Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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62 posts in this topic

I would say that salt from salt water falls into the same category as NPC's. The "NO" literally means "not going to happen no matter what you suggest so stop suggesting it."


All you have to do is change "NPCs" to "salt from salt water" in the following post:


Sorry for having a half full glass instead of a half empty one, thats just how i am cant really help it :P


I was going to say something constuctive on the matter, but i see its been added to the "Do Not Post the Following Suggestions" today, so ill just not go there. It wasnt my intend on making this topic about "salt from salt water", i just really like the idea behind it since it makes sense thats all.


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Please no messing with the torches.

Many people play on servers and I would not like to log in to my game just to find my house full of creepers.

For as long as the mechanics of monster spawning is tie to light level the only way to keep your house secure is to light it up and fence it.

I could argue that it makes no sense to have monsters spawning again and again on the same area, but making monsters a finite resource would create more problems then solving.

So for now at least please no messing with the torches.


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You'll be glad to know that we've pretty much all but eradicated the sequoia bug with 78.0. It should also be noted that 78 hasn't quite hit the "stable" enough mark yet for the developers to move onwards to 79. However, thanks to Emris, who has done a lot of the work for us, one of the major changes with 79 will be the MC 1.7+ port. Other possibilities are expanding on the newly implemented decay system, especially in terms of more ways to preserve food.

With the 1.7 compatibility will there be a way to access nutrition levels with the /scoreboard command? From what I can tell they can't be accessed as part of the "health" criteria that was around back in 1.6.4. In 1.7.2 they introduced the statistic-based criteria that can track everything from every time you break a stone block to how far you've ridden on a pig. I was hoping the nutrition levels might be added in there somehow (i.e. stat.nutritionGrain).  It would open up a lot of possibilities for custom map making.


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If I recall correctly, nutritional data is stored via player NBT tags. I'm not sure that it is possible to integrate it into vanilla commands such as stats.


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Nah, it's possible. The command itself is protected or public, so we'd be able to override all of the methods. You can get a Player entity from their username within a command, and from that, their NBT as is done in SetPlayerStats with hunger and thirst. All we really have to do is register a command with the same code as scoreboard and the vanilla one will be overwritten, as we did with /time


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If I recall correctly, nutritional data is stored via player NBT tags.

You are correct. I found all of the nutrition data in my player NBT file. It's under ForgeData.foodCompound.nutrProtien(Grain,Fruit,Dairy,Veg). I just hadn't figured out a way to read it in-game.



Nah, it's possible. The command itself is protected or public, so we'd be able to override all of the methods. You can get a Player entity from their username within a command, and from that, their NBT as is done in SetPlayerStats with hunger and thirst. All we really have to do is register a command with the same code as scoreboard and the vanilla one will be overwritten, as we did with /time

I had a feeling it would be more complicated than integrating directly into /scoreboard. I'm not much of a coder (I don't know Java) but that doesn't sound incredibly difficult especially since I don't think /scoreboard does much more than read and write to the player NBT.


Right now I think reading those values in game it is only possible with an NBT editor mod. I am pretty sure that the /scoreboard health won't freak out with values over 20 and should be able to capture TFC values okay. I haven't had a chance to test that theory though. If it works like i think it will, there is still a lot that can be done with that alone. Hopefully command block control over nutrition is something we will be able to do in 79 or a later version. The additions to the /scoreboard system in vanilla were a huge leap in 1.7.2 and it would be really cool to get that kind of functionality in TFC.


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Sorry for having a half full glass instead of a half empty one, thats just how i am cant really help it :P


I was going to say something constuctive on the matter, but i see its been added to the "Do Not Post the Following Suggestions" today, so ill just not go there. It wasnt my intend on making this topic about "salt from salt water", i just really like the idea behind it since it makes sense thats all.

"half full glass" is a bit of a stretch. Optimism is one thing. Not taking "no" for an answer is another. That's the sort of thing that gets you thrown out of bars.


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Been thrown out of a lot of bars there Dunk? :)


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Been thrown out of a lot of bars there Dunk? :)

I've see it happen :P


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hey hey it's more than time to release your build. come on!


