Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

181 posts in this topic

I had combat experience fighting Shadows, though I do not think my current skills will suffice against human and/or beastly opponents.


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*sees the 2 of them take down a semi-boss monster with 2 shots* right, lets go to the next layer of floors, you must have some sort of external exp boost to help us fight through this.


*takes them up to floor 70*


now go ahead and try these mobs, and be very careful if your hp starts falling, switch out with each other at a break in the fight (for example after you stun them with a harsh blow) or, if you are both getting hammered, switch with me.


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*Reloads Colt Detective Special.


*Prepares to assault higher level enemies.


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*Increases influence and expansed moyo


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*witnesses the fastest clearing of floors ever*


what skills do you guys have? all i've heard of are sword skills but you guys seem capable of ranged guys go ahead and tackle all floors up to 75, dont attack the going on a honeymoon with Asuna 


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My skills involve firearms and supernatural abilities.


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aaand im back, time to get this done *breaks through to SDA's world*


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FOOLS! My legacy begins in the 12th century!


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*tears himself a way back in time* whats the matter?


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My mornings always start with a cup of coffee. Remember that!


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Oh no... Not you again...


*Face contorts to cringing disgust.


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*walks in*


i guess someone had mistaken a decaf this morning....


how troublesome...


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Hey! How did you get here? This is a combat zone! Get out of-


IMPERIAL TANK! We need a lancer here, on the double! Get those snipers on those rooftops to provide cover. Shock troopers, I need you to target their infantry whilst covering our lancer. Let's get those engineers to the line and provide support for our troops. Scouts, stay back and provide suppressing fire! 


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Alright, *nods at shirogane*


may i suggest someone would create a diversion from one or two entry points??

*points at a map, a rooftop with a perfect retaliation getaway*


In the meantime i'll see what i can do about that...thing...


*sigh* how troublesome...


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Good idea. I need a fire team of snipers to head to that designated rooftop. They'll distract the Imp shocktroopers while our lancer will take out that tank! Shocktroopers, suppress the enemy to provide cover for our fire team! The rest of you, assume your posts!


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Alright, *nods at shirogane*


may i suggest someone would create a diversion from one or two entry points??

*points at a map, a rooftop with a perfect retaliation getaway*


In the meantime i'll see what i can do about that...thing...


*sigh* how troublesome...

lemme guess, are you supposed to be Sloth from FMA:B?


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(Possible Spoiler Alert!)

Sloth... from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? I have been following it for a little while now. I assume I will meet this character somewhere around episode 30 to 40 (I finished the episode where Hohenhein(?) reflects on the previous events that happened in a dream)?


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HOLD UP THE ROLEPLAY FOR A BIT!(Possible Spoiler Alert!)

Sloth... from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? I have been following it for a little while now. I assume I will meet this character somewhere around episode 30 to 40 (I finished the episode where Hohenhein(?) reflects on the previous events that happened in a dream)?

lol, well, i wont say anything except that he says stuff like "oh how troublesome" and "what a bother" all the time forever


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*boots up nervegear real life boosting simulator*


alright, looks like i can finally use my skills to assist you guys, wheres the fight at? 


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Something went wrong! While we were fighting one of the bosses, it began to cast something, a very powerful spell of some sort. I could not evade it in time; I thought I was deceased.

Until I heard choruses of gun fire.

I immediately awoken and soon found out I was in a raging battle. What was strange were the architecture and the militaries that were warring with each other. It seems the area I am in must be around post-WWI. The confusing part focuses on the militaries and their arsenal.

Both sides had tanks with radiators that glow blue in their rears. The ones in armor seems to be a trained military force, the latter might be a militia or rebel force of some accord.

I do not think I am in Sword Art Online anymore, Kirito-san; that boss must have cast a teleportation spell on me. Currently, I am taking shelter in a residential structure near the conflict, still trying to figure out my location.

Somehow, this radio is keeping contact between us. I will see if anything else happens in the course of the battle.

Shirogane out.


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---------------sorry noodles, while the character may have that in common it is far away from that, sloth has no sense of tactical or military knowhow...

back to shit.--------------------

Alright do that, *jumps in front of the tank *throws what seems to be a knife of sorts, the tank stops in its tracks although the knife did not hit the tank itself*


*moves his hands in a mysterious way*


suddenly the tank crew exits the tank and proceeds to shoot themselves while screaming in terror.


*jumps in the tank*


alright lemme' see, so this moves the tank and this is a kind of loading mechanism.....


the tank begins to move again, but the shadow of the tank is not there, instead many small stripes of shadow can be seen extending from the base of the tank covering an area around the tank


''Well this thing is nice'

Proceeds to blow an enemy squad to oblivion...


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I see an armored column of tanks heading your way, stranger! What's worse is that they comprise of medium and heavy tanks; pull out from the Vasel Bridge unless you wanna get blown to bits! My lancers will cover you!


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*arrives in the nick in time to slice apart the tank shells midflight* steel is no match for someone like me


*slices apart the tanks into tiny tidbits, and rushes off to find SDA*


*finds SDA surrounded by a ton of ghouls from the Hellsing Ultimate universe*


wth is going on here? a mix of universes? *switches to a holy element sword and exorcises the ghouls*



wait, if they're here then....*turns around in the nick of time to block Alucard's bullets, although the sword breaks*


ah is the time to run guys, this is an enemy well above anything any of us can muster (as far as i know) this guy exists by willing it, as long as he identifies himself as Alucard, Alucard exists.


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But we need to retake the Great Vasel Bridge, Killster! Squad 7 is on the other side, trying to retake it, somehow-

*Sees the bridge folding up, with Imperial soldiers and tanks falling into the river.

*Many Gallian militia men and women began cheering.

Holy cow, Lt. Gunther did it... that bastard did it! Yes, the 7's had recaptured the bridge!

*Spots a glimpse of blue at a window of an abandoned house.

Hey, I think I saw someone up there, at the house thirty meters East of us. Oh, and Killster, you don't suppose that Alucard might join the Empire to conquer Gallia?


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