Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some more ideas to make the game a little more realistic

10 posts in this topic

When you first start out you should be "naked" even though your skin may have clothes. just like in real life when you are naked the only inventory space you have are your 2 hands. To store items in a way you can up them on the ground by right clicking and they wont despawn. Your first clothing should be made out of straw. and on straw your clothing you can store a couple of tools. You can eventually build up to clothes that can hold small items in pockets and so on.


Animals should need to constantly eat just like players. So to farm you need a steady food supplies to your animals. The better food you feed them the fatter they get, when you kill them the more items they will drop.


Please help me with patching up these ideas they are a little sketchy and need more thought.  


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Then wait? where are the updated rules?

Edited by corki99
Please read the updated rules.

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I like the animal part (more drops when killed) since your husbandry already become bigger with years (breeding). It could be a nice reward !


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Maybe making clothing out of wool could give some better use to the near useless sheep and could also complement your idea. Since they are adding body temperature in B78 it would make a nice addition to the game to keep you warm during winter.


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I think that your first clothes should be animal hide, not straw, because 1. very uncomfortable 2. not historically accurate

The people of the stone age wore animal hide, they could have wore straw BUT it was very uncomfortable


I also like the idea of animal fattening, and maybe also animals drop fat and the more you fatten them you get more meat and fat


Maybe fat can be used as a fuel


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yes, animal furs were the first things (along with a few sweet leaf and vine ensembles lol) that we wore..which was why i was surprised to not find at least animal fur clothing (as opposed to armour) in the game when i first started playing.


been meaning to sugest things like that. i mean, it does not need a good (or even actual) armour rating...cloth and fur clothing would be more about WARMTH in the cold nights and winter.

would need some more items though...bone awls (sharpend bone needle type implements) to poke holes in the wolf furs (would sugest that wolf and deer hides in raw form, and un-scraped sheepskins for the wintercloths) and leather thonging or worked string to stitchthen together with bone needles to make warm cloths for the cold could also add cloth clothes later...maybe cotten and flax plants too.


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What do you mean by 'starting out naked'? You're already bare of anything useful when you first spawn, so where's the point in that?


I'm afraid that limiting inventory space to two hands is basically outright punishing. No matter how we really change the inventory system, in one way or another, without proper amendments, it's going to be punishing. Now, stacking items, besides some of the clay vessels, I haven't really heard a suggestion like that one, yet. I think that's a big help, in my opinion, but we'll have to see about its practicality.


As for clothing made of straw, how are you able going to build it itself when you have no strings to attach them together? I'm pretty sure you also need to refine them, as well. Also, where are you going to get the straw? They come from wheat, and it will take months to grow them, and better wear will come from leather, which is much easier to get than getting straw. Having the straw clothing carrying a couple of tools is OP and unbelievable; you need some sort of sheath or belt to actually hold them in place.


Animals will get an overhaul in the future, wherein they do have a hunger/thirst system. Right now, it's delayed at the moment, because of the upcoming 78 build that will revamp a few important aspects of TFC.


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Ah, I forgot. Thanks for the clarification, Miss Kittychanley.


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Animals should need to constantly eat just like players. So to farm you need a steady food supplies to your animals. The better food you feed them the fatter they get, when you kill them the more items they will drop.


Reminde me of the idea I had.

For the animals, I suggest that animals need to seat to grow into adulthood. You don't feed them, they don't grow.

After they grow up, you can continue to feed them to get them to fatten up. however, this process takes more time and grains than growing a baby into an adult. Feeding also heals the animals by a small amount.

Animals will not eat when full, and when hungry, can wander into your crops and eat them.

Animals breed on their own when full and healthy. So you have to keep them well-fed to have them breed


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