Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Suggestion/Discussion] Nameing of ores and metals

8 posts in this topic

I was thinking about dynamic metals, and why it wouldn't be possible to do it, to me the biggest problem was that copper mixed with Iron wouldn't give you the properties of copper + iron, it would be more or less random.


so thinking to my self I thought:

"What if instead of taking ores, metals and minerals from the real world we could have 'fantasy' name, no, maybe not, that's just stupid".


But what struck me later is that the character you play doesn't have a periodic table in his/her head, he/she would have no clue as to what name that specific piece of ore or metal is called and so to easily remember it the character would call it something, I mean humans didn't really just dig up a random piece of iron and all of sudden knew that it's name was iron.


So when a player acquire a new ore/metal (Could even be applied to other random objects like seeds!) he/she would then be able to name it something (The naming window MUST NOT come up directly when you pick up the new thing!!!)


I suppose with that system you can justify "Dynamic Metals" as the player doesn't know what the metal it really is.


In SMP (Which I have understood is really important) it could either work as:

A) First person to discover 'new thing' would get to name it (troll warning)

B) Each player names stuff for them self (force from other players and communities gives things common names)


What would you call the first ore and metal you found?


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That is an awesome idea. Like developing your own culture. The Katzbalger for example, either means cat-gutter (an allusion to a cat-fight), or named after the style of how it was worn, with only a cat's skin frog.


I'd totally name my Javelins upon creation Schweinstechens "Pig-Poker"  (think that is how you'd say it; not fluent in german).


Think it would add a sense of discovery to exploration.





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This is an awesome suggestion.  I think to keep the naming on multiplayer not confusing, just keep the naming conventions stored locally and separately.  If a player gives you his "BROWNISH METAL WTF!??!!?!" which is actually iron, and you named it "Metal of the Gods," then when he gives it to you, it still shows up as "Metal of the Gods."  However, if he discovered it first and gives it to you, you should possibly have to name it yourself when you receive it.  Or maybe elect to use the name he gave it.  BROWNISH METAL WTF!??!!?!  Forgive my silly iron names XD


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I think that some confusion should be present, as it would maybe enhance player to player interaction, for example player A could trade his ingot with player B's ingot, however player A doesn't know that his ingot may be used in a powerful alloy while player B's ingot is just about as useful as zinc. both players would be oblivious to the unfair trade until player B finds out that ha can make something good with that ingot or until player A finds more of that metal and finds out that way!


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Yeah, but doing that can lead to people that know better being trolls to the people that don't... or just people mining something and naming it something ridiculous so they can do it first, and nobody knows what it is from that point on, but I'm really not qualified to say how this type of system should be implemented


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Well, there is a reason why i put it as kind of discussion, and your points there should be noted!


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But I think it'd simply be confusing, and impair progress. We determined the properties of these by examining them, looking at color, luster, etc; and also looking at the properties of the refined metal when melted out from the ore. We lack the ability to do tests like this within TerraFirmaCraft. So there would be no way of identifying. It's just simpler if we allow minerals and ores to be considered as they really are. 


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But on the other hand turtletechy, it would let us feel more like we're pioneers and less like we're following the same path that every single other player on the server has followed.


+1 for custom named ores.


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