Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.77.15] Stone splitting wedge mod, axe plank crafting replacement

40 posts in this topic


This mod allows you to craft a splitting wedge (<- inspirational image for the icon of how I know this tool) to split wooden logs and craft single planks using the wedge and a hammer. This is no longer possible using an axe and log since TFC build 77.

The default is 1 plank per log, but you can change that in the configuration file to anything from 1 to 64 if you wish (e.g. set it back to 3 per log as per pre-77).

As to why I created this, you can read in the foot notes at the end of the post if you're interested.


Download 0.1.3.b77u15 from Mediafire or DropBox.



* Adapted to the Localisation features being moved from the TFC API into the main project. Thus, older versions will not work with TFC post-77u14, and vice versa.

* Updated the file.


* Fixed the german localisation not registering.

* The config file now offers an option to either load the 16 or 32 pixels texture for the items. Both were initially available.

* I think you can safely ignore the (default) ID 19396 mismatch due to the texture change.

* Added a file.


* Fixed a bug where the item IDs in the configs were not actually used. Oops.

* Fixed the item name localisation, it should now properly display english (ENU) and german names.

* Wedge and hammers will take no damage when crafting in creative mode anymore.

* Refactored some code in the crafting handler.

* Normalised the planks amount value read from the config to range from 1 to 64.


+ Added config file /config/SplittingWedge.cfg

+ Added item ID config entries for both the head and wedge.

+ Made the number of planks per log configurable (default: 1).


Initial release.

Old versions:

Download 0.1.3.b77u12 from Mediafire or DropBox.

Download 0.1.2.b77u11 from Mediafire or DropBox.

Download 0.1.1.b77u7 from Mediafire or DropBox.

Download 0.1.0.b77u4 from Dropbox or Mediafire


Put the ZIP file into the .mods directory, alongside with the Terra Firma ZIP file.

How to use

You need stoneknapping to create a stone splitting wedge head like this:

Posted Image

Mirror, in case Imgur is down or "over capacity" :)

Currently there is only a stone splitting wedge, there is no metal version of it. Personally, I don't require it, but if you feel you really would want metal versions of this, I'm confident I could add those.

Then combine it like most other tools with a stick below the head:

Posted Image

Mirror, in case Imgur is down or "over capacity" :)

It doesn't really make sense, does it? :S

To craft planks from 1 log, you need to put the wedge, a hammer of any material, and logs as shapeless recipe into a crafting grid:

Posted Image

Mirror, in case Imgur is down or "over capacity" :)

Both, the hammer and wedge will take normal damage. The wedge has the exact same durability as a stone hammer, which is that of one made of igneous intrusive stone, regardless what type of stone it's actually made out of.


Frustration and disappointment about the b77 removal of plank crafting with axes: me

Programming: me

Artwork: my girlfriend (my try at drawing a wedge, her comment: "what's wrong with yours?", she's too kind.. c'mon, I mean just zoom in on it)

Kittychanley, for listening to my confusion with some code stuffs and wanting to help, and actually did :)

Foot notes


how nice of you that you opened this spoiler tag. Let me tell you something about myself and why I created the splitting wedge mod, my very first mod for Minecraft, without having a whole lot of experience or sympathy with Java, or Minecraft modding.

The latter is mostly because Mojang failed to deliver the modding API, that Notch wanted to have in beta 1.8. And without the countless man hours put into the MCP project, among few others, there wouldn't be anywhere near as many mods as we have now. And I highly admire everyone who continuously puts up with the barrier of Minecraft's obfuscated source code, to deliver outstanding content like Terra Firma and many other mods.

I don't usually want things in games the easy way these days, I tend to wanting to play on the hardest difficulty, but the build77 made me feel frustrated instead of challenged. I think this is a very thin line but as thin as it is, it's also very important not to cross.

If I spawn 12k or 13k blocks in some direction, with only smaller islands around. Not enough to gather enough small ore pieces from the rocks to make a saw, I'm stuck with swimming through an ocean for maybe hours. And you just can't craft a LOT of things without a 3x3 crafting grid either (workbench requiring planks). That's not the kind of difficulty I want a game to impose on me. And I don't feel it's fun to play. It's game breaking for me.

I'm a programmer, I've been meddling in computer instructions since I was... well, actually I don't remember when my godfather gave me that Commodore 64 with a thick manual for my birthday long ago. I've used my skills and knowledge before, to "tweak" small things that I strongly disliked, and I mean strongly. I don't just spend hours on changing something if it's just a minor thing. You know... setting everything up for the first time, getting familiar with stuff, before getting actual work done :P

I read through the java assembler code of classes, tweaked the sapling drop rate from leaves with and without a scythe, fruit trees, the drop rate of seeds from tall grass, and changed the ore drop rate of gravel in a sluice, even creating new recipes from scratch. Sometimes just fabricating new byte code instructions into a class file with a hex editor.

