Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Crococraft server [Survival, whitelisted, TFC, towns and trading, 0.78.17] < A good server :)

560 posts in this topic

Crococraft server
Welcome! JuPhi and I (EnTro) have been playing TFC for some time now and we’d like to start-up a server with other people. We want to create a server with a nice, friendly and inspiring community. We look for all type of players: from explorers to castle builders, from traders to miners, packrats to hermits and farmers to knights.


We use mytown to allow you to create towns and nations. The trade booth mod allows you to setup a booth that will allow 24/7 trade, even when you are offline. Also we have a few custom recipes that allow you to make pistons and redstone lamps!
Teams and claiming territory
Anybody is allowed to form a group or team to play together. We now have the MyTown plugin running that allows you to create villages and nations.
Server map
We have an interactive server map (not Dynmap, this is much better :P).
PvP, destroying and stealing
PvP is turned on and allowed on the condition that both individuals (or teams) agree on the terms beforehand. Destroying stuff or stealing ones property is not allowed (unless agreed in a PvP situation).
General rules
Stay within the pregenerated map boundaries. Do not leave the terrain in an ugly state (e.g. cut all jungle/sequoia trees). Swearing/cursing is not allowed. Respect all other players. And of course: Wheaton's Law.
In case of (rule) disputes, contact me.
This is mainly a vanilla TFC server with a few minor extensions. In addition we have implemented a few custom recipes and Aeroc's awesome trade booth mod and Mytown. We have a page with installation instructions.Don't worry, setting it all up is easy as pie! There is even a modpack to make it even simpler.

- Super-server; Quad core, 3.4 - 3.9Ghz, 32Gb ram, SSD drives, 1Gbit uplink
- TerraFirmaCraft of course!

- MyTown for setting up towns and nations

- TradeBooths allowing 24/7 trading

- Custom recipes
- Pregenerated map; x from -15000 to 15000, z from -15000 to 15000 (stay within these borders)
- Mumble server for speech
- Community website:



JuPhi, Hammerfury, Codey, LKaewan & EnTro

Posted Image

Open the spoiler to see more screenshots:

These screenshots are made by fliffy101 using the Glsl shaders mod in spawn village. Shaderpack is Chocabos. (

Two more)

Posted Image
Posted Image

This video was made by MasterOfTrollz on the server. He gives a general overview on TerraFirmaCraft in the second large town: Corinth

How to apply:


Applications are closed


Post this filled out form in a reply:

Why do you like to play TFC?
Why do you want to join?
What will you add to the server?
We will send you the server's address in a PM when you're accepted :)


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Username: jamert

Age: 23

Location: Houston, TX

What are your plans on the server? build, survive, have fun, and rebuild the pristine mega-monolith that I lost when KBG shut down it's TFC server

Why do you like to play TFC? tfc is more in-depth survival MC with more "realistic" qualities

Why do you want to join? because KBG shut down it's TFC server, and I miss it

What will you add to the server? I know how to respect other players' property and how to behave in chat.


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Welcome jamert! You've been added to the whitelist. I've send you a PM with the IP.


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Username: lfod1836

Age: 15

Location: Texas

What are your plans on the server? New To TFC But have been playing in single player world.

Why do you like to play TFC? The difficulty level is the most challenging. 

Why do you want to join? I would like to join in a new world and help build a community. 

What will you add to the server? 


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Username: Onur2

Age: 17

Location: Amersfoort, Netherlands

What are your plans on the server?: Survive and thrive

Why do you like to play TFC?: I've played TFC for quite a long time now (from the early Alpha builds), mostly singleplayer and lan worlds which kinda bored me. I'm looking for a good server with a nice community fits in my playstyle.

Why do you want to join?: The server is whitelisted, that makes it more interesting, because I'm really searching for a mature community who I can have fun with. This really seems like one.

What will you add to the server?: Roleplay-like aspects, help to start out for new players and of course another smile.


PS: I won't be online very much during monday-thursday, as I find school quite important too.


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Hi ! I would like to specify that I'm french and I would like to perform my English, it's why I would like to join a english server !


Username: Neryoran59 (Bastien IRL)

Age: I'm 15

Location: France (north)

What are your plans on the server? Survie, build, speak, socializing, share my work, have fun and descorve the mod

Why do you like to play TFC? I like TFC beaucause I have played minecraft for a long time ( 3years) and I think minecraft is not more real, I discovered TFC there 1 week and I don't like playing in singleplayer.

Why do you want to join? So, if I would like to join it's beaucause I search a recent whitelisted server who player like mature and I think I found what I fond here. Moreover I search english server fo perform my englih !

What will you add to the server? Help news players if I can, and respect all player !!


Have a good day !


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LFOD, Onur2 and Neryoran59, welcome to the server! You have all received the IP in a PM.


In server related news:

We are now running V77 B21

I've reverted the year length back to 96 days as it seemed to cause temperature related bugs (summer ice and snow). The intention was to run run a year of 360 minecraft days (5 irl days)


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Username: Hammerfury

Age: 35

Location: Longview, TX

What are your plans on the server? Mine, farm, explore

Why do you like to play TFC? I like the challenge

Why do you want to join? Single player is getting boring, looks like a server I would enjoy.

