Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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where's the kaolintie?

17 posts in this topic

i can't seem to find kaolinite.... i am in the supposed rock layers, but about what height?


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We found Kaolinite fairly easily on my server, but can't seem to find a trace of graphite.  It was around y 60, I believe, but if I understand ore spawn correctly, height simply affects the amount of ore, not the rarity


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no sooner than i posted this i found kaolinite... y=60 in chert. i got about 30 pieces from a vein. i found graphite, but can't remember where and in what, next time i see it, i will inform.


speed mining btw, using illegal enhanced tools...


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Found graphite in gneiss (3rd rock layer). Vein is scattered. Use the framing technique.


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I've found Kaolinite in very huge slate top -claystone botton caves, good pocket vein around 60y


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I've read through a couple of mining technique posts but can't quite seem to get a grasp on what most of them are saying and the mod isn't SUPER popular yet so I haven't seen any videos. So I've just been tunneling at y60 for 1000 blocks in each direction. TAKES FOREVER. I've found Graphite but no Kaolinite or more advanced ores. It's really taking my enthusiasm out of playing when I can play for hours and find nothing I need. :/


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digging in straight line is the thing to do, but you need to do it in the right rock type, then you might need more parallel tunnels to cover the entire area, and of course, you will need luck


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I've read through a couple of mining technique posts but can't quite seem to get a grasp on what most of them are saying and the mod isn't SUPER popular yet so I haven't seen any videos. So I've just been tunneling at y60 for 1000 blocks in each direction. TAKES FOREVER. I've found Graphite but no Kaolinite or more advanced ores. It's really taking my enthusiasm out of playing when I can play for hours and find nothing I need. :/


You can't prospect for Kaolinite with a sluice or gold pan.  It's really just you and your propick. I found it at the end of a 1000 block tunnel I dug under an ocean biome.  It's rarity is what makes the find rewarding but you're right that the mechanics can get tiring. On the first fire clay expedition I found graphite and on the second I found kaolinite.  The next time I go on a mining expedition I will be looking for nickel in gabbro. To avoid repetitive stress injuries and brain atrophy during "tunnel grinding", I set my guy on cruise control* and intervene when necessary for food, water and cave mobs. This is balancing my enjoyment of the game so far because I love the other aspects of the game but the mindless tunnel grinding is something for which I have little patience.  I would love something like a proper sluice or gold pan or anything that would introduce some skill to this task. Others may very well disagree.  Still a fantastic mod overall.


You might want to check out this thread. I couldn't agree more with mayaknife.


*I use an elastic band around the left mouse button of a second wireless mouse that I can turn on/off and a heavy stapler + blue tack over my "W" key. You could do something fancy with AutoIt but I'm old school.


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You can't prospect for Kaolinite with a sluice or gold pan.  It's really just you and your propick. I found it at the end of a 1000 block tunnel I dug under an ocean biome.  It's rarity is what makes the find rewarding but you're right that the mechanics can get tiring. On the first fire clay expedition I found graphite and on the second I found kaolinite.  The next time I go on a mining expedition I will be looking for nickel in gabbro. To avoid repetitive stress injuries and brain atrophy during "tunnel grinding", I set my guy on cruise control* and intervene when necessary for food, water and cave mobs. This is balancing my enjoyment of the game so far because I love the other aspects of the game but the mindless tunnel grinding is something for which I have little patience.  I would love something like a proper sluice or gold pan or anything that would introduce some skill to this task. Others may very well disagree.  Still a fantastic mod overall.


You might want to check out this thread. I couldn't agree more with mayaknife.


*I use an elastic band around the left mouse button of a second wireless mouse that I can turn on/off and a heavy stapler + blue tack over my "W" key. You could do something fancy with AutoIt but I'm old school. 

Sorry to quote your whole message but I'm in the same boat. I went into my key bindings and changed forward to 0 on my num pad and mouse 1 to the decimal right next to it. Then I just need one weight to press those two close buttons. The only issue I've had is falling DOWN into caves which seem to start at 60 and plummet to 44 lol. Now I just need to hit it and somehow get out of the bronze age. :P


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If you're levelled up (more health points) you should be fine for any falls and if you're armoured up you should be fine for any mobs.  You could also hold down shift to avoid falling but it's up to you.  I look forward to caves because they spice things up a bit and make the game more exciting.


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You want fun!?

Get some armor, weapon, bow and GUTS

and cave dive like a crazy Tolkien dwarve!! (battle axes would make me so happy down there!!)

If you look long enough in +- 60y caves prospecting all the way you'll find yourself settled after log hours of hardcore fun (I recommend switching to peacefull when in danger, cause it's quite hard to find your stuff again)


PS. I just never grind, too boring..


Quote: Rares4life


*I use an elastic band around the left mouse button of a second wireless mouse that I can turn on/off and a heavy stapler + blue tack over my "W" key. You could do something fancy with AutoIt but I'm old school.


Really oldschool!!!!


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I cannot fond Sedimentary rocks bellow 110. Aren't they only exists in the top layer?


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5 hours ago, HBotondI said:

I cannot fond Sedimentary rocks bellow 110. Aren't they only exists in the top layer?

Correct, sedimentary rock is top layer only.  If your area has a non-sedimentary top layer, you'll have to travel till you find one.


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4 hours ago, Darmo said:

Correct, sedimentary rock is top layer only.  If your area has a non-sedimentary top layer, you'll have to travel till you find one.

I have sedimentary rocks but only above y110 so i cannot mine in them in y60...


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Kaolinite is not y-limited as far as I know.  I don't think any ores in TFC are.


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I am interested in the TAP driver for QNX6. Sadly, the tarball only contains the x86 binary. Any chance you could release the source code? I need different processor architectures...

The only other way is, I have to write the TAP driver myself, which is possible but unfortunate because the work has already been done...



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