Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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62 posts in this topic

Hello, everyone.


It's been a darn good while since I have started a topic in the discussion forum - heck, it's been forever since I've participated in a major discussion. But, nostalgia is not the point right now. The main idea of this topic is speculation about Build 79.


Now, I have started a similar topic concerning the construction update many months back, and a lot has changed, since then. I wonder; what do you think might be in the next major update? It has been a while since I've played TFC, aside from my return, but ever since the recent incursions into the modification, I've had a Renaissance exploding in my mind. New features, tweaks, many bug fixes (especially that pesky sequoia bug; nasty thing), and whatnot.


I think that in the next update, we might have some sort of ecosystem overhaul. Let's face it; right now, the basic cow, pig, sheep, and chicken remain relatively the same throughout the entire game world. Bears and deer don't really do anything, apart from the deer being another source of food and running away when one disturbs them, pheasants are just there as an alternative source of feathers (they are nice, though), and I doubt the fish are effective as a food source.


I'm completely unsure if the developers still need more time to add in more features before they could focus on the ecosystems and nature, but I think that if they did this, a lot of the agrarian and natural aspects of the mod could be overhauled quite significantly. Crop rotation might serve an even more important role (take this with a grain of salt; I'm unsure if crop rotation is necessary in TFC's current state), animals would now need to be cared for, the player would have to build secure defenses to defend himself/herself from the dangers of predators, and so on and so forth.


That's all I have to say, for now. What do you think the developers might put in the next update?



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You'll be glad to know that we've pretty much all but eradicated the sequoia bug with 78.0. It should also be noted that 78 hasn't quite hit the "stable" enough mark yet for the developers to move onwards to 79. However, thanks to Emris, who has done a lot of the work for us, one of the major changes with 79 will be the MC 1.7+ port. Other possibilities are expanding on the newly implemented decay system, especially in terms of more ways to preserve food.


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With the barrels and rock salt in TFC, along with the new decay system, I think there might be a possibility we could use salt to pickle meats and certain foods. As far as I know, it's a method that's doable in TFC's time range. Now, I'm not sure about how salt deposits exactly form, but I'm assuming that the player has to be near the coasts in order to mine out the salt?


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I think that you should be able to salt and cook a single piece of meat. Hi, sda, I saw you on that server. More to the point, I think you also need to be able to evaporate seawater to get salt.


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Well, you can actually salt raw meet for longer preservation.


For the next build (with new features, if we have a "quick" build 79 to go on 1.7, then it will be speculation for build 80), I would say that we might see new hostile mobs on the surface and skeleton and zombies only underground. It have been discussed many times. The two features that where the most often in the suggestion are probably food decay (that we now have) and butchery, or at least animal carcasses. I am not sure but I think I saw someone talking about it somewhere. Maybe we will see some kind of power, like steam power to automate grinding.


Those are the things I think would be realistic to expect for next build.


Food changed a lot in 78, but i hope we could see some more food conservation techniques, maybe a new type of storage or a new storage mechanic, like storing raw meat with ice or vegetable wit sand in the same chest to improve the shelf life. I would also like to have a bit more option for cooking, like a big cauldron that we can put over the forge to cook food, or even some recipe pattern to give some different kind of meal, like mix dough, fruit and sugar to have a pie. We could also have bees to produce honey and increase flower spawning rate around them. When could use flowers for medicine and maybe for dye too.  And I would not bet to see anything in said in this last paragraph for the next build.


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Salt can also be obtained by drying out seawater, i wonder if that is worth implementing for the purpose of making preservation via salt a viable thing?


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I think there should be an oven for baking (eg. Bread, pies, things to do with dough).


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The game mechanics behind light and hostile surface mobs should get revamped in addition to food preservation techniques.Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't feel comfortable (or maybe I'm too comfortable) with the ability to make more than enough torches at the start of the game. I was playing around with the unlit torches mod with b78 and felt that using the decay system on torches as well as making torches/lanterns much more of an expensive resource would help make things more challenging on the "safety" side of the mod. The firepit should be your only source of light at the start of the game and keeping it burning all night long should be much more of a priority than it currently is. I know this sounds like a pain, but TFC has always been about scarcity and believability to me and there is nothing scarce or believable about torches as they currently exist. Besides, the original usage for torches was to keep hostile mobs from spawning in your base. But we've got the protection zone, which made me forget about how well lit my base was.As for hostile surface mobs, there should be more of them and they shouldn't *just* be hostile. What's interesting and dangerous about wild animals is their unpredictability/complexity sometimes. Lots of animals can inflict serious harm on humans, but will only do so if they feel threatened in some way. Otherwise, most animals respect that humans are at the top of the food chain and will avoid you. If a bear approaches you at your base, it should be doing so because it smells your food, not just because you're The Player and you need enemies to fight. Honestly, most mobs should be dangerous in some way if you're naive with them. Pigs have tusks, bull cows could charge you, as could sheep. There shouldn't really be such a thing as a "neutral" mob or a "hostile" mob.


