Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.78.X] Rusticam Melius v1.2.0

45 posts in this topic

I know that you're not really updating this anymore, but the food requirement pretty much kills off domesticated animals during the winter.  Any chance you could have them eat thatch?

Check your inbox i'll send you a custom build for winter.


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You're amazing!


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How long take it the sheeps to regrow their wool? and how often chicken drop eggs?

On my server many days passed and nothing happend.

How can i affect these things? I think my pasture is large enough ( acouple of 100m²)


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How long take it the sheeps to regrow their wool? and how often chicken drop eggs?

On my server many days passed and nothing happend.

How can i affect these things? I think my pasture is large enough ( acouple of 100m²)

Sheep regrow wool when they eat, i'm not sure about chicken.


Everything should scale with year length.


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Sheep regrow wool when they eat, i'm not sure about chicken.


Chicken have layed eggs but no more Sheepwool.

I've sheared the wool and made them pregnant at the same time, the lamb are born but the parents doesn't regrow their wool.

There are some blocks of tall grass in the pasture, food should not be problem


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what is your view on modpacks? I am working on a pack for TFC and would like to use your mod in it.


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Hey great addon, are you planning to put in different animal parts that give a variety and a nerf to meat in TFC?


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I know that you're not really updating this anymore, but the food requirement pretty much kills off domesticated animals during the winter.  Any chance you could have them eat thatch?


Check your inbox i'll send you a custom build for winter.


Any possibility this being added to the official download? I wouldn't mind it either. Having feed troughs would also be cool.


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Is this dead?

Can it be updated to build 79? 


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Seeing as how this addon is closed source, and the author hasn't logged into these forum since Dec 3, 2014, I'd say its pretty safe to assume this isn't going to be updated.


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It makes me so mad to see an idea like this go to waste. This should have been added to the main mod.


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Would you explicit give permission or license for others to continue this project? Can you include some documentation in that sense with the source code?

I know how some people are about touching someone else code without permission.


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I had a closer look at the code and even though a few things have changed in TFC animal code, it shouldn't be that hard to upgrade... i'm already about 50% done :P


It would be much simpler to just add the features into TFC though :) .. adding other animals to the mix would also be very cool.


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If licensing is clear we'd be very interested in integrating it in our fork if it isn't integrated into mainline.


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If it hasn't changed, TFC and everything made around it is licensed the same way. About docs there's nothing sorry...


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Sorry I was going by Tony's post and didn't check if repo had a license. Perfect thanks.


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I love this mod, it gives another dimension to animal husbandry.

I would love to see this combined with my proposal for animal hunger.

Like to get animal byproduct the animal needs to be well fed for the last 5 days.

To be able to feed the animal with farmed food also would be a requirement, so a big pasture would allow the animal to survive while the player is exploring or off from a server. While having to feed animals would give a use for the amount of food that we produce even with a small farm.


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