Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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New Mod Dev *Solved*

18 posts in this topic

Hi TFC Staff, for a while I have been trying to figure out how to to decompile you're source code and do all that legally to make a mod, and was delighted to see mcp-compatible files up for download! After downloading the version of forge (checked 5 times) that works with everything and used the mcp installer within forge, I placed the TerraFirmaCraft Unobsfucated Dev Build  Into the folder in 'jars' marked 'mods'. I then put the folder named 'TFC' from the zipped package, TerraFirmaCraft Dev API Into my workspace next to 'Minecraft' and '.Metadata', and started eclipse. I have TFC and Minecraft as the only two projects in my Eclipse, but don't know how to link them. I can't run the project TFC and when I run Minecraft, it only shows MCP, FML, and Forge (Or something along those lines) Like a normal MCP test run. I have searched all over the internet but can't seem to find any way to link other than using a buildpath. Please help, it would be greatly apprciated.


Thanks! - KatzRool





This section is only for developers who wish to create mods for TFC.

Download TerraFirmaCraft Unobsfucated Dev Build <- This should be placed in your mcp/jars/mods folder and can only be run in an unobsfucated environment. This is required if you plan to build a mod with TFC in mind.


Download TerraFirmaCraft Dev API <- This should be linked into your eclipse project (BUT NOT BUILD PATH). DO NOT distribute with your own mod, that is not required.




Hamcybo has decided to give a livestream/tutorial on the matter, and any future replys on this post should be if you have problems with the tutorial.


Thanks! - KatzRool


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BuildPath is the correct way to link it afaik. At least that's how I do it when setting up the full dev environment for the whole mod.


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BuildPath is the correct way to link it afaik. At least that's how I do it when setting up the full dev environment for the whole mod.

Sorry, no help yet, I clicked on Minecraft/Properties/Java Build Path/  ||Projects||  and then I cliked add and clicked TFC.


There is no error inthe console, but when I run the code, nothing happens.

Maybe you have different files as an admin? If possible a tutorial would be great (Just after you've set up forge and mcp and are about to download the two files I previously listed. From that point is all I need)




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i was also wondering this and in my jars folder there is no mods folder should i make one?



That's what I did, but still, nothing


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Starting from fresh start, so jump in wherever you happen to be:


you need:


I'm not sure if the installer cares whether you have python2 or python3,

I have both installed because I actually develop some stuff in python.

java SDK (JDK)


Some kind of git client (if on windows I recommend tortoise git)

pick one of these:

To set up TFC or TFC API with eclipse and forge source:

Download forge source

unzip it

run install.bat (if on windows) or (if you're on mac or linux/unix)

once that is complete,

obtain Eclipse IDE and run it.

workspace is forge/mcp/eclipse


either way, git or no git:

download the dev build from downloads page 

put a copy of the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib


if you're going to use git:

obtain the TFC source from git

TFC's git repo:

use git checkout command with the correct tag for the current release version. (you can list tags by just using git tag)

to link the TFC source folders in, right click the Minecraft project and go to "Build Path"->"Link Source"

You dont just add tfc from the top directory, you add the following directories under TFCraft


"TFC Resources"


change this one's name in the link-source wizard so it doesnt conflict with the minecraft project's directory.


if not using git (you'll only get access to the exposed API):

download the API from the downloads page

Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself

TFC API contains a directory named "TFC" that itself will contain a directory named "API" you need to link it so that the higher level directory containing "TFC" is the target.

put a copy of the dev build file into forge/mcp/jars/mods (create the mods directory if you have to)




when TFC version changes:

if using git you should run a pull on your source directory and use checkout on the newest version tag

you need to update the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib and forge/mcp/jars/mods (if you're not using the git repo)



To create your project:

if you're going to use version control, such as git, cvs, or svn, create & initialize the repository and checkout an empty copy of it into your desired location.

Use "build path" -> "link source" to link in the top-level source directory of your repository.

From that point do your development in your source directory. Don't change anything in TFC code if you're using the git repo, because that won't be reflected in the released version.


To build your mod:

copy your source files into forge/mcp/src/minecraft and run the shell scripts in forge/mcp

recompile (.sh or .bat)

reobfuscate (.sh or .bat)


assuming these completed without errors, if there are errors you have to fix your code and try again


put any assets, resources, META-INF directory and additional text files like or pack.mcmeta that need to be in the mod package together with the class files in forge/mcp/reobf and either zip them up or use the jar binary from JDK to put them into a jar package.


after this is done, remove your copied source code from forge/mcp/src/minecraft so it doesnt interfere with your eclipse builds.


you can write a script to automate this for you in .bat or .sh shell language if you want.


