Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Crococraft server [Survival, whitelisted, TFC, towns and trading, 0.78.17] < A good server :)

560 posts in this topic

Username: Stingray540

Age: 14

Location: UK

What are your plans on the server? Learn to play while having fun with a good community.

Why do you play TFC? After playing Minecraft since 2010 it has become both repetitive and easy, I play for a fresh experience.

Why do you want to join? Multiplayer is simply much more fun, and has much more of a lifetime than single player. 

What will you add to this server? I hope to be a regular player who can help people with anything like mining, gathering, building towns etc.


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Something horrible happened to kervos, so he wont be joining us... I brought some backup.

22, California, darkhaven3

21, South Carolina, Kuhl3r

darkhaven is my backup, kuhl3r is darkhaven's partner and I would feel horrible if they wanted to both play and were seperated.

Neither have played TFC and would love to experiencd it with some experienced players.

Darkhaven is an all around cool person aswell as his partner being the same. They're both super friendly and like to be around people so they would help with the community a lot.


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Welcome the server SmartCracker, Stingray540, darkhaven3 and Kuhl3r.


you have all been white listed and i have sent a PM with the info you need to join the server.




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Welcome to the server aim392,


you have been white listed and i have sent you a PM with the info you need to get on the server.




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Username: damperstorm
Age: 19
Location: Olympia, WA, USA
Why do you like to play TFC? It's the single modpack (it's not entirely one guy's creations; numerous of the stuff were made in other mods) that changes every single facet of Minecraft, completely refreshing the game's survival.
Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a server to have more enjoyment than living the solitary confinement of singleplayer.
What will you add to the server? My kindness and insanity that quite a number of people enjoy. Or so they tell me.


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Welcome to the server damperstorm,


you have been white listed and i have sent you a PM with the info you need to get on the server.




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Location: United Kingdom
Why do you like to play TFC? I enjoy the challenge it brings and it feels like a fresh game everytime I play, its additions to vanilla survival make it one of my favourite modpacks.

Why do you want to join? Recently got back into Terrafirmacraft and haven't really played much multiplayer so I really want to try it out, I also like playing games in a community, and hate it when random people join and grief so appreciate the whitelist.
What will you add to the server? I'm experienced in several programming languages (Don't know if that will be useful here but i'll say it anyway), I can be a community member and play on the server often. I can help with jobs that need doing and I guess at the base of it all i'm another player to the server.


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Location: Northwestern USA

Why do you like to play TFC?; The gameplay is much more challenging than vanilla MC, offering more to do, and therefore a bigger sense of achievement.

Why do you want to join? I would like to join and find a community of players that I can play with, offering help and company as well as a good town member, and beautiful structures to those who are in my township.

What will you add to the server?; A player who has never been banned, has only been kicked for glitches with anti-cheat plugins involving boats, and has served as moderator and administrator on multiple servers. You can be assured that I will only add structures and a wholesome participant who maintains a good standing with staff, and neighbors.


                                                                                                                                                                           Hope to see you in game, CuttyFlam67


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Username: sofilthy
Age: 25
Location: Los Angeles
Why do you like to play TFC? - My fantasies of living in the woods by my own means can come true in this mod. <3
Why do you want to join? - It gets lonely playing by myself. I really enjoy light late night convo while working on w/e goals I may be trying to accomplish.
What will you add to the server? - I'm so new, maybe nothing now, but I love making food and crops :)


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Username: loljustlol
Age: 13
Location: Ohio
Why do you like to play TFC? I like how it's realistic and everything has difficulty to it,so when you do something you feel like you've really accomplished something.
Why do you want to join? I'm tired of playing alone on singleplayer so I want a server with a friendly community to be in.
What will you add to the server? I'm a friendly person and I can be very active here.


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Username: Jeonos
Age: 15
Location: Netherlands
Why do you like to play TFC? i'd like to try TFC out since i have never played it before
Why do you want to join? a friend of mine plays on this server
What will you add to the server? hopefully some nice builds and ill probably talk quite a lot :)


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Username: miner49er876Age: 13Location: Idaho USAWhy do you like to play TFC? It puts a new challenge on minecraft.Why do you want to join? I got bored of playing by myself.What will you add to the server? Conversation and hopefully a town.


