in 'safe' areas such as your house, although the AI should be changed to prevent INFINITY SKELETON/SPIDER CAMPING YO BED!

What do you even mean by that? I don't see how this could be done besides some method of making an enclosed space, closed off by doors that is, impervious to mob spawns. And for that matter, I don't know if that'd work well. Caves wouldn't be able to have mobs spawn if you did things right. I think this is something for TFC3 if by that point we have human AI that act as bandits, enemy soldiers (maybe we could have factions), rogues, and basic murderers.


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Or! maybe allowing us to craft a lantern using animal fat. this animal fat could be obtained by crafting a peice of mutton with any knife. This lantern would burn significantly longer than torches but would still eventually burn out.

Did you knowingly refer to http://www.minecraft.../topic/1535985- or just have no idea that mod existed ? He had planned TFC compatability not sure if he ever did implement it though.


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No, i didn't see that at all. And im the type of person who skims through the modlist every couple of days.

That is so awesome.


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