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I like the idea of changes to lighting, but I think they would require two things that MC cannot do: single block/device that can properly light up whole 6x6 room and ability to "hold" light, so it moves with player. I still like my house well-lit even though there is protection zone. I don't mind lighting up some candle/torch/lantern every night, but it needs to properly light up whole room. "moving" light is to help with mining. I use massive amount of torches when mining and if I can't make those torches then I need something to see down there. Also, I want to return there after some time and don't have to re-light all the stuff. So as much as I would love those changes, it would require massive hacking of minecraft's core.


As for me, I really hope we get some non-human power and automatization. There are already pipes, that seem to connect and render properly, which is first step. We just need something to use those pipes with.


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Salt can also be obtained by drying out seawater, i wonder if that is worth implementing for the purpose of making preservation via salt a viable thing?

I support this idea. Rock salt can be a pain in the ass to find. 

Making buckets recognize the difference between fresh and salt water and adding another feature to the barrel system should be enough. One or two days of processing time sounds fair to me.


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I just wanted to say that fish model on Dunks twitter feed looks badass. It looks like a big'ol large mouth bass, perhaps beer battered bass is in the foreseeable future, that is if alcohol is re-implemented. Hahah


Edit: That new bear model also looks dope! My one question is, is it big enough, or is intended to be a smaller species of bear? Because currently in the game the bear appears to be the size of a small black bear.


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I just wanted to say that fish model on Dunks twitter feed looks badass. It looks like a big'ol large mouth bass, perhaps beer battered bass is in the foreseeable future, that is if alcohol is re-implemented. Hahah


Edit: That new bear model also looks dope! My one question is, is it big enough, or is intended to be a smaller species of bear? Because currently in the game the bear appears to be the size of a small black bear.

You'd think so wouldn't you, but MC distorts your perception of size. The player's head is more than a foot and a half wide. The bears are actually realistically sized for grizzlies (about 1 m at the shoulder), but they look tiny by comparison.


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I've always felt that the 1 block = 1 meter scale was a bit peculiar. Minecraft avatars look short to me, not wide. *shugs*


Have you been working on any other creature models lately?


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I've always felt that the 1 block = 1 meter scale was a bit peculiar. Minecraft avatars look short to me, not wide. *shugs*


Have you been working on any other creature models lately?

Been working on my job :o 9-5 doesn't leave much room for devving, but hopefully I can get back into the swing of things in the evenings.


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Is anything going to come of those pipes that were tweeted quite a while ago?


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I think that you should be able to salt and cook a single piece of meat. Hi, sda, I saw you on that server. More to the point, I think you also need to be able to evaporate seawater to get salt.




Maybe something like heating a barrel with salt water above a fire, or for later game stages something simular to the charcoal pit depending on a more natural way of vaporizing water into salt more dynamic in size and yield then a barrel, although the code for the last might be a bit to much todo.

Its not that i dont enjoy exploring the world for rocksalt, but it feels a bit wierd from my point of view.


Either way im glad to hear there are going to be more ways to preserve food.

Im hoping someday soon there will be more uses for all these "useless" ore deposits i keep finding aswell maybe a slight shift in the metals area to make advancing true the first tiers a bit more doable without loads of traveling or map seed hunting. For later tiers i dont really mind, actually id say for anything Tier 3 and up you should be forced to travel tons and setup more then 1 base to advance.


Also on a side note id like to see some replacemant for early game boats, although im unsure what a good way would be but atm ocean seeds are useless unless your lucky with tree's and gravel spawns. Maybe the newer builds can have some kind of way to make boats from logs instead of plank blocks for the sake of relocatingexploring in those situation ?


Those are just my 2 bit coins though ;)

Keep up the amazing work though, still loving every virtual season i have survived in so far :)

Edited by lordbufu

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… Also on a side note id like to see some replacemant for early game boats, although im unsure what a good way would be but atm ocean seeds are useless unless your lucky with tree's and gravel spawns. Maybe the newer builds can have some kind of way to make boats from logs instead of plank blocks for the sake of relocatingexploring in those situation ? …

Many societies constructed rafts and boats from reeds, but it's hard to imagine how to implement that in a 2x2 crafting space (and by the time you've got a 3x3 you could just make a wood boat).Maybe two thatch blocks and a string/yarn?

