Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Crococraft server [Survival, whitelisted, TFC, towns and trading, 0.78.17] < A good server :)

560 posts in this topic

Welcome to the server Potater929.


i have sent you a PM with the info you need to join the server




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Username: zefelippe
Age: 26
Location: Brazil
Why do you like to play TFC? The mod adds more dificulty to the game, making it so much better to play.
Why do you want to join? I've been looking for a server for a while now, been playing mostly single player. This looks like a nice and friendly server. And I all i want is fun.
What will you add to the server? Some experience, I lived 4 years in Europe and played many games. Been playing minecraft for 2 years now, and dont mind to help others.


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Just wanted to say Codey, when do you intend to update to 0.78.15?


hopefully we'll be updating to 78.16 soon I'll keep you posted :)


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Welcome to the server zefelippe,


I have added you to the white list and sent you a PM on how to join




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We have updated to 78.16! I hope the performance improvement will also translate to servers, so we can have even more players on at the same time. Enjoy!


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Username: HerrFristi
Age: 21
Location: The Netherlands
Why do you like to play TFC? I've been watching Ethos videos on TFC, and I want to try it out for myself, as it looks really interested.
Why do you want to join? Because this looks like a nice active server to play on.
What will you add to the server? I have no idea, I haven't played TFC before, so first and foremost I'll be a giant noob trying to learn everything, so not really sure what I'll be adding, my shining personality I suppose? :P


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Age: 24
Location: Canada
Why do you like to play TFC? It's a refreshing change of pace from tech mods and i like the challenge
Why do you want to join? i'd love to play with other people...ssp is just too empty
What will you add to the server? a fun time, i don't greif and will willingly help and make jokes to lighten the mood i'm also polite and semi professional when it comes to tfc 


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Username: Ainareth

Age: 26

Location: Poland

Why do you like to play TFC?: I'm brother of Grzesio1985 and friend of Radlo87. I'd very much like to join them on this server. My account name is Ainareth, please whitelist me :D

Why do you want to join? see up^

What will you add to the server? huh? my awesome awesomeness of course :D and i'm always helpful and kind, that is :)


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Username: Sirbab
Age: 20
Location: Ohio, USA
Why do you like to play TFC? I happen to like to rustic feel, and balance that it provides. I play/have played a decent amount of the tech modpacks, and it just feels... strange, especially with so many mods cobbled together. Also there's the nice feeling of progression and challenge that it gives.
Why do you want to join? I felt like getting back into TFC for a while, saw a server with a good presentation, up to date, and one of the biggest things; Pregenned map, exploring in tfc was such a pain in the rear for everyone on the server on previous TFC experiences i've had.
What will you add to the server? Hmm, A community member for one, A neighbor, and probably some fairly decent abodes. Most likely i would join or settle a town. If i like what i see, i'll probably ask a few of my buddies to tag along. As well as having a better than basic knowledge of how TFC works (at least versions from a few months ago).


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Username: lakeel
Age: 17

Location:  jacksonville florida


Why do you like to play TFC? : because i like the midevil feel of the mod and the variety/organization of the enviorment that vanilla dosent have. for once i can go south and it actually becomes tropical. i easily run out of things to do in vanilla and get bored. thus i do alot of mods to make the gaming unique. just like this mod.


Why do you want to join? : me and mah friend Bcg17 are on the hunt for a slightly lower populated server after the happydigers server was vastly overrun by swarms of noobs destroying everything in there path. we had also already achieved redsteel on that server with relative ease and the town we were in died soon after. thus were looking to migrate to a server that has roughly 15-24 people on daily with at least half experienced players and a map that isnt buged out like happydiggers map is. and some faculty that actually do there jobs :L


What will you add to the server?: me and mah friend bcg17 who are experienced tfc veterans who ahae played sence the mod had flint tools on a stick,  a new town/city that we wish too build and invite people tolive in. decent building styles and architecural acheivments that will leave wandering travelers in awe. [like a castle....or somthing] and if that fails....youll at least be getting a player that knows how to play,build decently, and function in a town as a citizen.


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Username: Dano6655

age: 24

Location NJ,USA


Why do you play tfc?: I like the challenge mostly. Tfc makes it so you have to actually be semi-resourceful to get things accomplished and thus feels more rewarding.


Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a server that's populated but doesn't stuffer from lag problems.


