Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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stacking food

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so i have been playing around in the old alpha versions of the game and i realised a really interesting thing about how things changed because of stackable food. usualy in the old games you would go out with a bit of food usualy a couple of porkchops or wheat like i did because you dont have the inventory space to take with you a years worth of food. when you went out to fight or explore you would then take things acording to what you need like you would take porkchops if you need quick healing because they heal more but you could take wheat that you cant eat directly but could turn into a lot more food.

now with terra firma craft i wonder why not have food behave the same way as in the old alpha. it should only be stackable to one and to be able to bring a lot of food with you, you would have to make a mill to make flower and then bring that flower to be able to bake bread instead of jest bringing 64 steaks and being good for a year in would make going out into the wild a lot harder and more of an adventure where you would have to make outposts to be able to resuply from as well as it would also bring the usefulness of meals up as i don't think that they stack and yet can fill you up better then any one peace of steak.


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Personally, I don't think that the food stack size need to necessarily be reduced to one. Perhaps instead food simply wouldn't last forever without preservation. Individual food items age rapidly and cannot be stacked. However, if preservation techniques such as salting, canning (using jars not metal though), and pickling are applied, then food in different stages of rotting away can be uniformly combined into one entity. This entity can be used multiple times corresponding roughly to the amount of food put in. Therefore when going on a long journey one can bring a few a packages of salted meat and canned fruit along. Even these preserved items do not last forever though (except for possibly canning as long as the seal remains unbroken). However to balance out the convenience of food prepared in this manner, preserved food restores less hunger when compared to fresh food and tends to reduce the thirst bar significantly.


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This reason is dominant :

Kill a cow cant carry the food , food spoils you get hungry or if you carry it you could go exploring but bareback only with food ....

I is neutral , i don't like it being hard and i like it being demanding ....


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So, a single apple takes up the same amount of space as a stack 64 rocks or 32 dirt blocks. Does this make sense to you?


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