Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[0.79.17] Barbaric Survival - Vanilla TFC Server | New Map - Jan 3rd | Whitelist - Closed

706 posts in this topic


Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.):
   Age: 16, soon to be 17
   Minecraft Username: Nightrange55
   Why would you like to join?: Ive been looking around the servers community and i haven't been having luck with finding a good server and this one seems like it'd suit my needs.
   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I just recently started with TFC so im not all that experienced, but ive been playing minecraft since Beta so theres nothing that i don't know about it.
   Any additional information that would help your case: I've ran several servers (not TFC) so i know how infuriating it can get and i would not want to cause any trouble.
   Time zone, location, name(*Optional): Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00), U.S, Trevor


Sorry for the long delay, I've been away for a while. I see you've started your own server now, so best of luck with that! Going to have to deny.


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Greetings. I've made an application to this server quite some time ago, and it was full at the time. Let's give it another go.


Age: 22 

Minecraft Username: HomemChocolate Why would you like to join?:  I wish to join this server, specifically, because the manager, Cheerios, seems very competetent, after reading his posts, and speaking to him directly. Also, being canadian ensures he's a nice guy. The server seems to be quite populated, and that is imperative for TFC play. It seems to be very regulated too, so I expect no trolling inside, other than perhaps friendly trolling.

 What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played a bit of everything. I've had a few servers with just friends on vanilla, with Forgecraft Lite, with mods similar to Forgecraft, I play on and off in a creative server with an awesome texture pack from one of the members, and it also has a ton of metadatas. So there are hundreds of possibilities there as far as building goes. Unfortunately, I suck at visual arts. Really. I'm terrible. But I still have fun trying. 

 I've also run my own server of TFC twice. One of the times was hosting for other people from these forums, the other was just playing with friends. Quite fun, but my computer cried everytime. Especially because it's a toaster in the summer time. So yeah, I'll played my fair share of MC.


Any additional information that would help your case: I'm good looking. Rawr. I also enjoy TFC a bunch. I really want to see what kind of system you guys have been practicing in there. Hopefully there will be trading, maybe even roads built? Can't wait :D

Outside of Minecraft, I play a ton of League of Legends. I actually want to reach the top ranks, which will take it's time, but it is for sure one of my very favorite games of all time. I've played thousands on thousands of games. Good fun. I practice Taekwondo and study music. I'm also pretty good looking.

 Time zone, location, name: GMT, Portugal, name's Ricardo, pleasure is mine.


Well it's apparent you're a good looking guy, no doubts about that. I will let you know the server has been very quiet the past couple weeks, mainly due to my lack of attention to it as I've been rather busy in my personal life. I've found most players come in burst, playing TFC for a month or two full time, then getting bored and taking a break for a while.. it seems to be that period right now for most players, having looked back at the logs. You're welcome aboard and I'll add you to the whitelist, hopefully it becomes a more active period again here soon!


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   Minecraft Username:dkink14
   Why would you like to join?:im looking for a fun TFC server

   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: i played alot them i blocked it from my mind for a while. recently got back to it


   Any additional information that would help your case:i love building things and i love the comlexity of this mod oh jeah and im from the netherlands but my engrish is pretty decent
   Time zone, location, name +1 amsterdam (if im correct)


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Age:16    Minecraft Username:dkink14    Why would you like to join?:im looking for a fun TFC server

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: i played alot them i blocked it from my mind for a while. recently got back to it


   Any additional information that would help your case:i love building things and i love the comlexity of this mod oh jeah and im from the netherlands but my engrish is pretty decent    Time zone, location, name +1 amsterdam (if im correct)


Sorry man, denied.


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Sorry, denied.

Why? I don't want to provoke anything.


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Why? I don't want to provoke anything.

Not entirely sure why you are only bringing this up now, but your application was very brief and nothing stood out at all.


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   Age: 13, almost 14
   Minecraft Username: Reffter
   Why would you like to join?: I love Minecraft since beta 1.7.3, and i started to play TFC in a while and loved it! 

