Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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[Offline] Midnigh Sun TFC Server Season 4 [ExtraFirma][Grey List]

41 posts in this topic

Welcome to this season  of the Midnight Sun Terrafirmacraft Server. In this season of the midnight sun server you will find that there are very few mods installed on the server, and that there is only four mods that you will have to install. The mods are Terrafirmacraft, Leather water Sac, Chop-A-Log and ExtraFirma Addon. There will be links to the download pages down below. The other mods that our installed on the server is PermissionEX, and MyTown. We also have a TeamSpeak server setup, as new town and nations are created they will have a channel add in TeamSpeak.



The Midnight Sun server is continue to be a PVP TFC server. With the addition of Towns and Nations, pvp may be more common over resources. So protect your land and your goods from all.



Since the addition of Mytown, there has been talk of the Magic Bubbles. By Default every town is set to loot by out siders. What a town mayor decides to do with his/her town is up to them.



In order to move up in the food chain you must apply to the server.


In-game Name: Required

Follow this topic on the Forms Page: Required




At this time there are only a few rules.

1 do not crash the server. (AKA don’t cut down Sequoia or large kapok)

2 do not hack the server.

3 don't make me add more or ban you!


Supporting the server

I would like to ask you the player to help support this server. There are many ways of doing this. Streaming, YouTube, and by donating. For those that help out the server I would like to thank you by giving you a special tag in chat and by helping your town out. (Link)





Terrafirmacraft version [77.21] (Link)

Leather Water Sac version [2.1b77] (Link)

ExtraFirma Addon version [v1.0.3] (Link)

ChopALog Version [0.4.b77] (Link)


Server info


The Server IP: Midnighsun.PlayAt.CH

TeamSpeak IP: Midnightsun.PlayAt.CH

Server Chat IP: #MidnightSunTFCServer 


If you have a problem with the IP above the Secondary IP:


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ExtraFirma Addon has been updated. just remember to delete your extrafirma config.


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the server has been updated to TFC 77.12 and extraFirma 1.0.1B


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Join you dam people that keep looking at the topic and not saying anything.



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Could you please tone down the mytown protection? The OP kind of implies a PVP focus and I'm all on board for that, but it's kind of difficult when people just hide in their magic bubbles.


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Could you please tone down the mytown protection? The OP kind of implies a PVP focus and I'm all on board for that, but it's kind of difficult when people just hide in their magic bubbles.

that has already been done. i just have not added anything to the main post yet. just note there is not magic bubble unless the mayor sets it up


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as of today i have added ForgeIRC to the server. you will not need to install it to your client to play but can can join the Channel out of the game.


Server Chat IP: #MidnightSunTFCServer




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that has already been done. i just have not added anything to the main post yet. just note there is not magic bubble unless the mayor sets it up



Just last night I attempted an engagement only to get "You cannot access things here" spam, damn thing wouldn't even let me shoot through the windows. Trust me here, there are plenty of magic bubbles, and It's no fun. If people don't want pvp, they should either 1. Find a non-pvp focused server or 2. Try to conceal their stuff better. Not rely on a couple of chat commands (Free ones at that) to throw up magical barriers.


You could at least make it so mytown costs something.


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the Server has been updated to TFC build 77.13 and ExtraFirma 1.0.2



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Just last night I attempted an engagement only to get "You cannot access things here" spam, damn thing wouldn't even let me shoot through the windows. Trust me here, there are plenty of magic bubbles, and It's no fun. If people don't want pvp, they should either 1. Find a non-pvp focused server or 2. Try to conceal their stuff better. Not rely on a couple of chat commands (Free ones at that) to throw up magical barriers.


You could at least make it so mytown costs something.



just because pvp is enabled doesnt mean all players enjoy having their stuff stolen by thieves/griefers. If they live in a bubble and engage in PvP raiding then they are morons, but most people who take such precautions will never engage you in PvP, nor have any wish to be involved in PvP in any form.

The 'bubble" is provided by the server host so that other "non-pvp" players can enjoy their work without fear of being raided by some greedy aggressive player who feels its their right to steal other peoples stuff.Unless a server is listed as "PvP-Only" then you have no right to complain about such players enjoying their own experiences on the server their own way.


I do believe that town plots should cost and agree with you on that .... but for most people, PvP is about picking on the weak and less fortunate, keeping people down below your level, spawn camping, and other acts of stupidity. The level of survial involved in TFC means that cooperation is more valuable than aggression .... mainly because people being constantly attacked will never get enough resources to advance and make better items for you to steal. In conclusion, a dedicated TFC PvP only server would be a damn boring place to play, and you would find yourself alone ... a lot.


If you want to kill people there are many games built specifically for that purpose (and do it a lot better than MC). Why people want to kill each other on a resource based, constructive game in the first place escapes me. But there is way too many of them out there for my liking :)


And points to Hambyco for keeping the server up to date. Good job


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OK there has been another day of change's to MyTown


1 to start a town you will need a TFC Book (Also all town's that can not make a book will be deleted soon, and a town is more than one person)


2 to use the /sethome command you will need to be a [season 3 Supporter] and you will need a Map


3 magic bubbles.

    1 by default all town can be looted, if a mayor chooses to change the town's config i don't care.


    2 PVP you can kill any one any where, the main config is setup in this way. a mayor can not change this. but can change if a no-member can enter.



if you feel that there needs to be more change's please wright something on the Forms or Message me





Also to address [TerraDellum] mod it will not be coming to the server at this time. i have been asking the mod author to add MyTown Support. as in Town, Nation, and MyTown's Friends list. 


Say you are a mayor and you have an assistant that added a member to the town wile you are offline. your  ghost dose not know that he added some has been added to the town and you end up killing them because you where not online to added them to your friends list.

Edited by hamcybo

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the server will update to TFC build 77.14 tomorrow. this is just a heads up.


Have a good night


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as promised the server has been updated with the addiction of a new mod



Leather Water sac 2.0.B77

ChopALog 0.4.b77


Enjoy and see you all in-game


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Applying for membership, I have already followed this topic, and my in game name is Cole_The_God.


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Love to apply to the server


INgame Name: Getalifegamer


Thread is followed.


Look forward to hearing from you all'gamer


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i will not be posting membership on the form you will find out ingame. you can pm me on TS or message me ingame if i have not added you yet. 


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Is the nether enabled on this server?


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Is the nether enabled on this server?




Updated TFC 77.17


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IGN: Rhinehart


Apologies for my absence internets been down for a while,


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ExtraFirma has been updated to 1.0.3 and Leather Wate Sac 2.1


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Hammy I will not be on till late Thursday most likely, so i wanted to ask, what happened? i see that some chunks where reloaded . . . 


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