What will you add to the server?: I'm an extremely experienced tfc player and i know like 99% of the ins and outs of the game. I'm always willing to help people out if they have question and I'm willing to assist people in working on larger projects like towns/structures although my own creativity is lacking a bit


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Username: Diemex94
Age: 19
Location: Germany
Why do you like to play TFC?: I like to have a real survival challenge. I have played with the extrahardmode plugin for a while. It's good, but it doesn't really make survival feel like survival, it just makes it harder. I'm looking for the real survival.
Why do you want to join? I'm looking for an active tfc server, where I can just hop on and chill out.
What will you add to the server? A patient and friendly player


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Welcome Diemex94, Dano6655, Lakeel, Sirbab, Ainareth, Sty2000 and HerrFristi! I have send you a PM with the IP adress. Enjoy!


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Username: jakeit1111
Age: 16
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Why do you like to play TFC?: Because of the similarity to real life survival, and that it is more challenging than vanilla minecraft
Why do you want to join?: Because it looks to be one of the most/only friendly, community, fun and fair servers for TFC.
What will you add to the server?: I will add my effort and commitment, as well as 1 and a half years off experience playing TFC.


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The Netherlands


Why do you like to play TFC?

I like playing because of the great survival feature it really takes the efforts of being searching for materials and resources.

Why do you want to join?

I wanna try to work together whit people and hope to make new friends this way!

What will you add to the server?

I would like to add a Shop or an Trader that would be an intresting feuture.



Btw i have skype where u can add me on iff u want i always like new friends and people to talk to!


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Age: 14
Location: Bahamas, The
Why do you like to play TFC? I would like to play TFC because vanilla seems a tad bit easy. Also, in every mod-pack, it feels that I have been there, done that.
Why do you want to join? I would like to join the server because single player is just not the same, the community aspect are one of the biggest contributors to the enjoyment of the game.
What will you add to the server? I will add my commitment, and in some cases help to another player.


I like to think I am funny, I am also very talkative (That can be a good or a bad thing, it depends on the situation). 


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Username: mtac002
Age: 16
Location: GA, USA
Why do you like to play TFC?: it gives a unique way to play minecraft, also vary fun with friends!
Why do you want to join? most of my friends are on there and it looks like a good server!
What will you add to the server? i will add my unique pizzazz to the server, and will help with all i can help with


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welcome GoRoy, jakeit1111, IceColdHeart, gabrieljw1, bcg17 and mtac002


i have white listed you all on the server and sent you a PM on how to join.




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the server is lagging so badly thats its making ti impossable for me and my 3 frined to acomplish anything or pick anything up were constantly getting booted from the server and spending endless ammounts of time trying to pick up 1 thing only to have us get booted again.


can you plz fix this. people keep blameing it on exploring bu this is supposed to be a pre generated map


plz fix this its making us want to leave and we just got here :L


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•TFC reminds me of the beauty in in the place i live, and in Minecraft. Normal Minecraft is boring and lacks logical survival methods(i.e. you can   punch the bottom of a tree and the rest floats).

•Ive played TFC for a while and it is missing something without other people. I prefer smaller, more personal servers, especially ones that respect creation, not destruction and chaos like other survival servers

•I hope to add my building skills to the server, and of course my company and wonderful charisma. :D



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Username: Stelthblade
Age: 14
Location: Washington State.
Why do you like to play TFC?: I like to play TFC for several reasons, some of these reasons are: I have been playing Minecraft for about 4 years now and lately vanilla has gotten boring. Another reason why I plat TFC is because Vanilla Minecraft is way to easy to get all diamond armor and tools, in a few hours, but in TFC you actually have to work for your items.
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join your server because of two reasons, I have always loved playing Minecraft with a community and I find I get lonely easily when I play Single-Player. The second reason why I would like to join your server is because you have a pre-loaded map, and this of course means us players will not get giant amounts of lag when we go out exploring.
What will you add to the server?: Ill be honest with you guys/girls (whoever looks over my application), I am probably like the rest of your players. I love to play and talk with the community servers form, I love to help others build and i love to build for myself as will. I have always enjoyed exploring the world, and if i find something that another player needs and I don't, I will happily give it to them. All together I can offer to this server's community some help when it comes to both building and supplying resources and I can also just talk to the other players if need be.


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