   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Minecraft, a lot, but TFC only the basics to survive :P


   Any additional information that would help your case: Thank you! (Guy from Reddit that asked you the link for this page)
   Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT-1, Lisbon, Portugal


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   Age: 13, almost 14    Minecraft Username: Reffter    Why would you like to join?: I love Minecraft since beta 1.7.3, and i started to play TFC in a while and loved it! 

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Minecraft, a lot, but TFC only the basics to survive :P


   Any additional information that would help your case: Thank you! (Guy from Reddit that asked you the link for this page)    Time zone, location, name(*Optional): GMT-1, Lisbon, Portugal


I'm sorry, it was a very brief app and we do have a general age requirement that you don't quite meet. I appreciate the application, but unfortunately denied.


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   Age: 24    Minecraft Username:


Why would you like to join?:

Really enjoy the structure of TFC, thought it would be really interesting to become part of a "community" in the mod

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

Have been playing Minecraft for as long as I can remember. I got into TFC about a week or so.


   Any additional information that would help your case:

I have been involved in a few community based survival/ village servers before, always tried to be a frequent user and never ruffled anyone elses feathers    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):

EST, Toronto, Neo (Mr Anderson to the outsiders)




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  Age: 28
   Minecraft Username: GxLogic 
   Why would you like to join?:
I'd like to join because I've always enjoyed the companionship of fellow players in minecraft and because I love getting involved in huge projects, either alone or with others, that can be seen and admired by others. The converse is true as well, I love admiring the hardwork of other players and getting inspired by their designs. Also, working on a project generally feels so much more rewarding when you know that other people were a part of it and that it's not purely yours but a combination of the efforts of several people.
   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:
I've played Minecraft since Beta 1.3 and have played TerraFirmaCraft since before build 60 (somewhere in the 50's, maybe 55? idk). I've played on quite a few servers, all of them modded, but only one of them a TFC server. This server was IcyNewYear's TFC server (youtuber, Server wasn't on the forums). I even played on the legendary (at least to BTW players) Official BTW Server for a while. I like to build big things and make them heavy on detail. To me, a giant dwarven-style fortress is only complete when you have carved runes into the stone until you decide that performance is probably a good thing to have. Don't take this the wrong way though. Having used a weak machine for with Terrafirmacraft more often than not I am pretty careful about not overdoing the detailing on builds as well. 
   Any additional information that would help your case:
I'm a physicist if that interests you? I enjoy literature, philosophy, and coding as well. If you meant with respect to minecraft though then I would like to say that I am always more of a giver than a taker on servers. I've often just asked people if I can redesign their dirt/cobble structure just so that it looks cleaner and prettier, and I always ask them how they would like it to look. Furthermore It's not often I refuse people some resource when they just ask for it, although it does bug me when they take without asking first. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm a master with the ProPick :)
   Time zone, location, name(*Optional):
Time Zone: Central US Time (Chicago), Location: South Bend, IN. USA, Name: Though my name is Ian, I prefer to go by Gates
Thanks for considering!

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Well, now, that's quite the app. I'm sure you'll be accepted once WetCheerios stops by. Hope to see you inside :D


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Whitelist Application 


Age: 29 years 

Minecraft Username: metrotyranno

Why would you like to join?: I love the Terrafirmacraft mod and I think it would be more enjoyable to play it with other people in a peaceful community. 

What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I just recently started playing TerraFirmaCraft but I've been playing Minecraft around the 1.0.0 update (The End, brewing, enchanting).


Any additional information that would help your case: I've played on a few previous servers before but no longer do. They were all small servers with maybe 20 people at the most. I've never been banned and I take the time to read the rules and follow them. I also love helping other people whenever they ask. 
Time zone, location, name(*Optional): USA, Florida


Thank you for your consideration.