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I'd rather they ironed out the kinks in the builds first. On the stream, it seemed like it was still very buggy and needed work. BTW Dunk, I saw that there were fish implemented in the stream. Was the new bear model implemented as well? Did you also change the sizes so they seem larger and more bearlike? (I know that it's accurate in the current version, but I'd rather it be believable than realistic :P)


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One of the things that I noticed was how far pakratt0013 had to fly to find trees. On a server that is a waste of map since no one is going to build a home with out trees nearby.


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Ooh yes, this too. I thought you guys had fixed this with the introduction of Acacia trees...


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There's always going to be large plains biomes with no trees in them. As for the argument that it's a waste of map on a server, I'm going to have to disagree. I can understand that having a spawn point in such an area is undesirable, because players must travel before starting out in order to find wood, but in my opinion a large open plains with no trees is an established builder's wet dream. The plains are generally much flatter than the rest of different climates, and the lack of trees means there is less stuff for me to chop down in order to clear out a large area to build. If I'm an established player, I probably have more than enough saplings to bring with me and start small tree farm for all of my wood needs.


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They don't have to have *no* trees though. Can't they just be very sparse? It would be good if say, even in the entire plains biome, there were only ten trees, spread out and standing on their own. That's enough that you can see one after a bit of exploring if you need one, enough to get started, and also that the amount of chopping you have to do to build is not really a problem. The early game is a tad more important than the late game, i think- if you want to build, you already have tools. Chopping down two trees to build your castle isn't really as much of a hassle as exploring for three hours to find a good starting spot.


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If you spawn in a world that has absolutely no trees within sight, and you don't want to go on the adventure to travel to find them, start a new world with a new seed. That's just how procedural generation works.


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I know that you *can* do that, but honestly, it isn't really a valid long-term solution. Sure, it works if people are informed and rational, but I think it's better to solve the problem without taking shortcuts that rely on the player. I don't think it would be that hard, seeing as I've seen areas of sparser tree spread in TFC before. It doesn't have to be a forest or anything, but even one or two trees would be nice. Not to mention that really flat plains aren't entirely good for building either, as there's nothing to break up the horizon. A couple trees would fix that.


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I know that you *can* do that, but honestly, it isn't really a valid long-term solution. Sure, it works if people are informed and rational, but I think it's better to solve the problem without taking shortcuts that rely on the player. I don't think it would be that hard, seeing as I've seen areas of sparser tree spread in TFC before. It doesn't have to be a forest or anything, but even one or two trees would be nice. Not to mention that really flat plains aren't entirely good for building either, as there's nothing to break up the horizon. A couple trees would fix that.


I think that's a matter of preference, no? Wanting a jagged horizon is not something that everyone wants, same as not everyone wants a flat biome. Either suck it up and take the challenge of trying to survive across the plains to find trees, or log out, press delete, and start a new game. And to be honest, ten trees in an entire plains biome is not going to make that much difference overall. Plains are plain after all.


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I know that you *can* do that, but honestly, it isn't really a valid long-term solution. Sure, it works if people are informed and rational, but I think it's better to solve the problem without taking shortcuts that rely on the player. I don't think it would be that hard, seeing as I've seen areas of sparser tree spread in TFC before. It doesn't have to be a forest or anything, but even one or two trees would be nice. Not to mention that really flat plains aren't entirely good for building either, as there's nothing to break up the horizon. A couple trees would fix that.


The game is based on random, procedurally generated terrain. Randomness means variation, and variation means that some people will get unlucky.


I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's not just a problem you can fix with duct tape & five minutes.


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Hi.Would any one tell me which version of forge is b79 being build on? I want to start thinking on the plugins and mods that I will have on the server.


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I would assume the latest 1.7 version.


EDIT: Correction I was informed that it is


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Well, I just upped to build 79...  I know the wiki is out of date, but is there anywhere else where there might be some crafting recipies up?  Even if just in text form?  

Bowls?  Either with a knife and a log or with three plank blocks?   Nope.  I've got food piling up.

Wool cloth to make a bed the old way?  Nope.  I need a loom.  At the moment my choices seem to be a) sit around every night waiting for sunrise, or b ) spend who knows how long trying every permutation of possible recipies for a loom and hope I guess right.  Neither one is appealing.


I like the new terrain generation and all; I just wish we'd gotten at least a hint at how to make this incredibly necessary stuff in the change log.


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