Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cant Shape Ingots

7 posts in this topic

Alright so after taking a break from TFC for a bout a week i started up a new world and was playing for a while and got enough nuggets of bismithunite to make an ingot but I cant shape the unshaped bismithunite into an ingot? I have tried almost all of the temperatures to shape it with but I have gotten nada.


EDIT: I just did some testing in creative and i could shape an ingot just fine. Still cant shape one in the survival world im on though.


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*almost* all the temperatures. Bismuth has a very low workable temperature. Did you try Hot*** or Hot****?


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The easiest way to know the temperature that an ingot is shape-able at is to heat it up to liquid temperature, and then let it cool in your inventory until it no longer says "Liquid". As soon as that is gone, you can shape the ingot.


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Yes i did try both hots it seemed to be a glitch in the world because i started a new one and it worked just fine.


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I was having this problem last night and no temperature was workable. It was extremely frustrating. Like you I started a new world, got to smithing and the exact same techniques were working just fine.


Couldn't switch to creative mode because I was in a hardcore world. Until this bug gets fixed you may need to stick to survival mode and cheats enabled just in case it happens again, though going by your OP I suspect you already use these settings. It's not cheating if it's to work around a bug, IMO.


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Are you sure you were working the ingot on a high enough tier anvil? You will know if the ingot can be shaped by the red rules showing up on the right had side of the UI.


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I know you were asking MrRazerWolf but I'd like to add an additional answer since I also encountered this problem. Bismuth is a tier 0 metal which only requires an igneous stone as an anvil. MrRazerWolf was trying to work bismuthinite into an ingot, whereas I was trying to work a bismuth ingot into a pickaxe head (yes I had the pickaxe headplan in the right slot) suggesting the problem might not be restricted to just either bismuth or bismuthinite alone.

As said before, the metal works fine on another world using the same type of anvil and tools.


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