Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Private] SoranityCraft [Whitelist-No Banned Items-]

29 posts in this topic

Well we are a small server based we are new and we need members i am recording on the server all the time, and need some co-op before the first upload of tfc.


The app format is.




[How much can you witstand a jokeful play]

[Can you take sarcasm]

[Do you like to have fun]



Rules are


No griefing 


No spamming


No killing unless both sides agree.


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[username] Axier

[Age] 21

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] My humor is a tad dark and depressing sometimes, so I might not get it, but I can put up with just about anything short of decimation of hardly made virtual property.

[Can you take sarcasm] Obviously not, I am to fragile for all of that...  :rolleyes:

[Do you like to have fun] If I didn't, would I play minecraft? Although, TFC is arguably an exercise in masochism...


I must admit, my current computer isn't happy with TFC... I may be lacking in productivity for a couple of months until I get a new computer, I got stuck with a really old laptop after anything good broked. I can almost stort of play in a multiplayer server, mostly, with only small moments of system paralysis, but I will be getting a new system soon.


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[username] Kuddendark

[Age] 14

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] much.. lol XD

[Can you take sarcasm] yes i can! ofc :)


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[How much can you witstand a jokeful play]Yes, unless its like racial and its not very jokelike

[Can you take sarcasm]most of the time XD

[Do you like to have fun]yes


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[To a certain degree]

[i like sarcasm]

[i like to have fun]


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[How much can you witstand a jokeful play]A lot... :)

[Can you take sarcasm] Yep.

[Do you like to have fun]Obviously not, why would i?


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[username] ItzThaClutch


[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] Yea, I joking around.

[Can you take sarcasm]Yea, I love being sarcastic, I think its funny.

[Do you like to have fun]Yep, thats why i'm play TFC I've never played it so it will be a new experience for me.


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[username] yogert231

[age] 15

[how much can you witstand a jokeful play] i have a good range of humor so i think i can put up with anything you got.

[can you take sarcasm] hell ya i love sarcasm.

[do you like to have fun] no not at all *point's up at previous answer*


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[How much can you witstand a jokeful play]check

[Can you take sarcasm]check

[Do you like to have fun]CHECK!


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[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] I love to joke around but i do have my limits like if you nuke my stuff then maybe youll have an angry asian. maybe CX

[Can you take sarcasm]Unfortunately i am a little to sarcastic sometimes so i can take a lot CX again im human so i do have limits which i have not seen yet.

[Do you like to have fun] Whats the point of games if not to have fun?? i wouldnt be a gamer if i dont love having fun. WARNING!!! i am a slight derp 

Thanks for the consideration


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[username] Jacciee

[Age] 14

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] I love just joking and talking

[Can you take sarcasm] Yes, as long if it is not too unkind

[Do you like to have fun] Yes, pretty :)


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Username: MDetonados


How much can i withstand a jokeful play: I never fond my limit yet, witch i think is a good thing...

Can you take sarcasm: Yep

Do you like to have fun: no, why would i? e.e


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define jokeful play... humerous insults, sarcasm, any verbal jokes: no problem. hiding my stuff and killing me for no apparent reason, we're gonna have problems. 


sarcasm: probably wont hear much from me. sarcasm doesnt matter much to me. so, yes. 


fun? whats fun?... lol   yeah, i can have fun. :)


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[username] wildwestusmc

[Age] 32

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] yes, I was a Marine when I was younger so if you know anything about military and how we joke you'd know we can!

[Can you take sarcasm] yes of course

[Do you like to have fun] Im 32 and still playing video games on a very regular basis...


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[username] Brohzy

[Age] 15

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] Its Fun, its no problem, im good

[Can you take sarcasm]Yes, of course

[Do you like to have fun] YEAH hahaha!


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[username] Gigas232

[Age] 17

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] Depends on the play, a lot usually.

[Can you take sarcasm] I dish out as much as I like to take in.

[Do you like to have fun] Indeed I do.


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[username] Midget_Molester

[Age] 16

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] Depends on who dishes it out, and what is going on, but for the most part I can take jokes.

[Can you take sarcasm] As much as the next guy, so long as it's not someone who hates sarcasm.

[Do you like to have fun] I do indeed, I often recieve pranks as well as prank others. On another server I was the leader of a team who would prank others with copious amounts of leaves and flowers.


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[username] CavernAce

[Age] 17

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] As much as you throw at me

[Can you take sarcasm] As long as you allow me to join in

[Do you like to have fun] I can juggle 5 balls at once, so uh, not to brag or anything but, yea, I do. Just kidding, love it. Not about the Juggling though. It's awesome.


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[username] AvacadoShavings

[Age] 14

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] Just don't kill or loot me, and we're good.

[Can you take sarcasm] Kinda hard to tell in chat, isn't it? But yea, I can take sarcasm.

[Do you like to have fun] Of course!


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[username] dpc1997

[Age] 16

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] just try to offend me 

[Can you take sarcasm] yup

[Do you like to have fun] shuuuure if i have to :)


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[username] wb6644 (ive had the account for 4 years, the names going to be bad)

[Age] 17

[How much can you withstand a jokeful play] more than the adverage 17 year old to give you a perspective 

[Can you take sarcasm] if its not meant in a rude or otherwise offensive way just fine.

[Do you like to have fun] who doesnt? a better question would be whats your idea of fun. my idea of fun if FPS games mincraft being the exception.


[additional things about me]

-ive had minecraft around since beta 1.6

-ive never been banned from a server or at least i cant remember if i have

-i have been moderator on many server and games such as tf2 and WoW (im not trying to get moded, just saying im trust worthy)

-i live in Colorado

-im very active on games (as ofthis week 6/4/14 i have 72 hours on steam games alone)

- i got into "TFC" when i saw youtuber ethoslab cover it and i was sold.

(his video one tfc)

-my favorite bant is my chemical romance and im a sucker for punk rock.

ive been on many white listed servers and i love the friendly community. 'hope to see you on the server!





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[username] shjhguy1998

[Age] 15

[How much can you witstand a jokeful play] hell yes 

[Can you take sarcasm] yes i can

[Do you like to have fun] who doesn't? ;P


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[How much can you withstand a jokeful play]

I can totally withstand a jokeful play, unless it goes way beyond, like my 2 hours of work is either stolen or destroyed. Other than that, I'm pretty chill as a sloth.

Without jokes and pranks, there is no atmosphere for the lol's and cracking up of course!


[Can you take sarcasm]

I feel that everybody must understand and take sarcasm; it is part of socializing. In conclusion, I can totally take sarcasm, no matter how far it can go.


[Do you like to have fun]

Yes of course! That's why I want to play cooperatively with other players on minecraft.


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