This might sound like jibberish, cheating, or malevolent hacking to you, but I felt that it also held great educational value, and it's a lot of fun. And this experience alone made me never regret the time I spent on delving into modifying the very byte code for the JVM. Even though the data looks all like random bytes in a hex editor, you'd be surprised how very unique a short sequence of only 3 bytes can be, that you can use as a pattern and replace, and how much sense all these byte values actually make if you understand them. As Mr. Spock would say, "Fascinating! Ô_o".

I never really meddled with assembler before Minecraft, but yet I felt it was the easiest way to change little things with the **least amount of effort. Of course there's limits, especially to Java's class file format. Some things make the work required explode. Otherwise, anything I would like to change for myself, so I can enjoy playing the game again, I can have patched in a matter of split seconds with a program later.

** has yet to be proven.

So, to sum it up, I just can't seem to live with some of the changes that have been introduced in b77. I won't go berserk and change everything that bugs me in the slightest, just the things that I feel are really game breaking for me. Aaaaannnd that's why I made this mod, and I hope that the devs aren't too much offended by it. Have fun to be able to play a game the way you like it more, without giving yourself actual free stuff. :)

Edited by jackd23

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Seems like a nice idea since it would be possible to make planks with stone tools but takes a lot of work, however the axe recipe was obviously removed for a reason. Maybe you could reduce the number of planks the recipe gives.


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1) Very good idea, metal should not be a requirement to make planks, BUT:

2) it should be very expensive, something like 1 log = 1 plank, so you can not build a wooden palace without the appropriate tools, just some basic stuff.


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Good job Jackd23.  I'm impressed.  I agree with Mastropiero.  1 log should give you one plank.  If I had a wedge and a hammer, I could make 1 fat, crooked and ugly plank at most.


The lack of planks in the early game isn't game breaking for me - I find it challenging - but I really like what you did with this mod.  I like how the player has the option to enable planks.  Minecraft really is one big lego sandbox anyway and we all have our reasons for playing in it.


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This deliberately undoes an intended feature of the game.


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This deliberately undoes an intended feature of the game.


The intended feature does not make any sense.


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well, i like the b77 plank change to be honest

you could get some type of beams from logs with an axe for construction (i dont mean support beams)


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What's the point? Saw can be the first tool you make, using the casting system, anyway.


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jeah UNTIL you have metal.

maybe the stoneage get enhanced in the future, so you live longer without metals (what i prefer)


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Wow, replies really kicked off after a few days :)Thanks for everyone's input on this, I shall consider your thoughts and as such, I have updated the mod. It will now create and use the /config/SplittingWedge.cfg (which it should have done so in the first place), where you can choose how many planks you get from a log.The default value will be one, instead of three./edit: Oh, please don't set it to something bogus like a negative number or anything above 64 if you don't want to break something. It didn't come to my mind that someone would try something unreasonable like this. I will normalise the value to 1-64 in the next update. 

This deliberately undoes an intended feature of the game.

What's the point? Saw can be the first tool you make, using the casting system, anyway.

I have explained my reasons for creating this mod in the foot notes. It is a bit lengthy but if you really want to know, I'm afraid you have to read it. I don't feel comfortable trying to condense it into one line.After all, using this mod is completely optional for everyone.

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problem is, now you have acess to barrels, sluices, buckets and stuff before metal age and i guess it was intendet, that you have to obtain metal befor you can start with this stuff


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problem is, now you have acess to barrels, sluices, buckets and stuff before metal age and i guess it was intendet, that you have to obtain metal befor you can start with this stuff

I will have to agree with other people who do not think that it makes much sense to put off planks for this long. Wood should be able to be worked before inventing metal, if progression is the issue here. It's an extremely arduous time until you can build most simple items, just because they require a 3x3 crafting grid for example, and is off-putting for me.I've watched a video recently where they said that at some point in time, people burnt charcoal in a cave to heat and crack the stone, make it fragile, and make it possible to mine without a tool like a metal pickaxe. Our only choice is to turn rocks :)And the drop chance for ore in a sluice isn't exactly high either, so I don't believe that it is an issue having planks early. Buckets aren't really used that much, it's not a powerful item, and you don't need metal to create beverages of the size of a bucket.I can't quite follow the intentions of this change without proper and expansive compensation. But as I said, use it if you like it, or don't. I can't find much sense in questioning this mod either, constructive criticism and suggestions is a different thing that I will always consider :)

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Would it be possible/resonable to make the game pass a lot of time when you make planks with stone tools? Since that really is the problem, you can make something like a sluice with stone tools and wood, but it would take a very long time (also long time with wood, but a lot easier than stone).


Im guessing its not possible to make time progress in the crafting window, however a possibility I can think of would be if you right click on a placed block of wood then it might be easier to code it so that time passes and it gets turned into a plank item. If this is possible just remember that it would need to ignore trees.


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There's a difference between a mod and a shortcut.


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There's a difference between a mod and a shortcut.


And it's certainly possible to be both. Tough decisions like these will always draw an antagonist crowd, don't take it personally. Workaround mods are just going to keep popping up no matter what you do. I for one support your decision, as I've never heard of a stone-hewn chest, nor can I imagine any way a sturdy one can be manufactured. However, if someone wants to make a magic mod like this one, nothing can really stop them.