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Age: 18 years 

Minecraft Username: ruhl4

Why would you like to join?: I haven't played Terrafirmacraft in a long time, and I'm looking for a vanilla server to derust myself on.

What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played Terrafirmacraft  for 2 years, since just before stone pickaxes were removed, up until TFC Build 77. I've been playing Minecraft since the Beta 1.8.1 update.


Any additional information that would help your case: I've played on a few previous servers on older TFC versions, and I've never been banned.
Time zone, location, name(*Optional): AEST, UTC +10.00


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To those of you who don't follow our server's subreddit: I've created a Raidcall group for us to voice chat in! You can find the group ID on our subreddit. Join us inside! :D


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   Age: 24    Minecraft Username:


Why would you like to join?:

Really enjoy the structure of TFC, thought it would be really interesting to become part of a "community" in the mod

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:

Have been playing Minecraft for as long as I can remember. I got into TFC about a week or so.


   Any additional information that would help your case:

I have been involved in a few community based survival/ village servers before, always tried to be a frequent user and never ruffled anyone elses feathers    Time zone, location, name(*Optional):

EST, Toronto, Neo (Mr Anderson to the outsiders)



Sure, accepted and added.


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  Age: 28
   Minecraft Username: GxLogic 
   Why would you like to join?:
I'd like to join because I've always enjoyed the companionship of fellow players in minecraft and because I love getting involved in huge projects, either alone or with others, that can be seen and admired by others. The converse is true as well, I love admiring the hardwork of other players and getting inspired by their designs. Also, working on a project generally feels so much more rewarding when you know that other people were a part of it and that it's not purely yours but a combination of the efforts of several people.
   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?:
I've played Minecraft since Beta 1.3 and have played TerraFirmaCraft since before build 60 (somewhere in the 50's, maybe 55? idk). I've played on quite a few servers, all of them modded, but only one of them a TFC server. This server was IcyNewYear's TFC server (youtuber, Server wasn't on the forums). I even played on the legendary (at least to BTW players) Official BTW Server for a while. I like to build big things and make them heavy on detail. To me, a giant dwarven-style fortress is only complete when you have carved runes into the stone until you decide that performance is probably a good thing to have. Don't take this the wrong way though. Having used a weak machine for with Terrafirmacraft more often than not I am pretty careful about not overdoing the detailing on builds as well. 
   Any additional information that would help your case:
I'm a physicist if that interests you? I enjoy literature, philosophy, and coding as well. If you meant with respect to minecraft though then I would like to say that I am always more of a giver than a taker on servers. I've often just asked people if I can redesign their dirt/cobble structure just so that it looks cleaner and prettier, and I always ask them how they would like it to look. Furthermore It's not often I refuse people some resource when they just ask for it, although it does bug me when they take without asking first. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm a master with the ProPick :)
   Time zone, location, name(*Optional):
Time Zone: Central US Time (Chicago), Location: South Bend, IN. USA, Name: Though my name is Ian, I prefer to go by Gates
Thanks for considering!


Well done up application, I'll add you to the whitelist! Sorry for the delay, I've been traveling the past few days.


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Whitelist Application 


Age: 29 years 

 Minecraft Username: metrotyranno 

Why would you like to join?: I love the Terrafirmacraft mod and I think it would be more enjoyable to play it with other people in a peaceful community. 

 What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I just recently started playing TerraFirmaCraft but I've been playing Minecraft around the 1.0.0 update (The End, brewing, enchanting).


Any additional information that would help your case: I've played on a few previous servers before but no longer do. They were all small servers with maybe 20 people at the most. I've never been banned and I take the time to read the rules and follow them. I also love helping other people whenever they ask.  Time zone, location, name(*Optional): USA, Florida


Thank you for your consideration.


Nicely done, accepted and added. 


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Age: 18 years 

 Minecraft Username: ruhl4 

Why would you like to join?: I haven't played Terrafirmacraft in a long time, and I'm looking for a vanilla server to derust myself on.

