Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

8 posts in this topic

I've noticed a bug that's cropped up recently.

After the music plays, I lose all sound in TFC. Has anyone else experienced this?


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yes, although I had not noticed it related to the music.


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Losing sound here as well, but doesnt seem specific to music. Just randomly and no trend that I've noticed.

Seems to be happening on vanilla MC as well tho, so guessing it's not TFC related


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Don't know how useful this is, but the launcher's console (I have to run the launcher with a .bat or it won't launch Minecraft correctly for some reason) spits this at me every time my sound quits on me.

"paulscode.sound.[]" sounds relevant to the issue to me, but I'm not sure. It always takes a good few hours of playtime for the sound to quit on me, but it always happens if I play long enough. I haven't payed attention to what was going on right before the sound quit every time, but the last few times I didn't notice any music kicking in right behorehand. In fact, the last few times, it's happened either right as I started sprinting, or precisely as I broke a bit of tall grass. The stuff won't stop growing on my lawn, I'm breaking it all the time. I didn't think to take this screenshot until a few minutes after the sound quit, it cut out while I was outside 'mowing'. (that's not to say that the music might not have tried (and failed) to kick in at the same instant, but there's no way for me to know if that was the case)

And I just now noticed that I'm playing on build 76 hotfix 17, and the TFC download page lists build 76 hotfix 18. Isn't the launcher supposed to automatically update TFC when you launch it? I'll grab it, maybe it'll fix the problem.


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Paulscode is from Vanilla Minecraft. This is a known vanilla Minecraft issue.


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Really? I've never had this problem with vanilla Minecraft, so I assumed it was TFC-related. Weird.


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I hope this will close the topic.

This is a MC bug. See bug report here and it have been fixed in snapshot 13w21a.


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There is actually a small bug in TFC. It's triggered when it tries to play the 'Terrafirmacraft.ogg' background music, because the actual sound file is called 'TerraFirmaCraft.ogg' (different capitalization), resulting in the sound system dying...

You can fix this yourself by opening the mod zip file with f.ex. 7-Zip and renaming the 'sounds\tfc\music\TerraFirmaCraft.ogg' to 'sounds\tfc\music\Terrafirmacraft.ogg'.

This might not be the only issue, but so far I didn't have another sound problem after doing that.


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