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Maybe two thatch blocks and a string/yarn?


I like that idea, would give great incentive to kill a few spider mobs early game aswell, maybe a raft could be added instead of converting the boat recipe to this. Maybe even give it reduced speed to retain the use behind regular boats, or give it some kind of durability (related to travel distance) witch ever is easier to manage code whise.


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Reduced speed seems intuitive/believable. I'm sure they were less durable than wood boats but not necessarily on a TFC timescale.


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So I've heard it tossed around that Build 79 is going to "break B 78 worlds" and I just wanted to know if this is at all true, or if it's so early in development that it would be impossible to tell. Obviously I doubt it would be at all intentional, and the developers would try to avoid it as best possible, but I just wanted to hear back from the staffs perspective if that is a potential threat? I was hoping to plan a new world for our server, but if it's just going to get bugged out in the near future then, you know...


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Maybe something like heating a barrel with salt water above a fire, or for later game stages something simular to the charcoal pit depending on a more natural way of vaporizing water into salt more dynamic in size and yield then a barrel, although the code for the last might be a bit to much todo.

Its not that i dont enjoy exploring the world for rocksalt, but it feels a bit wierd from my point of view.


Getting salt from salt water has been suggested multiple times, and the answer has and always will be "NO." If you want more information regarding this, you can search the words "Salt Water" on the discussion forum and suggestions forum, and read this post:



So I've heard it tossed around that Build 79 is going to "break B 78 worlds" and I just wanted to know if this is at all true, or if it's so early in development that it would be impossible to tell. Obviously I doubt it would be at all intentional, and the developers would try to avoid it as best possible, but I just wanted to hear back from the staffs perspective if that is a potential threat? I was hoping to plan a new world for our server, but if it's just going to get bugged out in the near future then, you know...


Especially because TFC is still in beta, the general rule is that you start a new world with each major build. There are a handful of different reasons to start new worlds such as changed world gen resulting in the game crashing on new saves, or new mechanics implemented that can only really be enjoyed by starting fresh. Imagine if you were sitting in your big castle with full red/blue steel armor and then you update to the version that implemented pottery. You might mess around a little bit with the pottery to see what all the hype is about, but you wouldn't actually get to experience and enjoy it as a player in a brand new world would. Many of the major builds change basic game progression, but those changes mean almost nothing if you're already at the end of the progression when you update.


The one big thing to keep in mind though is the rate at which TFC releases major builds. Looking at the release dates of past versions, there is a definite pattern of at least 4 to 6 months if not longer between the last hotfix of one build, and the first release of the next one. This is more than enough time to play with all of the different parts of TFC, build some awesome structures, and then get sick of the world and want to start fresh anyways.


I have just now taken a 78.17 world and loaded it into the development environment for 79, and I can confirm that the save is indeed broken. Because Minecraft 1.7 got rid of number ID's and a bunch of other big changes behind the scenes, every single TFC block from the 78.17 world has been turned to air when loading in 79. So the 78 world works as far as that it won't crash when loaded in 79, but pretty much everything except the tall grass and the bedrock is gone.


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Getting salt from salt water has been suggested multiple times, and the answer has and always will be "NO." If you want more information regarding this, you can search the words "Salt Water" on the discussion forum and suggestions forum, and read this post:


Thanks, but that was actually one of the first topics i read before i even had a forum account :)

"NO" to me means there is still space for it to become a yes, if provide with a proper agrument/methode, but ill save that for when we get to see these "New Preservation Methodes" maybe we will all change our mind on the subject then.


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Thanks, but that was actually one of the first topics i read before i even had a forum account :)

"NO" to me means there is still space for it to become a yes, if provide with a proper agrument/methode, but ill save that for when we get to see these "New Preservation Methodes" maybe we will all change our mind on the subject then.


I would say that salt from salt water falls into the same category as NPC's. The "NO" literally means "not going to happen no matter what you suggest so stop suggesting it."


All you have to do is change "NPCs" to "salt from salt water" in the following post:



There are plenty of things that NPCs could be used for in TFC but none of your reasons are good enough for me to want to have to add NPCs to the equation on top of everything else. Whats that? Your idea IS good enough? No its not.

Once TFC leaves beta and we have in place an easy way for others to create mods targeted at TFC and you want NPCs then by all means add them. It is not and will not be a focus of our development. 


The main reason that I state this is because we went as far as completely removing the Salt bucket item from TFC shortly after Dunk added it as a placeholder. If there was even the tiniest remote chance for getting salt from salt water to be added to the game, we wouldn't have deleted that item and all references to it entirely.


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