Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

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lol it says to me "kicked by an operator"


:/ i have you whitelisted. come to TS?


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um have i been white listed yet? i added my ign age and reason yesterday but there is no message concerning the go or nogo to me being allowed to play


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um have i been white listed yet? i added my ign age and reason yesterday but there is no message concerning the go or nogo to me being allowed to play


everyone (i think) that has asked is now whitelisted. you can double  check the first post as i keep a list there.


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WOOT! I'm still locked out of my main machine until I finish installing ArchLinux. But, I expect to come to a stopping point in about an hour or so.



Also, when can we expect Smart Moving to be operational?


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WOOT! I'm still locked out of my main machine until I finish installing ArchLinux. But, I expect to come to a stopping point in about an hour or so.



Also, when can we expect Smart Moving to be operational?





once im happy that the server is as stable as it can be. i will leave it running a day or so, just to make sure there are no 'gotchas' before trying to add it back.


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once im happy that the server is as stable as it can be. i will leave it running a day or so, just to make sure there are no 'gotchas' before trying to add it back.


Sounds great, thanks for the time you've put into the server. About 15 minutes away from getting in-game!


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updating to 77.9 right now...


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We are now on v77.9 with a new world. the update generated some chunk/block errors and those are a real pain to fix and generally beyond my MC admin skills. so fresh world it is :)


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also, i will waiting for the hotfixes to stablize before i try adding smart moving back. just fyi. so probably several more days if not a week or two


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server seems to be dying in the middle of the night due to running out of memory. i will try to rework the restart schedule later today. let me know when it goes down please.


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IGN: wizard0188


Looks like the perfect time to join the server (fresh world ^^)


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I would like to be whitelisted, please! My IGN is Sillysal404. 


Thanks so much!




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How playable is 160 ping I wonder. Whitelist please.


IGN: hose_ja


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i would like to join :)IGN: shady3



IGN: wizard0188


Looks like the perfect time to join the server (fresh world ^^)



I would like to be whitelisted, please! My IGN is Sillysal404. 


Thanks so much!





How playable is 160 ping I wonder. Whitelist please.


IGN: hose_ja



you all are whitelisted now.


a 160ms ping is good. <60 is awesome, 60-300 is good, 300-1000 is laggy, and >1000 can make a game unplayable, depending on what it is


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restarts are scheduled ever 4 hours starting at midnight GMT -5


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server crashed @ 11PM GMT-6



another java memory error. i will have to see if i can fix it, but im not sure i can.


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My IGN is Assasaintor21 (I know it is spelt wrong...)


I have ts3 I believe...


So yeah just saying I'm really new to tfc so plz do't make fun of me. :P 


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My IGN is Assasaintor21 (I know it is spelt wrong...)


I have ts3 I believe...


So yeah just saying I'm really new to tfc so plz do't make fun of me. :P




you have been whitelisted. i will be updating to 77.10 (or 77.11 if it gets released) this weekend.


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Hey tried connecting to the server and it said I'm not whitelisted. :( Could you please fix this problem asap..


IGN Assasainator21


Regards Assasainator21


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