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Starting from fresh start, so jump in wherever you happen to be:


you need:


I'm not sure if the installer cares whether you have python2 or python3,

I have both installed because I actually develop some stuff in python.

java SDK (JDK)


Some kind of git client (if on windows I recommend tortoise git)

pick one of these:

To set up TFC or TFC API with eclipse and forge source:

Download forge source

unzip it

run install.bat (if on windows) or (if you're on mac or linux/unix)

once that is complete,

obtain Eclipse IDE and run it.

workspace is forge/mcp/eclipse


either way, git or no git:

download the dev build from downloads page 

put a copy of the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib


if you're going to use git:

obtain the TFC source from git

TFC's git repo:

to link the TFC source folders in, right click the Minecraft project and go to "Build Path"->"Link Source"

You dont just add tfc from the top directory, you add the following directories under TFCraft


"TFC Resources"


change this one's name in the link-source wizard so it doesnt conflict with the minecraft project's directory.


if not using git (you'll only get access to the exposed API):

download the API from the downloads page

Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself

put a copy of the dev build file into forge/mcp/jars/mods (create the mods directory if you have to)




when TFC version changes:

if using git you should run a pull on your source directory and use checkout on the newest version tag

you need to update the dev build file in forge/mcp/lib and forge/mcp/jars/mods (if you're not using the git repo)



To create your project:

if you're going to use version control, such as git, cvs, or svn, create & initialize the repository and checkout an empty copy of it into your desired location.

Use "build path" -> "link source" to link in the top-level source directory of your repository.

From that point do your development in your source directory. Don't change anything in TFC code if you're using the git repo, because that won't be reflected in the released version.


To build your mod:

copy your source files into forge/mcp/src/minecraft and run the shell scripts in forge/mcp

recompile (.sh or .bat)

reobfuscate (.sh or .bat)


assuming these completed without errors, if there are errors you have to fix your code and try again


put any assets, resources, META-INF directory and additional text files like or pack.mcmeta that need to be in the mod package together with the class files in forge/mcp/reobf and either zip them up or use the jar binary from JDK to put them into a jar package.


after this is done, remove your copied source code from forge/mcp/src/minecraft so it doesnt interfere with your eclipse builds.


you can write a script to automate this for you in .bat or .sh shell language if you want.



Description  Resource  Path  Location  Type

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 309  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 309  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 314  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 310  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 333  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 329  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 453  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 315  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 314  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 325  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 325  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 456  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 458  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 179  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 179  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 45  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 51  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 63  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 51  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 41  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 29  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 23  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 51  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 23  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 179  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 209  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 179  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 203  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 227  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 61  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 248  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 223  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 39  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 39  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 115  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 133  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 134  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 128  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 128  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 129  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 133  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 51  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 67  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 23  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 65  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 70  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 69  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 23  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 115  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 41  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 39  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 39  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

AIEatGrass cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs  line 61  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 160  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 180  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 199  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 203  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 209  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 223  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 70  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 69  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 248  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 227  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 128  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 128  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 314  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 315  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 310  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 314  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 309  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 309  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 456  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 29  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 458  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 45  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 453  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 329  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 63  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 333  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 65  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 325  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 67  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 325  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 476  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/TileEntities  line 475  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 133  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 134  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 129  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/ItemBlocks  line 133  Java Problem

Alloy cannot be resolved to a type  /Minecraft/TFC/TFCraft-master/TFC_Shared/src/TFC/Items/Pottery  line 180  Java Problem



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You failed to link the API.


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Did It without git aswell, no errors, just normal minecraft launch. reset the entire project like five times, still can't figure it out. (This sounds nooby but oh well,) Maybe I could have a tutorial saying "and do this by clicking example/example/example and then checking everything to this and that.


My brain stopped comprehending your meaning at


"Download the API from the downloads page

Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself"


Please as detailed as possible, and I have decided against git, Just because it seems too wierd to figure out.


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if you're going to use git:

obtain the TFC source from git

TFC's git repo:

to link the TFC source folders in, right click the Minecraft project and go to "Build Path"->"Link Source"

You dont just add tfc from the top directory, you add the following directories under TFCraft


"TFC Resources"


change this one's name in the link-source wizard so it doesnt conflict with the minecraft project's directory.




i have been trying to for the last two weeks and i am still getting 227 errors when i add the api. in the spoiler is 100 of the 227 error. what might i be doing wrong 


