Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Hey I was thinking about cave ins and thought about how odd it is that you can make a tower of dirt. Maybe placing blocks could cause landslides when placed. eg when making dirt tower it’s not stable so some of the blocks get pushed out from the tower. This means to get to a significant height you would need a more pyramid shaped base. Also building on cliff sides or over cave systems would be hazardous (make sure you have good foundations).

A concern I had with this is there could be problems with this causing cave ins as that could end up looping destruction possibly. But both effects make blocks tend down and one is caused by breaking blocks and the other by placing so hopefully that won’t be a problem.


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this sounds like an interesting idea. i feel like it could be done with rain + dirt and a new flowing block like water/lava that "hardens" into dirt maybe moving objects like trees and certain size structures and make maybe that it cant move stone brick or something to make housing more sturdy


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This sounds like an idea that would make building on slopes absurd. As it stands, it's best to build higher for your forges and what not. Why make that even more tedious?


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This sounds like an idea that would make building on slopes absurd. As it stands, it's best to build higher for your forges and what not. Why make that even more tedious?

well maybe its just only if you have like an underground house, or maybe if you dont have the stone flooring as like a structure, also it could be biome specific or even have a VERY low chance, just that it can and will happen adds a sense of omg... a landslide destroyed my house... i knew i should have used stone/brick as my flooring.


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well maybe its just only if you have like an underground house, or maybe if you dont have the stone flooring as like a structure, also it could be biome specific or even have a VERY low chance, just that it can and will happen adds a sense of omg... a landslide destroyed my house... i knew i should have used stone/brick as my flooring.

Yeah making it a very low chance is was I was thinking, along with having to have severe conditions to trigger it so that it mostly only prevents the jump tower building thing with low tier resources such as dirt and cobble.

Also I was thinking only a small percent of the blocks would be effected opposed to what you would expect from a landslide. eg doing the dirt tower with 6 or so blocks then one maybe two would pop out and on a cliff only the immediate blocks on the edge have a chance of falling.


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how would you get the blocks to update this "landslide" event? something like how dirt figures out if it should grow grass?


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how would you get the blocks to update this "landslide" event? something like how dirt figures out if it should grow grass?

Well grass should keep the dirt in place, but dirt blocks with no grass could have a chance to shift rather than grow grass if it is sloped


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Keep in mind this is still a game. Im certain Bioxx doesnt want to limit what people can or cant build out of. By limiting what someone can build on the top of a mountain or the side, theres even less incentive to settle there.

The grass eliminating the chance of landslide makes sense. However, i still disagree completely with putting landslides in. Id rather not have the 5 high bloomeries or beautiful forge i built to come crashing down. All that tells me as a player is to leave the forge open without any enclosure. Like i said, less incentive to build, even less to make something look really cool/pretty.


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true, but the bricks aren't influenced by gravity, so they would be floating in the air...


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Keep in mind this is still a game. Im certain Bioxx doesnt want to limit what people can or cant build out of. By limiting what someone can build on the top of a mountain or the side, theres even less incentive to settle there.

The grass eliminating the chance of landslide makes sense. However, i still disagree completely with putting landslides in. Id rather not have the 5 high bloomeries or beautiful forge i built to come crashing down. All that tells me as a player is to leave the forge open without any enclosure. Like i said, less incentive to build, even less to make something look really cool/pretty.

I wasn't suggesting a massive landslide(the title is misleading) just that if a block that can be affected by gravity has a large number of gravity affected blocks above it and the block in question has no support on most or all of its sides then it will shift(imagine it gets pushed out due to the high pressure).

This would encourage player to build bloomeries and houses out of bricks rather than loose broken stones(cobble).

The result is only that dirt and cobble are unreliable building materials for larger constructions.


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I wasn't suggesting a massive landslide(the title is misleading) just that if a block that can be affected by gravity has a large number of gravity affected blocks above it and the block in question has no support on most or all of its sides then it will shift(imagine it gets pushed out due to the high pressure).

This would encourage player to build bloomeries and houses out of bricks rather than loose broken stones(cobble).

The result is only that dirt and cobble are unreliable building materials for larger constructions.

and that is what i was thinking with the fact that log piles, and maybe cobble could be moved cause it isnt a "stable" house. then again is does limit your creativity on houses, at least at ground level


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and that is what i was thinking with the fact that log piles, and maybe cobble could be moved cause it isnt a "stable" house. then again is does limit your creativity on houses, at least at ground level

This might not even remotely affect buildings anyway as on a wall a block has two other blocks in contact at its sides, so it depends on how easily the slide would be triggered. Also when building you could use a surrounding wall of a stronger material to act as a mould to prevent collapse and remove it when your finished, no slide would occur after if the effect is only triggered by placing gravity affected blocks.


