Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Got Problems with Ores and Ingots

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Hi Guys,

first of all i want to say sry for my bad english. I´ll hope u forgive an german player some mistakes :D

Now my Problem:

I got some ores in TFC, most of them unusable, but the Garnierite should be some Nickel. First i put it in my Forge to smelt it down. Got some unshaped Nickel. So far so good.

Step 2: Cool it down an go to my (Stone-)Anvil with an Stone-Hammer. I tried to bring the Ingot in Form but nothing happened.

I tried all the diefferent Temperatures from warm up to liquid but i got no chance to form it. I click the Buttons but the green marker dosnt move.

So far i try the same with some cheated copper (it maybe was an bugged Nickel-Ore) but the same Probleam...

I play B1 at this time, an upgrade to B2 dosnt work. :) All my Stuff (wood, Ore and something other transformed to Blue/Red Steel like there was Magic :D

I hope some of you understand my situation and can give me some Hints.

Thanks to all



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I assume you smelted the ore in something other than your forge as that is the one location that could not happen, likely in a bloomery instead. But that is not the point!

I am not sure Nickel actually has an ingot form. Its use is in making steel as can be seen on the wiki's Alloy Page. Since they are in the steel age you will likely need an Iron or even a basic Steel anvil in order to shape them into an ingot however.


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I had issues with this, fixed by removing and replacing the hammer/ore/plans and trying again.


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Thx for answer!

@Crysyn: I cant build a bloomery. First i need a chisel i think. Now i try the same with some cheated Ore (Copper) and what i got is some copper ingot that i cant use on my Anvil. On warm, hot red orange yellow white brilliant whit.....i cant form it to an chisel-head or pickaxe-head.

@xAxis: i also try to reset the tools in the anvil. Nothing changed. If i try to convert to the new Beta all my Stuff transfor to blue- and red-steel.

I think in the new Beta it is impossible to smelt ores in the forge (this Thing with the 9-Coal-Fire-Middle) because i cant put it in there (shift+klick or pull by mouse). So i have to find some ore that i can smelt in Firepit, make me a chisel, build a bloomery for the other Ores. That is the way of new versions or am i wrong?

/edit: i also try it with some bluesteel and redsteel-ingot on a copper-Anvil with an copper-hammer and nothing changed. I cant craft some tools

Edited by CraiosLP

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Stop using NEI.

There are "ages" when it comes to metallurgy, each next tier of Ingots requires a better Tools and/or Anvil.


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Thx for answer!

@Crysyn: I cant build a bloomery. First i need a chisel i think. Now i try the same with some cheated Ore (Copper) and what i got is some copper ingot that i cant use on my Anvil. On warm, hot red orange yellow white brilliant whit.....i cant form it to an chisel-head or pickaxe-head.

@xAxis: i also try to reset the tools in the anvil. Nothing changed. If i try to convert to the new Beta all my Stuff transfor to blue- and red-steel.

I think in the new Beta it is impossible to smelt ores in the forge (this Thing with the 9-Coal-Fire-Middle) because i cant put it in there (shift+klick or pull by mouse). So i have to find some ore that i can smelt in Firepit, make me a chisel, build a bloomery for the other Ores. That is the way of new versions or am i wrong?

/edit: i also try it with some bluesteel and redsteel-ingot on a copper-Anvil with an copper-hammer and nothing changed. I cant craft some tools

well you have to have a bronze anvil to make copper into anything. so it requires you to have tin, but you can use zinc or bismuth as a starting metal for a chisel to make your bloomery.


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Um, all stuff aside. DO NOT YELL at people using NEI to see if somethings wrong. For all he knew his game was bugged, or was broken, or who knows what. He NEIed something to see if that was the case or not. Yelling at people who try to find out if something is wrong is like yelling at a blind person for not seeing whats in front of them. Stop it, and try to help the guy, not attack him.


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If you upgraded to B2 from B1 your really just need to start a new world. There is a huge deal of stuff that has changed and it just needs to be reset.


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