Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Solved][B78.7] Worldgen/Biome rarity problem?

15 posts in this topic

Not entirely sure if this is an actual bug, or the result of bad luck.


Version #: 78.7

Suggested Name: Worldgen/Biome Rarity Problem

Suggested Category:Annoying

Description: I've genned 11 worlds now in build 78.7, and gone from the equater to the poles in all of them, both directions, and not found a single Forest Biome.  I have seen TFC Plains, TFC High Plains, Mountains, Rolling Hills, High Hills, River, Ocean, and Swamp.  I have not seen a single Forest biome.  I've explored tens of thousands of chunks doing this, and I've also noticed there seem to be very few trees anywhere outside of Rainforests near to the tropics.  Crops are also exceedingly rare, and I've only encountered maybe two dozen fruit trees in all of those worlds.  I'm not sure if this is bad luck on my part with seeds, or if there's some actual error (as I would expect to actually see a 'Forest' biome in the F3 information at some point.)  You can go hundreds of chunks north-south without ever encountering a single tree, let alone crops or fruit trees.  I'm not sure if this is 'as intended' or not.

Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes


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TFC overwrites biomes, and what you see in the F3 debug menu has more to do with the shape of the terrain, and not an actual "Biome" per se as in vanilla MC. There is no TFC version of a "Forest Biome," instead climate including temperature and rainfall determines if trees and which kind of trees will spawn in an area.


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What are the parameters for trees spawning in terms of temperature and rainfall? Or is this a secret? In terms of temperature that means there must be a band of forest somewhere between the equator and the poles where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold.


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I will admit, trees seem pretty rare now a days. I have done several worlds myself since the update. I noticed as far as latitude goes, around -3-5k I always seem to spawn in a jungle. And sequoias and douglas firs seem to start showing up a lot ~ -10-13k with the space between seeming to consist of ocean, or a vast plains biome, usually full of dry-grass.


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My impression is the same with Winged Rayeth. Forests are rare and far apart. This does not say anything about their size however. When I find a forest/jungle, it can be large.


Now, depending on summer or winter, if we generate new terrain then may we generate a forest in winter, whereas in summer it wont be there due to too high temperature? Unfortunately once a terrain is generated, it is permanent.


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I would think it is more dependent on location and not so much time of year. Have you tested terrain generation in different seasons with the same seed to see if the biome is different?


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About trees, I've only seen very little variety, literally all forest I went were Douglas firs, Sequoias, Ash, Hickory, Chestnut, Oak and Birch. I haven't seen any of the rest, excluding acacias and kapoks.  I tried with all the possible combinations in the climate page, only these. Grass doesn't seem to spawn in latitudes higher than -/+ 14000 z It's quite annoying and barren :l


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I too have had issues finding forests. Its not that trees are completely gone, its just that I find a small cluster of them together, the occasional small sequoia forest (maybe consisting of a dozen or so individual sequoia, among other small trees), then plains. Lots and lots of empty plains. Ive generated a number of maps recently for each minor build in 78. I didn't notice until this post pointed it out, so I don't have concrete data. I can say that it really hasn't inhibited my game play much, because I tend to travel very far from spawn when I first join the server, so my odds of encountering trees of any kind is fairly high.As a side note, I typically head to ~(+/- 10k) before I set up shop. 


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I concur, 10k north/south is probably to best location in terms of resources and temperatures.


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On the servers I have played and the worlds I have generated, I have yet to see any Willow, Maple, White Cedar, or White Elm. Birch was hard to find, but I did find some on a server, but can't find those first four...


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I think they don't exist in the world, very big bug I think. If not, show me a seed with any other trees than sequoias and douglas firs, please!


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I think they don't exist in the world, very big bug I think. If not, show me a seed with any other trees than sequoias and douglas firs, please!




You spawn on a tropical island basically.  Kapok and Acacia forest nearby, plus a few other tree types on the north side of the island.


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Yeah, it was  an exageration, but what i meant is a seed with maple, willow and all those trees, which are apparently unnexistant :C


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78.10 fixed the lack of forest, update guys!


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