What will you add to the server? Tunnels, miles of tunnels, and oversized farms


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Welcome to the server Hammerfury!


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Username: Allklier

Age: 24

Location: Germany

What are your plans on the server? I like building hobbit-like houses and mining, i like the peaceful way.

Why do you like to play TFC? Mining and farming

Why do you want to join? To play in a team

What will you add to the server? Teamplay


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Location: Texas

What are your plans on the server? To build large scale communtiy builds such as iron farms and large redstone projects

Why do you like to play TFC?It is private and with other people that you will be able to show your work

Why do you want to join?becasue i am tired of single player and this looks like a fun server

What will you add to the server?A active server member that is very community oriented


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Allklier, I whitelisted and sent you the IP earlier. Moshakra, you are now whitelisted and the IP is in a PM. I'd like to welcome both of you to the server :)


Joelouisdog, I think you confuse this server with a regular vanilla minecraft server. I have send you a PM with some more info on terrafirmacraft.


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Age:17 (neer to be 18)

Location:Qatar (i am from tunis but i live in qatar becouse my dad work here)

What are your plans on the server? i am planing to make friends and brothers :D and i might start a youtube channel :D

Why do you like to play TFC?i am bored of normal minecraft and i want to take it to the limit ( that what she said XD ) i am new in it and this is my 1st week 

Why do you want to join?i want to find a place that respect and respect all the players play in it and a place that no one can grief u and the most importing thing to make new friend

What will you add to the server? I will make players love playing in it and i will make them feel like there are in there home and between there family (i think we will be a family =D ) and u might like my building i am not that good builder but i love what i build 


PS: i am not language English but i can write and speak it with no problem =D 


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Hi !



Username: Jesrad

Age: 33

Location: SSRF (France)

What are your plans on the server? Carve a neat little piece of countryside for myself

Why do you like to play TFC? The challenge and the realism

Why do you want to join? I like the interaction

What will you add to the server? I'm helpful and ethical


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Username: Jacciee

Age: 14

Location: The Netherlands

What are your plans on the server? I've played a long time ago and i wanted to do it all again! I think I will make a big Farm-village this time.

Why do you like to play TFC? I like the difficulty and reality about TFC. I like how its harder for you to make basic stuff like a bed, pickaxe, or iron tools and armour.

Why do you want to join? I want to start and learn TFC in multiplayer without needing to download mods.

What will you add to the server? Someone who loves talking.


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Username: AnnoyingKid97

Age: 17

Location: Holland, The Netherlands

What are your plans on the server? my plan is to build like a small village with all the apropriate buildings and housing space

Why do you like to play TFC? its alot more chalanging than vanilla and it just add the best thing ever: ultimate exploration.

Why do you want to join? because its no fun to play alone, im therefore also looking 

What will you add to the server? ill add a village to take a look at and say: yes, thats a nice village you got there and also ill add myself ofcourse, im quite talkative!


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Welcome jacciee and AnnoyingKid97! Check your personal messages for the IP.


I have added some more pregenerated map. The map is now 20000 x 36000 blocks. The borders are at x = -10000 & 10000 and z = -18000 & 18000. Enjoy exploring!


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Username: Lehk

Age: 28

Location: NY, USA

What are your plans on the server? I usually start with a cabin and farm, after I have decent materials either I build a large house/castle/lair or join an interesting project If I find one

Why do you like to play TFC? Much more in depth and complex world than vanilla

Why do you want to join? Finally got my TFC updated to current and looking for an up to date server to play on

What will you add to the server? I want to set up a trade route or trading post


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Username: MasterOfTrollz

Age: 17

Location: Belgium

What are your plans on the server? building, mining, helping community

Why do you like to play TFC? it is more fun to play than vanilla. in vanilla you get you stuff a little to easy.

Why do you want to join? if seen a lot of server survival gameplay and i thought i would like to do it. I know how it works and I am a great team worker.

What will you add to the server? teamwork and maybe a communityservice


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Hello MasterOfTrollz, welcome to the server. I've added you to the whitelist and sent you the IP :)


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Username: ryanryan3247

Age: 17

Location: USA

What are your plans on the server? building, and just being a general help.

Why do you like to play TFC? I like all the survival aspects a lot more than vanilla. Its more fun in a lot of ways.

Why do you want to join? I have not played on a server in a while... and I really like the feel of TFC servers.

What will you add to the server? builds, help, and perhaps a little expertise.


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Username: fliffy101

Age: 14

Location: Georgia, Usa (no country accent)

What are your plans on the server? General architect, hopefully I can help with creative builds (in survival of course)

Why do you like to play TFC? Its alot more detail oriented than vanilla, and makes many things possible that previously were not :)

Why do you want to join? I rather play with others, It's really boring sitting around in a mud hut by myself, why not do it with others! :3

What will you add to the server? Structures, possible highways, small - medium scale aesthetic and/or useful buildings


(I will only be available part-time on weekends and sometimes on weekdays, so I'd be more of an occasional on the server)


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