Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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TFC Addon : SionoiS's Town Protection Mods(Town protection in a more TFC way !)

18 posts in this topic

Sounds interesting dude, if you wanna add TFC support, do it!


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hmm, a block specifically causing players that die within certain boundaries to spawn in prison? what if you're griefer killed? you'd be stuck in their prison, also TFC blocks can be punched through (eventually) although the basic idea is useable, try to figure out a manner to distinguish the native players from the griefers


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hmm, a block specifically causing players that die within certain boundaries to spawn in prison? what if you're griefer killed? you'd be stuck in their prison, also TFC blocks can be punched through (eventually) although the basic idea is useable, try to figure out a manner to distinguish the native players from the griefers

Nothing special , just my intrige!

This reminds me of a show that was about prison escapes , the prisoners really did do that , except they covered it up whit small paper paint so the guards don't see!

Something special just my thought!

What if there wasn't a death sistem but instead the player would be lying on the ground , randomly (or determined) in some possitions , he would be knocked out , or be able to move 1mm/s until he recovers or mends his wonds , if the player is in that state the mob will not atack him or kill him but will walk away to a certain point , but another player will be able to drag him , using a leash and a horse or by hand , this would alow prisons , and some difficulty aswell ! But he would die if he was thrown into fire or walked into lava !

Just think about it , walking in a cave exploring it , then you hear sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh................. ! BOOM! ! ! !And a skleton infront of you , you fall on the ground or off a cliff or ravine near you , drop on you're back , bleeding or in pain , 1 leg could't move ,or an arm , no more monsters in sight , then you use (insert first aid here) and are lossing speed slowly , you pull you're strenght and sprint to the exit (some sort of buff that will slow you when mended ) draging you're leg , arow wised behind you , and you barely recover (maybe fractured bones implemented ? They could heal after a certain time , its not like they would prevent you from building)

Also on the battlefield , you are knocked out and are going to burn or going to be emprisoned to not be able to attack again !

Griefers ? Report them to the admin , he will let you free , and ban the griefer !

Could this work for normal tfc?


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what if you're griefer killed? you'd be stuck in their prison

Well i'm trying to fix this ! My idea is : if you die but your bed was there before the prison block was placed you respawn at bed location BUT in prison if you place it after or no bed.

That way you can defend your town until griefers/raiders are dead.(standard terms definitions for griefer vs raiders would be great in this forum)

also TFC blocks can be punched through (eventually)

wood prison?


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all blocks but obsidian and bedrock can (eventually) be punched through i think, so wood wouldnt work, also, i die, respawn at bed, griefer kills em and my bed, i am now making people drop soap in prison...

i was thinking more of a: find a way to add people to a list of safe folk, together with a timer for the bad peoples list causing them to go to prison for a set amount of time (you can set it)

its difficult, but mods somewhat like this DO exist...good luck, i'd like to play in a server using this for it allows for safety and actual policing.

(also, tackle the problem that arises if im not on the list but a new guy, walk in the town, and get killed by the inhabitant gone mad.)


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all blocks but obsidian and bedrock can (eventually) be punched through i think, so wood wouldnt work,

TFC tree can't be cut bare hand.

i die, respawn at bed, griefer kills me and my bed, i am now making people drop soap in prison...

It doesn't really work that way, it's not the bed block that is important it's where your suppose to respawn. Anyway if you lose the battle it's their town now !

i was thinking more of a: find a way to add people to a list of safe folk, together with a timer for the bad peoples list causing them to go to prison for a set amount of time (you can set it) its difficult, but mods somewhat like this DO exist...good luck, i'd like to play in a server using this for it allows for safety and actual policing. (also, tackle the problem that arises if im not on the list but a new guy, walk in the town, and get killed by the inhabitant gone mad.)

Hmm.... i can't do that i'm just not good enough :(

any idea for a recipe ? maybe metal+raw stone?



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TFC tree can't be cut bare hand.

Sure they can. You just need to keep punching them long enough.

But there are other ways to keep anyone from being able to break anything.

A hint for you...take a closer look at netminecraftforgeevent folder :)


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If you want ideas for how to expand/redo this mod there is no shortage in the kingdoms thread in the suggestions section just now they you may never find your way out, it is a real mess in there.


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Some thoughts on how to make this better:

1) If possible, don't change a player's spawn point until they actually die in the prison area.

2) Some kind of warning that you're entering or close to (about to enter) a prison area, so you can avoid griefer traps or losing your current spawn point. "Warning: Prison protected area 16 blocks north". If #1 is implemented, then you can just warn when entering since the spawn won't change until you die.

3) A way for the person who creates the prison to setup a whitelist of people who won't be imprisoned.

4) How do you let someone out of prison?


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1) If possible, don't change a player's spawn point until they actually die in the prison area.

What if a greifer destroy your things and you kill him outside the AoE he won't be in your prison. ATM you can chase him until he sleep in a bed.

2) Some kind of warning that you're entering or close to (about to enter) a prison area, so you can avoid griefer traps or losing your current spawn point. "Warning: Prison protected area 16 blocks north". If #1 is implemented, then you can just warn when entering since the spawn won't change until you die.

1 : To create a prison block you need a lot of stuff so noway a greifer that don't want to play the game can have one.

2 : Town with a prison block would built a Inn with bed at the entrance of the AoE for traveler/merchant so if they die on there way home they don't respawn in your prison.

