Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.78.X] Rusticam Melius v1.2.0

45 posts in this topic

Rusticam Melius is my new project !
It's a mod for TFC that overhaul animal husbandry.
Current things that are different from TFC :
-Wild chicken, cow, pig and sheep now run away from you ! Breed wilds to get domesticated one.
-Farm animal will eat tall grass and they can die of hunger (chicken eat grass block but can still die of hunger).
This mean that animals now need larger pasture to survive.
-You need a leash to capture animals(cowboy style !), grain does not work.
-Dogs are fully functional. You can breed and tame them.
What is planned for now :
-Alternate way to feed your live stock.
What i need from you :
-Testing to see how small a pen can be.
-Report bugs.
-Make suggestions.
Download (Back up your world !!!)


Edited by SionoiS

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This seems like an interesting addon.

Chickens IRL can live off of barren dirt, straw, grass, dry grass, and pretty much everything naturally occurring except stone.


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ai, chickens are pretty resilient, and eat a lot of insects and grubs and such.  They do need enough space to forage though, so maybe they should deplete a grass block for some time before it can be used again.  


I haven't tried the mod yet, but it sounds great; wonderful idea.


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oh, maybe require a water source for the animals?  


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oh, maybe require a water source for the animals?  


Already planned  ;)


Think of a block like a barrel but that also can contain food to feed animals.


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Will you allow us to use straw or grain in a trough to feed animals?


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But why theh wild animals must flee from us?


And by the way, get a better website, it takes a century to load download page!


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I like the fleeing, but they seem to have really too long a range to detect the player.  Ideally they would have a higher threshold for fleeing depending on the player's speed, and still be interested in food, such that you could sneak up on a sheep until it can smell some grain, and then rope it.


Also, I've noticed that animals seem to be attracted to jumping up and down within fruit tree leaf blocks.


Update:  In fact, I think all of my animals died because they were too busy running away from me to eat the abundant grass in my ~4x5 chunk ranch, including the chicken penned in a ~10x8 fence.


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I like the fleeing, but they seem to have really too long a range to detect the player.  Ideally they would have a higher threshold for fleeing depending on the player's speed, and still be interested in food, such that you could sneak up on a sheep until it can smell some grain, and then rope it.


Also, I've noticed that animals seem to be attracted to jumping up and down within fruit tree leaf blocks.


Update:  In fact, I think all of my animals died because they were too busy running away from me to eat the abundant grass in my ~4x5 chunk ranch, including the chicken penned in a ~10x8 fence.


Babies from wild animals should not run away from you.


Also only "domesticated" animals should need to eat grass to survive wild one don't.


If you don't use a fresh world weird thing can happen.


I don't plan to enable gain tempting for animal but i might reduce the fleeing range.


Mob path finding problems are vanilla.


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you should make a recipy for vanilla leashes


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I definitely love the running away part... can you integrate sneaking into it like with ocelots?


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Already planned  ;)


Think of a block like a barrel but that also can contain food to feed animals.

Awesome :)  But  if possible having natural water in the pasture should obviate the need for specific watering.


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you should make a recipy for vanilla leashes


I won't ppl will have to use ExtraFirma.


I definitely love the running away part... can you integrate sneaking into it like with ocelots?


I'll check it out idk how to works in the code.



Awesome :)  But  if possible having natural water in the pasture should obviate the need for specific watering.


If mob have to path to grass and natural water it can get messy really fast.


I'm not sure if i want to add that part.


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Cool idea... can we mod leashes to be "thrown" while riding around on horses and wearing a cowboy hat?Okay maybe just thrown leashes.


Plus 1 for feeding troughs.  I haven't had a chance to try this out, but I suspect animals should have the ability to "find the nearest food" when hungry.


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I did not have a fresh world so I hope that's what caused the issues, but my sheeps' offspring definitely ran from me.


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I did not have a fresh world so I hope that's what caused the issues, but my sheeps' offspring definitely ran from me.


I'll test it out ! Maybe you found a bug thank you.


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Oh the rope is the "lead" from extrafirma, took me a while.

As I see it, the downside is, farmanimals are permanently fleeing from you :/


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Sionois, I know you weren't planning on updating terra duellum, but were you by any chance thinking of doing this one?  It is one of my favorite additions, making animal husbandry much more believable...


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Sionois, I know you weren't planning on updating terra duellum, but were you by any chance thinking of doing this one?  It is one of my favorite additions, making animal husbandry much more believable...

I would like to but, there's so many things to do and so little time. I'm busy irl atm so the answer is no, not in the near future sorry.


Ninja edit : 100 posts yay! Also Bioxx need to fix the years old crop grow rate bug before i come back.

Edited by SionoiS

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:( Ah well, I understand. Pesky RL.


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I would like to but, there's so many things to do and so little time. I'm busy irl atm so the answer is no, not in the near future sorry.


Ninja edit : 100 posts yay! Also Bioxx need to fix the years old crop grow rate bug before i come back.

Took me the entire weekend, not because it was hard to upgrade but because i'm an idiot....(long story).


Please note that i did not change any code it SHOULD work like it was before.


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Yeah!!!!  You're awesome!!


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Do you still need ExtraFirma for the leash, or does it work with the "stock TFC" rope now?


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Do you still need ExtraFirma for the leash, or does it work with the "stock TFC" rope now?

as long as you have something to catch wild animals, they have a tendency to run away.....


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I know that you're not really updating this anymore, but the food requirement pretty much kills off domesticated animals during the winter.  Any chance you could have them eat thatch?


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