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[B76H11] Lazuli, ingot stacks, and bloomeries

5 posts in this topic

Earlier I posted this in a long thread but in retrospect I suppose I should've made it its own thread. I also figured out what ore was missing.

  • Lapis Lazuli ore still does not have a name, and thus causes the "Traces of [blank]" type errors
  • [add] Unable to place ingots in stacks. Doing so causes ingots to become unusable and they must be discarded. (Has this feature been removed?) I have not tried with too many metals, but it happened with copper.
  • [add] After throwing a load of magnetite in a bloomery it becomes unusable and must be re-crafted. The pig iron comes out but the coal doesn't get used up. I didn't have this happen with any prior ore yet, but it has happened every time with magnetite.

There may be other ores missing names, but I did confirm LL is missing it.


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  • [add] Unable to place ingots in stacks. Doing so causes ingots to become unusable and they must be discarded. (Has this feature been removed?) I have not tried with too many metals, but it happened with copper.

I was not able to reproduce the issue with the information you gave

I am able to stack ingots in my inventory up to 32 when cold, and able to stack them on the ground (when cold too). What do you mean by "unusable" ? Of course, you will need to heat them back to work on an anvil.

  • [add] After throwing a load of magnetite in a bloomery it becomes unusable and must be re-crafted. The pig iron comes out but the coal doesn't get used up. I didn't have this happen with any prior ore yet, but it has happened every time with magnetite.

I was able to properly smelt magnetite.

Magnetite is iron and platinum. Did you took the platinum too? if you don't, the bloomery will not accept any other kind of ore as it is loaded with magnetite. The name of the ore loaded in the bloomery is written in the gui. It will disappear when there is no more ore and output. It's the same for the other double metal ore (galena and tetrahedrite). You can still put more ore of the same type even if you don't take the second metal.

The Lapis issue look like a but, I can not confirm as you can not spawn ore/mineral blocks in creative.


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I am able to stack ingots in my inventory up to 32 when cold, and able to stack them on the ground (when cold too). What do you mean by "unusable" ? Of course, you will need to heat them back to work on an anvil.

I let the ingots cool right down before trying to stack them on the ground. Trying to lay them down did nothing, and then once I had done so I could no longer put the ingots into anything including my forge to heat them back up, nor would they stack in inventory. I could move them around in my inventory individually, but being unable to heat them back up meant they were unusable. It treated them like they weren't ingots anymore. I tried just tossing them away and picking them back up again, but it didn't help.

Magnetite is iron and platinum. Did you took the platinum too? if you don't, the bloomery will not accept any other kind of ore as it is loaded with magnetite.

I'm aware of the ores and what metals they are composed of. I suspect the bug is somehow related to double-metal ores and after smelting much more magnetite, it seems to be entirely unpredictable when it will occur. I just couldn't get it to reproduce consistently, but it did continue to happen in a variety of ways, some of which are very similar to some other bugs others have described. Sometimes it would happen as I described above, but I played around more so here's a more complete description of that event sequence.

  • Magnetite in, pig iron out, and throwing in another ceramic won't extract the platinum. Also the charcoal bar does not go down and stays up high even though the ore bar dropped to empty.
  • The bloomery will eventually burn through the charcoal and cool down, but it stays lit. Trying to put in more ceramics still doesn't extract any ore at any point in time, and any ceramic that goes in will come back out unstackable (as though it has phantom metal in it or something).
  • The bloomery is at this point unusable as depositing more ore and charcoal will at first appear to follow the normal course of events, but upon extraction only a tiny volume of pig iron comes out. This will be the case for future loads as well, so it's basically just chucking away a ton of ore.
Another thing that happens extracts pig iron, but it stays lit even though the charcoal bar burns down. In this case, throwing in either empty ceramics or ones with some platinum in them does not extract platinum, however as soon as you chuck more charcoal in, the bloomery instantly fills up to full and the platinum can now be extracted. If you threw any ore in before the charcoal, that ore disappears. Then the bloomery resets and is usable as normal.

There's a few other weird random things that happened too... mostly with extracting that platinum. Sometimes I'd only be able to pull half the product bar out with pig iron, then have to extract the platinum before being able to get the rest of the pig iron. Sometimes putting in a partially filled platinum ceramic would extract no platinum, but putting in a new empty ceramic would extract it just fine.

So yeah... it's really random, happens in a variety of ways, and nothing is reliably reproduceable. I have found a little bit of tetrahedrite, but not enough to test it much. I got a traces-hit on some galena though which tends to come in big veins, so hopefully I can test it better with that and see if the same thing occurs with other double-metal ores. I have a shit-ton of marking to do this weekend though, so probably no update for a few days.

Oh, I should add that overall after so many loads, a bug occurred only about maybe ~40% of the time. I burned through a LOT of magnetite trying to figure out what the heck was happening.


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iv had the same problem where i cant stack ingots on the ground :/ odd


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I'll test it a bit more to see what I get. In my survival world I only have tier 0 and copper. I am mostly building / planing my town right now and I have enough base metal to do it. Might mine more next week.

fallonskym did you shift + right click to place the ingot? it should work.


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