3 : Just be careful ! it's dangerous outside you know.

4 : There no perfect system.

3) A way for the person who creates the prison to setup a whitelist of people who won't be imprisoned.

I want a system that is not static and don't require player input so no.

4) How do you let someone out of prison?

Hmm.. did you try the mod ? The actual prison is want you put on top of my prison block not the block itself.

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Hey man this looks cool. I'll consider adding this to our server. We have a griefing OK policy but people still complain about griefing. It gets annoying. I'd like to see a system that allows punishment for misbehaving so I dont really have to ban people from my server.


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New guard mod see first post !


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Some thoughts on how to make this better:1) If possible, don't change a player's spawn point until they actually die in the prison area.2) Some kind of warning that you're entering or close to (about to enter) a prison area, so you can avoid griefer traps or losing your current spawn point. "Warning: Prison protected area 16 blocks north". If #1 is implemented, then you can just warn when entering since the spawn won't change until you die.3) A way for the person who creates the prison to setup a whitelist of people who won't be imprisoned.4) How do you let someone out of prison?


I agree that a warning message should be added, especially for neutral or simply exploring players who are not griefers. This would make (1) unnecessary if fair and clear warning is given. However, if the warning range is too much greater than the jail range, it would also make hidden (deep underground or sky fortress) bases much easier to find, especially if the range is in chunks from ceiling to bedrock.


Maybe a number of warnings (every 1 or 2 seconds, total three warnings) while inside the jail range would be fair enough before it changes the spawn point.


As it is I think it's way too harsh on other players who might just be passing through and got attacked... or possibly died much later and very far away  without even knowing their spawn point got moved to an inescapable prison. Also, a smart and determined player could locate the prison block and possibly destroy it before they got killed unless it is inside other invulnerable blocks.


Currently the prison would need to be made of vanilla obsidian, which can be gotten with wooden buckets of water on lava, and an iron or better pick. Practically anything else (other than bedrock) could be very slowly punched open if a griefer is patient enough, unless the jail room is a death trap - filled with water, surrounded by lava, or spawns into a very long fall. While this is amusing it would not be fun to make a mistake on your own bed spawn and get stuck in your own jail the next time you died.


I think there does need to be some player input and bit more control, perhaps a second block/spawn point to release innocent players or even yourself.   


Both of these mods might do a decent job of stopping a random shithead griefer on a non-whitelisted server (which unfortunately there are a lot of) but not experienced players who spent a few hours or days building up for a raid.


As for the guard mod, until there is a whitelist for it there is no point in having allies or trying to work together in the game if a clone of you attacks anyone when you log out... or get disconnected for any reason. I think that should be fixed asap. :)


Dunno, I'm still messing with it on Sion's test server TerraCiv. Needs more players. :)


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I agree that a warning message should be added, especially for neutral or simply exploring players who are not griefers. This would make (1) unnecessary if fair and clear warning is given. However, if the warning range is too much greater than the jail range, it would also make hidden (deep underground or sky fortress) bases much easier to find, especially if the range is in chunks from ceiling to bedrock.


Maybe a number of warnings (every 1 or 2 seconds, total three warnings) while inside the jail range would be fair enough before it changes the spawn point.


As it is I think it's way too harsh on other players who might just be passing through and got attacked... or possibly died much later and very far away  without even knowing their spawn point got moved to an inescapable prison. Also, a smart and determined player could locate the prison block and possibly destroy it before they got killed unless it is inside other invulnerable blocks.


Currently the prison would need to be made of vanilla obsidian, which can be gotten with wooden buckets of water on lava, and an iron or better pick. Practically anything else (other than bedrock) could be very slowly punched open if a griefer is patient enough, unless the jail room is a death trap - filled with water, surrounded by lava, or spawns into a very long fall. While this is amusing it would not be fun to make a mistake on your own bed spawn and get stuck in your own jail the next time you died.


I think there does need to be some player input and bit more control, perhaps a second block/spawn point to release innocent players or even yourself.   


Both of these mods might do a decent job of stopping a random shithead griefer on a non-whitelisted server (which unfortunately there are a lot of) but not experienced players who spent a few hours or days building up for a raid.


As for the guard mod, until there is a whitelist for it there is no point in having allies or trying to work together in the game if a clone of you attacks anyone when you log out... or get disconnected for any reason. I think that should be fixed asap. :)


Dunno, I'm still messing with it on Sion's test server TerraCiv. Needs more players. :)



About a warning : First it would be easy to add i might test it BUT any kind of ambush using a prison block would not work. Limiting warfare possibilities i think is a bad thing.


The real reason behind those mods is fair PVP on a town vs town basis which is lacking in minecraft in general. If it's not what you want go play with MyTown plugin or idk...


Part of the problem your mentioning is solved if players have friends to free them/pay a ransom/declare war on who put them in prison.( In an ideal world.)


The problem I see is more ethical : Will you step up and do what you can to free another player who been imprisoned unfairly even if you don't know him ?


Now the friend list for guard mod is a technical problem : first i don't have time second i would need help because i admit i'm not really good at coding would not even know where to start !


Thanks for your post. Discussion like this really help make better mod.


edit: new forum post visual is weird...


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Message to any coder/developer if you would be interested to improve those mods i could provide source code !


I can no longer continue to work on those.


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