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Here's a theory: Blocks affected by gravity are movable on the Y axis. What about if they were able to be moved in the horizontal using gravity code? Except they would move one block at a time - could even be pushed by the player just running into it.


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I think overall some environmental dangers are a neat idea but I think landslides would be pretty far down the line. Even just reading over the ideas in here it would seem most people agree to that same line of thinking in that things that do not exist yet should be the causes/triggers for this type of event. So while Id say keep bubbling along with this idea, some sort of weather revamp so we can get to severe weather would have to come along first :) even if just the first step was the ability to cause flash floods or what not would be a neat stepping stone to then the flood waters causing a wash out and a land slide.

All this would do in the end of the day, if you built on a slope or what not, would be to bury your supports a little deeper and make a water run way for drainage n such.. Overall I do not think any of those hinder building and could infact inspire it a bit.


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Landslides could also be limited to certain difficulties, like normal & higher. This way people can decide whether to have landslides or not.

Now I'm thinking of it, deserts are becoming more and more attractive to build your house in. :P


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Landslides could also be limited to certain difficulties, like normal & higher. This way people can decide whether to have landslides or not.

Now I'm thinking of it, deserts are becoming more and more attractive to build your house in. :P

That is untill you get sandstorms there that bury your house every once in a while.


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Landslides could also be limited to certain difficulties, like normal & higher. This way people can decide whether to have landslides or not.

Now I'm thinking of it, deserts are becoming more and more attractive to build your house in. :P

Or placed into the "more options" menu. You can call it "hardcore building style", and connect it to any change that makes building a more dangerous bussiness. Finite liquid? Water erosion? Snow over roofs increasing the cave in risk? Untreated wood decaying on certain weathers/biomes?


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http://www.minecraft...iding-sand-mod/ This looks interesting...

That is exactly what I was trying to suggest I didn't know that someone has done it already. But I would still like to see this in the mod and also function with dirt but maybe less severely than sand.


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SOLD heheheh. Though maybe accompany the storm with big dust cloud sprites as well to make it appear more authentic :)


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Ok, let's refine this. This is one way I see possible to make it happen.

Suppose we have two types of materials. One type is the materials that are solid as a block. The other are materials that are made of loose materials. In the first class we can put bricks, solid stone... the other group are cobblestones, sand and gravel, dirt and similars.

Then, lets suppose, for each block, we could see what's the humidity level. Cold weathers, water nearby, rain, other blocks with a big humidity level, etc, adds to the humidity. Desert climate, fire, lava, etc, removes humidity from the block.Then, each block type (or, in a extreme version, each individual material) could have a minimal humidity level for "sticking" to the block next to it. If one block has that minimal level, then it becomes "sticky" and doesn't landslide. If not, then once each, say, 5 or 10 minutes, there's a check with a very low provability of the landslide happening.

How's that for a prototype? Good idea, bad idea?


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Ok, let's refine this. This is one way I see possible to make it happen.

Suppose we have two types of materials. One type is the materials that are solid as a block. The other are materials that are made of loose materials. In the first class we can put bricks, solid stone... the other group are cobblestones, sand and gravel, dirt and similars.

Then, lets suppose, for each block, we could see what's the humidity level. Cold weathers, water nearby, rain, other blocks with a big humidity level, etc, adds to the humidity. Desert climate, fire, lava, etc, removes humidity from the block.Then, each block type (or, in a extreme version, each individual material) could have a minimal humidity level for "sticking" to the block next to it. If one block has that minimal level, then it becomes "sticky" and doesn't landslide. If not, then once each, say, 5 or 10 minutes, there's a check with a very low provability of the landslide happening.

How's that for a prototype? Good idea, bad idea?

Good idea but possibly a bit overcomplicated. If this was implemented for cave ins and other ideas people have had like thirst ect then it would be worth making landslides effected by weather but otherwise I think its a little too complicated mostly because it would be difficult to tell what the humidity and other variables are without more equipment that may be too technologically advanced for the current mod as it stands.


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SOLD heheheh. Though maybe accompany the storm with big dust cloud sprites as well to make it appear more authentic :)

Yeah a large dust cloud would hide the fact that the blocks look a bit stiff when the slide(don't go at angles). But this may cause lag issues especially as the landslide for the other mod looked a bit resource hungry by itself.


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I think its a little too complicated mostly because it would be difficult to tell what the humidity and other variables are without more equipment that may be too technologically advanced for the current mod as it stands.

Maybe visual clues. Drips of water falling. Different tones of colour of the grass. Slightly different particles when starting to dig the block.

Anyway, you are right; it's a little overcomplicated, both for player and for the computer. Basically we would add extra data to every block in existence, and that may be a little too much. But it would be so close to reality... And once you know how much humidity is on an area, the dinamic creation of streams and rivers becomes a posibility, even with finite water.


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