Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Build 77 Starting Shelters

25 posts in this topic

I love this new build! I'm wondering what kinds of shelters you're building on your first night with build 77. Do you have any favorite designs that you've come up with? If you have any that you'd like to share, please put them in a "spoiler" so as not to ruin the new surprises for other members.

Here's my favorite so far:

My first TFC night was rough. I had the cutest little child zombie attacking me. It was cute until mommy and daddy showed up... and the entire extended family! There was a massive hoard of zombies. My shelter held firm until a spider slipped through my 1x1 window and I found myself hopelessly outmatched. A mad dash out my shelter and past the hoard wasn't enough. Apparently javelin skeletons have this neat trick where they light you on fire... Lesson learned. Mobs are to be avoided at all costs whilst in the stone age.

I prefer cheap starting shelters that use the footprint of a charcoal pit. The idea being that once I craft a saw, I can build a real shelter and torch my starting shelter for some charcoal.

The new spiders present a challenge because I don't want to be holed up in a shelter all night without any windows and just wondering whether it's safe to come out or not. I want to see outside.

To build this shelter you need 1 dirt block, 16 thatch blocks, and 2 stacks of logs. If you can't manage to collect a second stack of logs in time you can make do if you have at least 4 logs of a different type.

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Place the first 8 logs around the dirt block. To place one log on top of another, you'll first need to either fill the bottom log pile block with 16 logs or place a different type of log in each of the 4 slots. Once you've placed the second block, remove the excess logs at the bottom and repeat with the next block until you've completed the second layer. Finally you can finish your tower/shelter with an offset thatch "lip" around the perimeter to keep those pesky 1x1 spiders at bay. I feel safe in my tower. I usually spend my nights in the center block cooking meat, making torches, knapping tools, or getting pottery ready for my pit kiln in the morning. Once the distant monsters have burned, I walk off the tower's ledge and draw any mobs under the lip out into the sun where they can burn. When the sunsets, I go up the tower through the front two blocks that I then replace (Tip: A single thatch block is faster).

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I fill the log piles with wood as I progress. I store water and food in one corner, ores in another corner, etc. This simple tower is serving me well so far but I'm really looking forward to my first saw.


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my first house if you want to call a spire if dirt that was a way to hide from the zombies and zombabies pre-77.4


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I like using clay blocks because then I can get the clay back later on when I'm able to build a better structure.


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I like using clay blocks because then I can get the clay back later on when I'm able to build a better structure.

Wow! Nice idea, I will steal it for my new world, if I may! Thanks ;>


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Basically a cube made out of thatch with a firepit somewhere inside >.> I'm not very creative.


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I like using clay blocks because then I can get the clay back later on when I'm able to build a better structure.


I didn't know that clay blocks floated.  This is a great idea mayaknife.  Thank you!


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I like using clay blocks because then I can get the clay back later on when I'm able to build a better structure.


Yes. This is what I do as well . I make my floors clay, and everything else wood logs.


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I usually look for the biggest Peat or Clay deposit I can find, then just hollow that out.  Use Clay Blocks or Thatch to block the entrance.


Save any real effort for when I finish exploring the immediate area and finally pick a spot to settle down.


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I usually look for the biggest Peat or Clay deposit I can find, then just hollow that out.  Use Clay Blocks or Thatch to block the entrance.


Save any real effort for when I finish exploring the immediate area and finally pick a spot to settle down.



By far my favorite. Thanks Temujen.


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Dug out under a boulder in the side of a hill and filled in the extra spots/opening with thatch.


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I thought about a boulder dugout, but wasnt sure how boulders would be impacted by the lack of supports... didnt want to deal with an unexpected cave in.


Once I found a decent location, I moved from the peat/clay dugout to a treehouse build in a Sequoia.  Left the leaves as a roof and build all the burning stuff like kilns, forges, smelting underneath.  Fence around that and you're set.


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guess i am a mole then i happen to like living underground in clay deposits


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guess i am a mole then i happen to like living underground in clay deposits

This or digging a hole in dirt and covering the top with logs. Only takes between 4-6 logs.

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This or digging a hole in dirt and covering the top with logs. Only takes between 4-6 logs.

Which is perfectly normal strategy for life to date, I might add.

