Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Zombie Issues...

26 posts in this topic

The whole idea of zombies being able to track you from miles away, plus the fact that hitting zombies just spawns more zombies, and that early game tools and weapons hardly do any damage to mobs, and rain.... All these factors can lead to someone spending up to two whole days stuck inside an early shelter with nothing to do but punch at the legs of zombies upon zombies upon zombies eventually dying of thirst. 

Its too bad that the poor game design and features that continue to be added vanilla Minecraft end up interfering with a lot of the better ideas and game play that is added to the game by all these mod devs. I am just interested to see if this has happened to anyone else. It has happened to me twice so far in only two worlds on the new build. At this point, I'm just looking forward to seeing these mobs put underground in future updates...


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Build your house where zombies will burn during the day, or put the door in front of a clift, i spend my nights punching zombies to their death (4 high, 240 damage each time) at the end of the night, i get lot of xp an even got one iron ingot


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Build your house where zombies will burn during the day, or put the door in front of a clift, i spend my nights punching zombies to their death (4 high, 240 damage each time) at the end of the night, i get lot of xp an even got one iron ingot

Did you get vanilla iron or Wrought Iron? 


Also, I would've taken a screenshot once of who knows how many zombies chasing me, but I would've died if I did.


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The little baby zombies are creeping me out...


otherwise enjoying the new danger of starvation, dehydration and death by crazy OP critters.  It may not be perfect, but it's much better than the previous versions where no threats existed.


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Is it just me, or are the baby zombies not burning up in sunlight?!


It makes it impossible to get anything done with them chasing you around all day.


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Baby zombies never burn in sunlight. Its an issue with vanilla, not TFC. I recommend digging a small pit, letting em drop in, and suffocating em with dirt or cobble. I saw that on Pakratt's livestream :) . Anyone got any good baby killing tactics?


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 Anyone got any good baby killing tactics?



Context : who need it ?


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Well, you get all your dead babies in a big truck, drive it somewhere safe and then dump all of them in a pit using pitchforks.


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.....Alright then. 


So do you guys think the addition of babies burning in the sunlight should be added or...just leave it how it is?


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The baby zombies wouldn't be such an issue if they didn't spawn during the day and like all zombies come at you from all the way across the ocean constantly.


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So do you guys think the addition of babies burning in the sunlight should be added or...just leave it how it is?





Burn 'em.  They need a better sound when on fire though.  Should scream and run around with their heads on fire.


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.....Alright then. 


So do you guys think the addition of babies burning in the sunlight should be added or...just leave it how it is?

I wouldn't mind them not burning if they get a significant health decrease in comparison to normal zombie (leave them third of the health of the mature one, I'd say). Even if they didn't get nerfed in any other way.


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Yeah, that sounds about right. Leave the crazy speed they have now, but lower their health and possibly their attack strength.


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make their health and attack = to their size the little pests are 1/4 the size of momy and dady zombie

they should be a pest not a oh hell not again


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Build a pit kiln at the entrance to your front door.  Baby zombies come around, light kiln and watch them burn.


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zombies... why so many? 


and baby zombies? isn't there some group out there that's complaining about that yet? 


instead of whining about it and knowing that doing so is useless, i just added more mods:


balanced leather mod -  so that when killing all these zombies baby zombies and wasting useless zombie flesh, you can turn then into vanilla leather with a furnace i have spawned from INVedit, so that when i eventually get not slaughtered by fire spear wielding skeletons and make some sort of pick and stumble across coal someday i can also put into the furnace to make backpacks, collecting enough useless items that aren't really used much in the TFC mod. therefore.... using the minor alchemy mod and calculating CV values for tfc items so i can't get yelled at by family and friends for wasting time for playing minecraft and being late for work, lack of sleep, etc etc.


p.s. the flying ring that also is on the same page as minor alchemy (and you have to spawn it in using INVedit) can make all these hard to kill zombies, baby zombies and impossible to kill skeletons immune to you.


P.p.s. you can also use INVedit to make a knife with a 127 lvl unbreaking enchantment and a 999 lvl sharpness enchantment


yes, i cheat. it's cheating. but until these impossible "100 zombie vs you" issues are fixed, i can at least enjoy TFC's new features without rage quitting. TFC is a great mod, and i do love it. 


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I say rip out the baby zombies entirely.  But if they have to stay, please let them act like regular zombies - ie, not spawn in daylight, burn up in daylight, and not move like rabbits on speed!


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That is the same as taking them out entirely :P The speed makes sense, they already don't spawn in daylight, and in vanilla they already do less damage than regular zombies, which does make sense to balance the increased speed/smaller hitbox.


There aren't more zombies, they just come at you *if you attack one* from about as far as the normal render distance or even farther. So... don't attack them, is the point, unless you're prepared to deal with them all coming.


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If they don't spawn in daylight, I'd sure like to know why I was attacked by one in the afternoon?  (One two different occasions.) Things from the night normally despawn by then, even granted shade from trees.


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Oh the zombies definitely come from beyond regular render. I've stood in place and watched them come at me from beyond the max render distance.


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I've had a few come from beneath trees during daylight.  Sequoia's shade can get pretty dark and they seem to spawn there.  Not an issue with the normal zombies, they're slow and burn... but those babies are fast and bite your kneecaps


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MC baby zombies are like Matrix agents; when you see one in the stone age, you just run!


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If they don't spawn in daylight, I'd sure like to know why I was attacked by one in the afternoon?  (One two different occasions.) Things from the night normally despawn by then, even granted shade from trees.

It's vanilla minecraft issue. There is a bug that above 128 height light glitches out and not always acts as updated even if it looks like it should to you, acting like alpha pre-survival Minecraft light.

For those wandering, pre-survival light didn't have spread, meaning that it's either perfectly lit, or it's pitch black. And pitch black it was whenever any block was above the place. Excluding glass, of course, but not excluding leaves. I hope I explained well.

So, technically, you can have a single floating block and get zombies spawning under it. And my god there's plenty of those in the forests.


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