Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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TFC Engineer

50 posts in this topic

Simple: 1. Learn c++ and Java. 2. Make a TFC addon that lets you milk squid. 3. Make cheese. 4. Profit?


I attached a pair of deer legs to replace my stolen ones. Being the only deer/human hybrid, the Queen of England wants to meet me. What should I say?


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first of all, ask her to forbid hunting on deers. that might become an issue otherwise...




a couple of peenutbutteryellysandwishes entered our dimension and are trying to eat all bananas! help!


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Let them. Bananas are heartless creatures. And they taste nasty.



I have all the Star Wars songs drilled into my head! How can I ensure they stay there forever?

Edited by Sgt_Rubber_Ducky

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plug a cable into your brain and connect it to a computer. next, find a playlist on youtube with all star wars songs. Then upload the list into your brain, write a program that plays that list forever and burn the cable.



i just created a nuclear bomb out of toiletpaper. should I get the nobel price of peace or should I destroy a nation?


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North Korea seems a little unnecessary. Evacuate the people before you bomb a nation, first.



I've written the progra- all of a sudden: pineapples -!


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Install iPine (Apple+Pine)


I put some buttered bread on the back of my cat.

How can I prevent a white hole?

Edited by Diego il Catanico Jr

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Put buttered bread all over the cat so there isn't a cat for the white hole to form on.

(by the way, clever response.)



iPine seems to be incompatible with everything. Is there a windows version?


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It's called Spruce but everyone hates it like GIMP.


The cat stopped accelerating, but is still rotating, it will burn the earth surface


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Smother it with a supplementary amount of liquid nitrogen. If that doesn't work, try not to pet it so roughly. 



The chicken decided not to cross the road and I need to convince it to. Any ideas?

Edited by Sgt_Rubber_Ducky

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What? Are you a real Minecrafter? Use seeds, obviously.




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I ran out of - *words run out*


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Here, here, have some smelling salt.


A zombie virus had been released!


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Hehe, chainsaws.



I've created a paradox by having a lack of problems and I need to get rid of the black hole it created.


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make out on top if it, duh!


Tony Stark created a new element by arranging protons and neutrons in a buckyball, but they are all about to collapse in on themselves and obliterate everything with the massive release of energy!


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Surround the affected subatomic particles with a chain mail made entirely of Nokia phones.



My cat can't stop twitching excessively and rapidly (not really, fabricated for the purpose of this reply). I don't know whether to stop laughing and call a vet or get the heck out of there.


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Run. As far as you know, it could explode.




My keyoard's "" key is roken. What do I do?


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Although mildly inconvenient, you could have the letter "b" on your clipboard all the time and just paste it when you need to. I would make it an excuse to get a beefier computer.



The cat did indeed explode, so violently that it collapsed back onto itself and now there is a inside-out cat meowing at me for food. Got any therapy recommendations??



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Maybe if I figure out how to recreate the explosion I can prevent ptsd before I get it...



I'm also out of catfood, and the neatest cat store is across the river and through the woods. If I order it, how can I prevent my cat from eating me instead while we wait?

Edited by Sgt_Rubber_Ducky

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You can make a cage of the most anciest Tibetan bamboo and wait the cat to ferment. Then you can pet the cat without danger, if you like its inside.


My problem is that i don't have any problem just now to write...



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Simple, travel to a new dimension and find new problems there



Help, I tried to build a time machine but I hit the wrong button and now everything but my phone and I is a void, including the time machine


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Does it have wifi?


So uhh... i became so hungry i violated causality by eating the tuna sandwich before making it.

Need help to stop zilching into 5th dimension at random, the other me's don't like tuna.



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How to add a slot for the third engineer in the proving ground? For example, with a 10 or 15 acceleration to project speed. Anyone can make such a mod?
p.s. sorry for my english.


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How to add a slot for the third engineer in the proving ground? For example, with a 10 or 15 acceleration to project speed. Anyone can make such a mod?
p.s. sorry for my english.


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