by the way i use Pahimar Dev environment 


Description Resource Path Location Type
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 19 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 19 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Handlers line 234 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 25 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 31 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 80 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 20 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 21 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 33 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Items/Tools line 95 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Items/Tools line 86 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Items/Tools line 186 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Items/Tools line 110 Java Problem
attackDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Items/Tools line 146 Java Problem
carpet cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Core line 171 Java Problem
carpet cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Core line 173 Java Problem
carpet cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Core line 173 Java Problem
lastDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 157 Java Problem
lastDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 162 Java Problem
lastDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 163 Java Problem
lastDamage cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 168 Java Problem
limbSwingAmount cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 152 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/GUI line 143 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/GUI line 180 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/GUI line 87 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 114 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 127 Java Problem
locationBlocksTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 403 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/GUI line 31 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 92 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 31 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 63 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 81 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 99 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 117 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 151 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 169 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 187 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 205 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 239 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 258 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 278 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 297 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 330 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 348 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 366 Java Problem
locationItemsTexture cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Render/Blocks line 384 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 144 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 20 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 20 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 95 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 167 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 18 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 186 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 26 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 20 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 32 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Handlers line 38 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 108 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 81 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 109 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 21 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 157 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 23 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Handlers line 36 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 22 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 31 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 87 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 34 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Core/Player line 38 Java Problem
maxHealth cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Core line 640 Java Problem
movementSpeed cannot be resolved or is not a field /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 158 Java Problem
Project 'Second AGE' is missing required Java project: 'TerraFirmaCraft' Second AGE Build path Build Path Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityAnimal /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 185 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityBlaze /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 18 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityChicken /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 94 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityCow /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 166 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityCreeper /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 17 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityEnderman /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 24 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityGhast /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 19 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityIronGolem /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 30 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityMob /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 156 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityPig /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 107 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntitySheep /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 108 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntitySilverfish /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 19 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntitySpider /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 18 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntitySpider /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 20 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntitySquid /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 30 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityTameable /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 143 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityWolf /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 86 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() is undefined for the type EntityZombie /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 32 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityBear must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 141 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityBlazeTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 16 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityCaveSpiderTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 16 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityChickenTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 92 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityCowTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 164 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityCreeperTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 15 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityDeer must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 183 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityEndermanTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 22 Java Problem
The method applyEntityAttributes() of type EntityGhastTFC must override or implement a supertype method /TFCraft/src/TFC/Entities/Mobs line 17 Java Problem

Edited by hamcybo

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I was able to get my eclipses setup and working. If required I will do a tutorial/livestream


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I was able to get my eclipses setup and working. If required I will do a tutorial/livestream



Thank you so much, that would be appreciated thoroughly, just post a link on the forum and see if it works for me (I'm windows, if you're mac or linux, I'm sure we can find a way around it, I have followed mac tutorials before) And I go back to school from the holidays in 2 days, so don't expect many reply's from me.


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put in a slightly more straightforward explanation with an edit, see if it makes sense now.


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Did It without git aswell, no errors, just normal minecraft launch. reset the entire project like five times, still can't figure it out. (This sounds nooby but oh well,) Maybe I could have a tutorial saying "and do this by clicking example/example/example and then checking everything to this and that.


My brain stopped comprehending your meaning at


"Download the API from the downloads page

Only link the API stuff from the api zip, make sure you link it to the directory containing the TFC directory and not the TFC directory itself"


Please as detailed as possible, and I have decided against git, Just because it seems too wierd to figure out.


if you're unable to understand git version control you might not be at a competence stage where your're ready to produce a mod. Its really not that hard to use, your mistake wasn't actually a git error, but an eclipse link problem. (plus Bioxx's strange directory setup)


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if you're unable to understand git version control you might not be at a competence stage where your're ready to produce a mod. Its really not that hard to use, your mistake wasn't actually a git error, but an eclipse link problem. (plus Bioxx's strange directory setup)

Sorry, Just that I've been Sick for 9 weeks and am just recovering, everything is really hard to read, and my comprehension of sentences is down. I assure you, I am sufficiant at coding and such yet I am still under the weather. What I meant by 'Too weird' was not exactly the way the words worked in my head, and I have always just had other ways of making stuff without git.


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I followed the steps from the video and am getting an error when I try to run the TerraFirmaCraft project: FML Can't find tfc_coremod


I'm using the github source on branch master, with the same environment configuration that hamcybo is using.


I tried adding the TFC/ASM/* folder to the project (PROJECT>/src/tfc/asm/*) but that still didn't work.


I also tried creating a new (blank) project with a dependency on the dev.jar from the download page and it had the same error.


I have been trying to get my environment setup for nearly 3 days now. I spent the first day just doing research on forge modding so I would be familiar with all this, and the next day and part of today trying to get stuff set up correctly.


I've asked on #minecraftForge and #forgegradle for help but they aren't particularly interested in helping someone setup an 'old' modding environment.


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I followed the steps from the video and am getting an error when I try to run the TerraFirmaCraft project: FML Can't find tfc_coremod


I'm using the github source on branch master, with the same environment configuration that hamcybo is using.


I tried adding the TFC/ASM/* folder to the project (PROJECT>/src/tfc/asm/*) but that still didn't work.


I also tried creating a new (blank) project with a dependency on the dev.jar from the download page and it had the same error.


I have been trying to get my environment setup for nearly 3 days now. I spent the first day just doing research on forge modding so I would be familiar with all this, and the next day and part of today trying to get stuff set up correctly.


I've asked on #minecraftForge and #forgegradle for help but they aren't particularly interested in helping someone setup an 'old' modding environment.


Did you put the TFCASM_dummy.jar file in your mcp/jars/mods folder, or add 


to the VM arguments in the run configurations?


Edit: Only do one or the other, not both or it will crash because of duplicate mods.


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I did not, I can't find any kind of detailed documentation on setting up the environment for TFC. Just bits and pieces that got me to where I am right now. I'll give this a shot and see what happens.


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