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simple one layer of log piles as they are quick to take down, dig down one layer and place thatch for roof.. simple and easy for quick shelter till i get more permanent location


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My first night shelter was a little dug out in the side of a hill, using dirt on two sides, and a boulder on the other for walls. Thatch makes a great roof, and I used that for my front wall too. Once I got some copper, I hollowed out the boulder and expanded into that. 


I still haven't moved out. It's so cozy!


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My first house is a barn about 20 blocks long and 12 blocks wide. Before the first night I had only enough time to build walls 3 blocks high. The walls mostly consist of clay blocks with wood pillars in between. Later i added a sloped roof made of wood (not planks because i didn't have a saw yet). For decoration, I added straw blocks around the sides of the house.


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I have seen a couple different ideas but all revolt about one common thing, but also lack another one... Here is my idea: 


1. Gather some rocks and sticks to create standard tools - shovel, knife, axe.

2. Gather a lot Straw (three stacks would be enough), dig up some Dirt (one stack at most) and chop up a couple trees for wood.3. Find or dig up a flat surface of about 3x3 and 5x5 at least next to it. The second will be a your temporary home and could be bigger - 7x7 or 9x9 (i prefer odd dimension for these fields so in the center you can have a door (in the wall) or a fireplace.4. Place the first layer for the house using dirt. As it's a flat surface it will be okay (anything else can be used also, but i prefer dirt as it's all common). Next put on a second and a third layer of wall. Use some wood and Thatch to create steps to be able to jump onto the wall.5. Now next to the house make a hole 3x3x3 with a block wide line between the wall and the hole. This can be done from ground level not dropping into the hole as the maximum distance of digging a hole is 3 blocks down.6. Later on - upgrade.


Description: Why the hole you say? Simply put, you can hit the zombies and other mobs with your hand and throw them into the hole as they're standing beside the wall and next to the hole. That's an easy way to make them stop following you, especially as even spiders can't jump 3 blocks up. The hole can be expanded to accomodate more "residents", but all undead will burn when the day comes. The others must be killed with an axe, without worrying that the mobs can attack.



 Can be an easy way to get rid of hostile mobs, even circling around the hole. The hole can be also used as a waste dump for any unnecessary items such as flowers or gems. Just throw anything inside and as you don't fall down into it, you won't pick up the items and they will eventually dissapear.



Shooting mobs can get you easily from a distance so prodding them could prove difficult. Nonetheless, with a little deceipt (circling around the house) you can successfully send even skeletons to their misery in the hole. Another thing is to keep an eye where you walk, not to fall inside accidentally, especially after the upgrade.


An Upgrade (Having a pick):

 Dig the hole around 20-25 blocks down into the ground and make a tunnel down to the bottom of the hole from the side. Prodding the enemies into the hole will make them fall to their death and you can collect experience easily from below. The house can be expanded (if you stay in that place for longer) or used for something else.


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The previous post reminded me about my kind of an old contraption, which has suddenly got significantly more useful lately. Albeit it is more limited in terms of where you can build it.

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It doesn't need to be bricks, but there does have to be cobble. Or dirt, if you can keep it from overgrowing by grass.

Sadly, you need buckets that can pour water. But if you do, just pour it into a hole and boom.

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For now, I build it near the shore and plug the hole with fast-breaking blocks, like reeds.

Main downside - it is slow, so you should plan your moves ahead.Though it is quite satisfying to trap someone inside. And you, obviously, required to have a pick (to reset it) and a saw (to build it to begin with).


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You can actually get enough materials to make a shelter by the 1st sunset?? I cant seem to.


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You can actually get enough materials to make a shelter by the 1st sunset?? I cant seem to.


I had a trouble with it a couple times also (started from playing on Peaceful, but finally decided to play on Normal with mobs). One of the easiest ways is to gather enough stone to be able to create a small wall around the place you want to sleep. You should be able to gather enough stone to make a wall 4m long on each side (don't fill in corners) and at least 2 blocks high.


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Pick up the loose rocks on the ground. Put a 4 square of them in your crafting grid to make cobblestone.


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Here's an album I made, showcasing a simple and good looking starting shelter. You could easily replace the roof (or even the whole thing) with hay bales. I generally live in a hut like this until I get a chisel and jump straight to a nice brick-walled house.


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I usually build a thatch roof out of a cliff face and stack dirt in such as way so that it does not landslide. If I can't seem to manage that I use logs +Thatch as the walls. 


Digging under a large boulder is also a pretty effective crude house. 


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