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Username: xennos_g2
Why do you like to play TFC? i brought minecraft for its survival aspect and a endless world to explore, TFC made it so much better with mining ,survival concepts  and world terrains.
Why do you want to join? It feels lonely to play on a single player survival world all the time, and normally whitelisted servers tend to have an awesome community.(i love to look at chat to kill time)
What will you add to the server? A friendly player to the community!


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Welcome to the server cosmic_peanut, CuttyFlam67, sofilthy, loljustlol, Jeonos, miner49er876 and xennos_g2.


you have all been white listed and i have sent you all a PM with the info you need to get on the server.




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Username: hydbirdAge: 23Location: Bursa/TurkeyWhy do you like to play TFC?

Because it's the survival mod as it should be!Why do you want to join?

I want to play with real people.What will you add to the server?

Friendship and help for a decent environment


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Username: Hammy2012


Location: England

Why do you like to play TCF: It gives minecraft some realism and an real survival aspect which i enjoy.

Why do you want to join? To play with a community and play with other people.

What will you add to the server? A friendly, helpful person which the community would benefit from.



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Username: JonathanGAS
Age: 19
Location: Australia (I guess see if the lag isn't too bad???)
Why do you like to play TFC?: because there is more above-ground gameplay and building options are amazing with the chisel and plank mechanics of the game!!
Why do you want to join?: One can't survive in the wilds alone, i feel that playing with others is really what minecraft is about and if I'm just roleplaying/being a cool hunter type all alone in a vast world that's kinda sucky
What will you add to the server?: I will map the world, be an active member and assist in building roleplay so hard that folks will think I'm a well programmed college project or something.


PS. can you send the server info with the personal message? I'm not 100% sure of what the address is.


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Username: Gonrel

Age: 17

Location: Germany

What are your plans on the server? i will have fun with other 

Why do you like to play TFC? the nornal minecraft is boring and tfc is a new challenging

Why do you want to join? because its no fun to play alone, 

What will you add to the server? a farm :)


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Username: SW1FTTBeatZ

Age: 15

Location: Ontario, Canada

What are your plans on this server? Well I thought I would learn this mod with people whom may already know more about it then myself. Also, I have a friend (Endless_Neon)  who would like to team with me in this game if we both get accepted to this server. 

Why do you like to play TFC? I'm a beginner to this mod but from watching others play, it seems like a more in depth mudpack that will be enjoyable for a large amount of time!

Why do you want to join? I would like to join to talk to people who are more experienced with Terrafirmacraft and just get into the game.

What will you add to this server? I will add a person who likes to explore and adventure, and a talkative person!


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username  Fing_57

Age  50

local California

why do you like to play tfc? for the challenge of not letting it drive me nuts

why do you want to join?  to hang out gaming with a friend/member of you server

what will you add to the server? I don't know yet


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Username: senoc
Age: 18
Location: Ohio
Why do you like to play TFC? It reinvents minecraft, since I got bored of vanilla and tekkit and what not. Really into realistic survival.
Why do you want to join? I would love to get into a popular server to meet people to work with.
What will you add to the server? I am mature and respectful, and know how to respect peoples property.


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Username: Jayram199

Age: 15

Location: Utah

What are your plans on the server? awesome builds

Why do you like to play TFC? Because it reminds me about the past when people would make their own tools and i also like the reality of the survival and the depth of the mod..

Why do you want to join? I want to make a clan or faction with some other guys so building goes faster.

What will you add to the server? awesome looking cavern villages and keeping the environment natural for example replanting and terraforming. Thanks 


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Age:16Location:AmericaWhy do you like to play TFC? More grindy than techy.Why do you want to join? To see what the atmosphere is like.What will you add to the server? State of Mind and guidance


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Username: emperoarmatthew
Age: 13, will be 14 in a few weeks
Location: England
Why do you like to play TFC? I enjoy the challenge represented by the mod compared to vanilla minecraft
Why do you want to join? I like to play games with other people
What will you add to the server? I am nice to people and I like to help them


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Username: thompsonjet2010
Age: 2967
Location: lake huron
Why do you like to play TFC? too much simplicity in vanilla minecraft
Why do you want to join? i'm lonely and "minecraft comes alive" villagers are idiots
What will you add to the server? whiskey soaked drunken philosophy, wisdom.


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