Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Wool Comb as a stone-age alternative to Shears

14 posts in this topic

Before metal was cheap and common (and before wooly sheep were bred, for that matter) there was a process called rooing for removing the wool from sheep, generally in the spring. It survives as a process with certain breeds like the Shetland, the Soay, and the Northern European short-tailed sheep. Rooing is performed with combs, and therefore I propose a Comb tool to shear sheep without metal.

The recipe would be simple: one Plank and three to five sticks.


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If this was balanced with the comb breaking quickly and yielding very little wool, i think it would work.


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It would work if we defined how wool worked, does shearing a sheep or combing it really get us more wool than impaling it with our swords or turning it into a pincushion with our arrows?


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It would work if we defined how wool worked, does shearing a sheep or combing it really get us more wool than impaling it with our swords or turning it into a pincushion with our arrows?

No, but it doesn't kill the sheep, couple this with making sheep rarer and it would be an ideal solution until one could make a animal pen.


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There needs to be something like this.

It is implausible and annoying that killing sheep is the only way to get wool before you leave the stone age.


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Here's a simple one: do what vanilla Minecraft does. Rooing or killing a sheep results in only one Wool. Shearing it gives 2-4.


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But then the wool-to-yarn recipe needs to be adjusted. Right now one wool translates into 8 yarn which makes 2 fabric.

Fun fact: You actually need to kill less sheep than in vanilla to make a bed. Two dead sheep make you a bed, three dead sheep make you two beds.

In light of that, I don't think there's much of a need for rooing yet. Wool fabric isn't even used for anything other than beds yet, IIRC. Of course, if clothing is ever implemented (and made necessary), then having a reliable early-game way to procure at least small amounts of wool without genociding sheep populations might be good to have.


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You use a knife on the sheep hide to get the wool, right?

Why not on the living sheep?

The sheep would need intense therapy afterwards, but it gets to live ;)

To make it more balanced, you would only get a wool scrap.

And to make one wool, you would need 9 wool scraps.


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You use a knife on the sheep hide to get the wool, right?

Why not on the living sheep?

The sheep would need intense therapy afterwards, but it gets to live ;)

To make it more balanced, you would only get a wool scrap.

And to make one wool, you would need 9 wool scraps.

I like that. Maybe you would be able to scrap the sheep several times, but it will run away after each one as if it was hit.

However, now that I think about that, it's kind of annoying.


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I like the knife idea rather than create a new single purpose tool.

Rather than add a useless item, wool scraps, the wool-to-yarn recipe should be adjusted so that all methods of getting wool are balanced against each other, and none produces too much cloth.

In light of that, I don't think there's much of a need for rooing yet. Wool fabric isn't even used for anything other than beds yet, IIRC. Of course, if clothing is ever implemented (and made necessary), then having a reliable early-game way to procure at least small amounts of wool without genociding sheep populations might be good to have.

The point of the new cloth and recent work on temperature seems to be for clothing. If clothing will be necessary, it needs to be accessible in the stone age.

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Rather than add a useless item, wool scraps, the wool-to-yarn recipe should be adjusted so that all methods of getting wool are balanced against each other, and none produces too much cloth.

What if that cloth was used as a form of colorful decoration, like in the ancient temples and castles of old? Kinda like the drapery in Egypt and Rome with flags and ribbons for colorful ceremonies and displays were used to promote statehood? I know it doesn't make much sense in SSP, but in multiplayer, it would create another theme based option to decorate your town or city with, maybe?


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Here's a simple one: do what vanilla Minecraft does. Rooing or killing a sheep results in only one Wool. Shearing it gives 2-4.

But we have sheepskin now. There is no more wool blocks or wool. And you still shouldn't have to kill sheep. Even a stone age shearing tool would be nice.


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I like that. Maybe you would be able to scrap the sheep several times, but it will run away after each one as if it was hit.

However, now that I think about that, it's kind of annoying.

Isn't that kind of the point?


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With the way animals are handled in the future, I'll do this as a compromise: Wild sheep cannot have their wool taken other than by killing them. Sheep in your herd (ie, tamer in some way) can be separated from the flock and tethered somewhere while you remove the wool with a knife, for 1 wool. Shears are wrought iron level, so I guess we can make those give 2 wool.


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