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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Burn Creeper Burn! And Boom!

10 posts in this topic

I'd like to see creepers explode if they die from fire damage. It makes sence. They're made of gunpowder. And if the fire burned enough to kill them. It should be enough to light the gunpowder?


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Yea this does make sense, though if this is done, lava should not make them explode, as that would make them much less common when they are moved underground.

Creepers are going to be moved underground with Zombies. skelitons, etc. just so know.


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Of course, it would make no sense for an exploding animal to have safety mechanisms to prevent that, and even if it is on fire, what are the chances that it will actually burn through all the skin and mussel tissue and actually reach the gunpowder?


That aside, this would make creepers much more... fun to play around with


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Of course, it would make no sense for an exploding animal to have safety mechanisms to prevent that, and even if it is on fire, what are the chances that it will actually burn through all the skin and mussel tissue and actually reach the gunpowder?


That aside, this would make creepers much more... fun to play around with

the way I've imagined, they wouldn't have muscle the way you think of it. My explination theory has always been that creepers are a special type of plant. No seriously! They are grown by their plant instead of a seed or fruit, they walk to another location to spread that plants gentic material, and then explode to spread the seeds a little more. They seek out and kill/deter any herbivorous animals that might eat the seeds or eventual plant. Makes good evolutionary sense.


plus I think its a logical assssociation (punny). They're green, have no apendages except feet, and (logic aside) have a frowny face because their purpose is to hurt other living things and die :(.


so if they were on fire, they would WANT to explode (evoluntionarily speaking) to spread the seeds out before the whole kaboodle burns in the fire.


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the way I've imagined, they wouldn't have muscle the way you think of it. My explination theory has always been that creepers are a special type of plant. No seriously! They are grown by their plant instead of a seed or fruit, they walk to another location to spread that plants gentic material, and then explode to spread the seeds a little more. They seek out and kill/deter any herbivorous animals that might eat the seeds or eventual plant. Makes good evolutionary sense.


plus I think its a logical assssociation (punny). They're green, have no apendages except feet, and (logic aside) have a frowny face because their purpose is to hurt other living things and die :(.


so if they were on fire, they would WANT to explode (evoluntionarily speaking) to spread the seeds out before the whole kaboodle burns in the fire.

That actually makes sense. And i'd really love creepers to become more fun. And the check are already in the game to see what an animal died by. Living pig + fire = dead pig + cooked pork.


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the way I've imagined, they wouldn't have muscle the way you think of it. My explination theory has always been that creepers are a special type of plant. No seriously! They are grown by their plant instead of a seed or fruit, they walk to another location to spread that plants gentic material, and then explode to spread the seeds a little more. They seek out and kill/deter any herbivorous animals that might eat the seeds or eventual plant. Makes good evolutionary sense.


plus I think its a logical assssociation (punny). They're green, have no apendages except feet, and (logic aside) have a frowny face because their purpose is to hurt other living things and die :(.


so if they were on fire, they would WANT to explode (evoluntionarily speaking) to spread the seeds out before the whole kaboodle burns in the fire.

I would love it if after some time, the site of a creeper explosion sprouted creeper plants that spawn creepers by the dozen.


But if the creeper is a plant, and it's alive, wouldn't it just liknda smolder but not really catch on fire for a goodly long time?


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I would love it if after some time, the site of a creeper explosion sprouted creeper plants that spawn creepers by the dozen.


But if the creeper is a plant, and it's alive, wouldn't it just liknda smolder but not really catch on fire for a goodly long time?

That sounds deliciously evil :3 especially if you could pick up the plants or have a "transplant" mechanic so you could put them in other peoples bases for an unpleasent surprise :ph34r:


Depends on the plant. My geuss is if this plant is growing gunpowder (or something with similiar properties) in it's center there is bound to be enough traces on the outside of it's body to be highly flammable.


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I like the idea in general (especially creeper seeds part :wink:) , but I gotta advise you to not go deep into 'realistically makes sense' part of this suggestions.


Flammable doesn't really mean explosive. IRL you'd actually want the bomb shell as intact as possible, because if it's not, it will leak combustion products out, which can even result in inner pressure not being able to break the shell. Which means no explosion, just a bit of a puff of smoke.

If anything, walking plant like that would want to explode as to not burn the seeds with itself, not because fire got to gunpowder and lit it.


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If anything, walking plant like that would want to explode as to not burn the seeds with itself, not because fire got to gunpowder and lit it.

That's what I said :)

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This is getting really interesting. ANd I'm liking these ideas. And it would be cool if the plant could grow in soil... But liked a living entity more as it's "potting soil". Got that idea from an episode of Smallville. The show is basically following superman from the time he finds out he's from another planet to the time he learns to fly. And in one episode. And alien plant lady needs to use human males to grow her seeds. 


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