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So in real practice, something I feel like the TFC mod does it's very best to embody, splitting a log would produce two halves, or 2 planks. 

problem is, now you have acess to barrels, sluices, buckets and stuff before metal age and i guess it was intendet, that you have to obtain metal befor you can start with this stuff


To fix this, the two planks could be "rough planks" as honestly, they would be. These could be used to build with for simple shelters, a crafting table (don't know if this gives access to things it shouldn't) and possible a rough box (less storage space than a chest, but I have a constantly full inventory in build 77 and it's hard to gather more materials). To construct anything else you would need regular planks, the kind made by a saw. This fixes the early access.

1) Very good idea, metal should not be a requirement to make planks, BUT:

2) it should be very expensive, something like 1 log = 1 plank, so you can not build a wooden palace without the appropriate tools, just some basic stuff.

It should be expensive, but as I said above, it logically makes sense to split a log and get two planks. This is much more expensive than a saw but very realistic, and honestly 1 more plank hardly gives much more advantage.Just thought I'd throw in my two cents, seeing as how nobody has presented these ideas, from what I can see.


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I have to take the side of those who favor having some variant of this mod exist. Just because, as was pointed out in a different thread, you currently need copper or bronze to be able to craft leather (since planks for barrels need the saw). And that's strange, because if you have copper you can make copper armor... which is better than leather.


Presently speaking, the removal of pre-metallic plank crafting makes leather-working a completely obsolete game mechanic (unless you just want to make books for decoration). Which is a pity, IMO. Leather armor was a big first step for me in B76.


That said, the idea of making simple "crude planks" instead of the regular ones does strike me as a better balance. Wedge+hammer+log produces one crude plank. Crude planks have a different skin, and can ONLY be used to craft buckets and barrels (to enable leatherworking). Rough planks are not a placable item, and don't enable other plank recipes such as plank blocks and doors.


So those who want it can still get pre-copper leather back now, but there's also still a LOT of advantage to getting that first saw (every other plank recipe, the 3:1 crafting ratio on planks, and of course crafting tables themselves unlock a ton of things). IMO, it's a fairly balanced move, compared to both where B77 is and where B76 used to be.  


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Alternatively, there can be a clay-based solution. There is a "Ceramic Pot" that currently has no recipie. What if that pot is to be used as a lesser stand-in for barrels, allowing a single piece of leather to be soaked, as opposed to the 64 limit for barrels? I wouldn't be surprised if that is already the plan.


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well, i rather hope the pot is for cooking XD


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The pot is for cooking


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Would it be possible/resonable to make the game pass a lot of time when you make planks with stone tools? Since that really is the problem, you can make something like a sluice with stone tools and wood, but it would take a very long time (also long time with wood, but a lot easier than stone).[.....]

For this crafting recipe specifically, because it needs additional handling (to damage the tools) when single planks are crafted, it would theoretically be possible to advance the world's time, which is a continuously rising number.As much as it would make sense to "spend time" crafting, I'm unsure of whether or not that would be wise after they removed configurable day length in 77.3, because it was causing problems. And also because no other crafting recipe does currently progress time when crafted.It could, in theory, be limited to singleplayer only. Because otherwise a server would advance its time for everyone, every time someone was crafting this recipe.So I would rather not want to add it in that form.What could be done instead is a UI, that has this little progress arrow, like when smelting things in a furnace in vanilla. But I'm still not sure if that would really fit in, in terms of consistency, since almost no other crafting recipe of this kind is using this.And again, I'd like to thank everyone for their input. Everyone in favour has pretty much put a lot of thought and consideration into their replies ;)

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Pushed a small update (0.1.2b77u11) which should fix some things. The u11 is really just... not so very important, it's more like a chronic indicator when it was done, I guess.

Most importantly, I overlooked to actually *use* the item ID that is read from the config file, instead of the default I had previously defined. Oops. This could potentially cause a crash if you've changed the item IDs in the config files. To circumvent that, make sure to destroy all wedge heads and wedges from your world and inventories (chests e.g.) :X

Luckily they're not expensive items to make.

It should also now properly display the name of the wedge and head in english (EN_US) and german. If you want to translate these two item names, have a look in the zip file's assetsjackd23lang*.properties files. Even though I'm not a fan of localisation, but other people might appreciate it, I would include the files in a future update.

I know I could use a translator, but I'd like to refrain from such a hideous deed, and rather have someone who considers carrying the meaning of the word into their language.

As I'm becoming more familiar with Minecraft's codebase, I also did some refactoring in the code, that effectively changes nothing and things work like before. Isn't that great? Unfortunately I was unable to get any real insights, because I can't find anybody to explain why people do things the way they do. I'm trying to avoid copy&paste things, and keep using it "because it works", even though in a way that looks illogical.

Also, crafting planks in creative should not damage the wedge or hammer anymore.

Why do I need to use this many words? Cripes... ;)


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yeah, makes the game easier that way...


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