Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Serious frame rate issues

13 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,

When playing minecraft I have a very decent amount of fps, at least when my graphics are at the lowest. But when playing TFC my fps is horribly low. It even goes to 0 fps for a few seconds when breaking/placing blocks.

Is it normal that TFC has lower fps? Is there something I can do about this? Or is my laptop just not strong enough?



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TFC uses up a lot more RAM and CPU, currently the standard minecraft launcher

does not assign enough RAM to even play TFC properly. (256MB RAM).

I suggest you downlad the new TFC Launcher.

Otherwise you can start up minecraft manually with a batch script.

This allows you to assign enough RAM to java.

  • Alright start up your text-editor, name the file whatever you like.
  • Now copy the following into your .txt file.
java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m  -cp "%APPDATA%.minecraftbinminecraft.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinjinput.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl_util.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%.minecraftbinnatives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraft

Depending on how much RAM your computer has, you can assign an amount of RAM to minecraft.

after the -Xms and the -Xmx you can type how much RAM in megabytes MB.

Remember that 1 Gigabyte GB, is 1024 MB and to avoid confusion keep this to the gigabytes.

Also remember to double the amount you typed after the -Xms when you type after -Xmx .

  • Rename the file from .txt to .bat , and and open your commmand line cmd.exe.
  • click and drag the .bat file into the window and press Enter.

Voila there you go :P


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TFC uses up a lot more RAM and CPU, currently the standard minecraft launcher

does not assign enough RAM to even play TFC properly. (256MB RAM).

I suggest you downlad the new TFC Launcher.

Otherwise you can start up minecraft manually with a batch script.

This allows you to assign enough RAM to java.

  • Alright start up your text-editor, name the file whatever you like.
  • Now copy the following into your .txt file.
java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m  -cp "%APPDATA%.minecraftbinminecraft.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinjinput.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl_util.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%.minecraftbinnatives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraft

Depending on how much RAM your computer has, you can assign an amount of RAM to minecraft.

after the -Xms and the -Xmx you can type how much RAM in megabytes MB.

Remember that 1 Gigabyte GB, is 1024 MB and to avoid confusion keep this to the gigabytes.

Also remember to double the amount you typed after the -Xms when you type after -Xmx .

  • Rename the file from .txt to .bat , and and open your commmand line cmd.exe.
  • click and drag the .bat file into the window and press Enter.

Voila there you go :P

Windows doesn't normally allow for renaming the file extension. Without explaining how to turn that on the simple solution is to just "save as" and select "all files" and change the extension from .txt to .bat.

Also you don't need to run it from command prompt, that's just to keep it open if an error happens.

Also 1 and 2 gigs is a bit much. Less is more in minecraft and a value between 512 and 1024 is best.


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As I suggested in another thread, you can also add a second line to the batch file with the word pause in it so that the command line stays open if the batch file doesn't work. This will allow you to see any error message that comes up. Also if you wish to rename extensions in windows just click on organize>search and folder options. Then go to the view sub section and uncheck the "hide extensions of known file types" box. This should allow the changing of file extensions using the rename file function.


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Thanks for all your replies!

The thing is: I already use the TFC Launcher.

Build 75 was the first time I tried to play TFC, but I couldn't get the mod to work with Forge because Forge wouldn't install properly (I'm not that great with computers...). So I immediately used the Launcher when it came with build 76.

Do I need to change something in the Launcher's settings to assign more RAM to my game?


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Just make a windows batch file according to the directions given by dukejuke. For ease of use though you may want to use the following code instead of the one he gives.

java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -jar "TFCLauncher.jar"


Once it is made put the file into the same folder as the launcher and click on the batch file, not the launcher, to start the game with the altered settings. You will always have to start the game with the batch file though because the settings are not permanent.

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I followed your instructions and played the game for about half an hour.

I do feel like the game runs smoother indeed. It's still somewhat choppy though. I think I get about 5-15 fps most of the times (before it was more about 0-10 fps). I still get 0 fps sometimes, but it's rarer than before.

Do you guys have some more tips for me? Or would that be the most I can pour out of my computer?

Asigning more RAM wouldn't be a good idea?

Thanks for all your help!


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What CPU and video card do you have, out of interest?


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Intel Core i3 CPU M380 @ 2.53 GHz

Display Adapter: Intel HD Graphics

4.00 GB RAM


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lol.......i got a good video card (1Gig) but all minecraft can find is the Intel HD Graphics too.


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Have you placed any barrels? Some other threads suggest that they totally kill FPS and memory in the current build.


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Yep, that is what my friend and I have found on our server. We were joking about griefing with barrel lag.


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Have you placed any barrels? Some other threads suggest that they totally kill FPS and memory in the current build.

Not yet. I was planning to, but I figured it wasn't necessary as long as I haven't gathered some flux to make limewater.

Thanks for the warning though, I'll try it on a different map (not my main world).


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