 What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played Terrafirmacraft  for 2 years, since just before stone pickaxes were removed, up until TFC Build 77. I've been playing Minecraft since the Beta 1.8.1 update.


Any additional information that would help your case: I've played on a few previous servers on older TFC versions, and I've never been banned. Time zone, location, name(*Optional): AEST, UTC +10.00




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Hello again, just minecraftmiller1 signing off for a while. It's gonna be too much to play games during the semester so I probably won't be back until sometime in December or so. You said to just make a post saying I'm a semi-old user, so I will reply to this comment when ready to rejoin. Cheerio chap! :P

Hello, just messaging to let you know my semester is over and I would like to rejoin this server.


Thank you,



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Hello, just messaging to let you know my semester is over and I would like to rejoin this server.


Thank you,


Great, you're re-added.


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Age: 21 years 

Minecraft Username: Mosaic

Why would you like to join?: I like this mod and vanilla servers. This server combines both conditions.

What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've started play TFC one month ago in single player. I play Minecraft for 3 Years in multiplayer, have expirience of village and small towns building with small group of other players. My communication style is trying not to be annoying and making things, that both sides like.


Any additional information that would help your case: I really love barter trade in minecraft. I like make great number of authentic small buildings and minor landscape's improvements. I always try to check order in my territory. Road- bridge- buildings is liked to me too. Making of nice-looking roadnetwork and market economy is what I want.

My English is not perfect, so I can make different scary grammatical mistakes.
Time zone, location, name(*Optional):  UTC +5.00, Russia, Daniel.


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Age: 21 years 

 Minecraft Username: Mosaic 

Why would you like to join?: I like this mod and vanilla servers. This server combines both conditions.

 What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've started play TFC one month ago in single player. I play Minecraft for 3 Years in multiplayer, have expirience of village and small towns building with small group of other players. My communication style is trying not to be annoying and making things, that both sides like.


Any additional information that would help your case: I really love barter trade in minecraft. I like make great number of authentic small buildings and minor landscape's improvements. I always try to check order in my territory. Road- bridge- buildings is liked to me too. Making of nice-looking roadnetwork and market economy is what I want.

My English is not perfect, so I can make different scary grammatical mistakes.Time zone, location, name(*Optional):  UTC +5.00, Russia, Daniel.


Sure, I'll give ya a shot. Accepted and added.


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Age: 15
   Minecraft Username: EVKING12
   Why would you like to join?: i love playing of servers with this style of gameplay 

   What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: ive played terrafirmacraft for a long time but its been a bit so im kinda just getting back into it, and i have been playing minecraft for about 3 or 4 years and i have never actually been banned from a server.


   Any additional information that would help your case: not really, not much to say about me.
   Time zone, location, name(*Optional): mountain time, utah, evan


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I would like to join Barbaric Survival.


Age: 43    Minecraft Username: PsykoMaggot    Why would you like to join?: TFC Rocks, Minecraft is better in a community.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I have played for quite some time. Started before Etho. Minecraft since 1.2.5.


   Any additional information that would help your case: Love to build, love to mine.     Time zone, location: Pacific Time, Canada eh.


Looking forward to playing.


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Age: 16
Minecraft Username: catboboooo (Yes I know it is stupid but I have no way of changing it at this time) 
Why would you like to join?: The last TFC server I was on slowly declined in population to the point to where it seamed no one was ever on but me. Your server seams to be popular and so it may not come this this fate


What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I have had Minecraft for a number of years and have tended to play it in my free time.  My TFC experience has been both single player and multiplayer,In single player I progressed to steel, I don't not remember the name of the server I played on and do not have the page bookmarked any longer.


Any additional information that would help your case: I like building large government type buildings, housing projects, farms (crops), and expansive road systems. If I get these things going I will try to sell rooms, land, crops and connect to other areas with roads to allow for easer trade roots.
Time zone, location, name(*Optional): My timezone is United States Eastern Time and my name is Mike


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