Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mob behavior

12 posts in this topic

Rather than suggesting what mobs to add/remove/replace/blahblahblah, I want to take the discussion in another direction.

It shouldnt be about how many mobs, but about adding uniqueness.

-Mobs that sprint, but has low HP

-Tank mobs (high HP low speed)

-mob awareness, like zombie pigmen, who hunt in packs


-friendly combatant mobs

It would seriously bore me if there were like 20 types of mobs with similar behaviors.


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i can see this implemented in the form or like, a bear=tank and wolves=pack mentality, things of that nature seem to be where TFC is going. then again, a little bit of fantasy is needed in minecraft cause technically it is a dream


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All these kinds of mobs can be realistically implemented. Bear = tank etc etc. As for fantasy, i dunno, but I'm sure it can easily be done!


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If animals were added, they should fight/eat each other, the only downside is the not-spawning thing. My suggestion is to make natural breeding like in the Nature Overhaul mod, but I think that would cause lag.


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Hey guys, Dunk here. I am the programmer who is to be in charge of mob behavior and adding new mobs. Many of your ideas will be implemented, but keep in mind this is aiming at realism. We won't be adding mobs to fill a purpose, we will be adding mobs and finding what their purpose is, if that makes any sense.


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Oh sweet. So first come the bees, then comes the bees able to pollinate flowers and make them spread. Next we can have woodpeckers, and they'll put holes in your wooden house XD.

But seriously, I like your philosophy on this, dunkleosteus. I'm interested in how you'll separate the biomes and have specific animals be in each biome. OMG, can we have snakes in the desert?! omg!


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So, there's going first a list of desired animals, then you will figure out what can be usefull of them?

Then I suggest you to check atmosmobs mod: http://www.minecraft...s-finally-here/

Many interesting creatures to get inspired of... ( I want owls in my forests! :P )


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then again, a little bit of fantasy is needed in minecraft cause technically it is a dream

'Nother customer happy with the ending! :P:D :D

Ok, I've been thinking of this mob behaviour thing for some time...

As I see it, should we make both the mob behaviour and the migration thing and the nests system and all such, there would be a lot of data moving arround. But I realiced a little detail... individual mob decitions could be made just in the chunks loaded at the moment; the rest of the interactions (or, at least, the interactions between wild mobs) could be simulated by numbers, as total population blocks.

For example, I could say "there's 15 wolves and 7 sheeps in this sabanna biome chunk; then in the chunk just north, is a plains chunk with 30 sheeps. I throw some dices for randomness and I get 5 sheeps are hunted by the wolves this minecraft day, and tomorrow they will migrate north, both the wolves and the sheeps, because there's way more food up there".

BONUS TRACK: I must think harder about this thing -and I don't have time right now-, but maybe this could be made for biomes too. As in "there's 50 trees in this forest biome; chop half of them and it turns into a sabanna biome. Chop them all and it will slowly turn into a desert biome (eacht time it rains it will degrade the soil)". Or the reverse, irrigating a desert biome into a sabanna, or planting enough tropical trees into a forest to turn it into a rainforest (very very slowly, I'm thinking of several game weeks or more).


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BONUS TRACK: I must think harder about this thing -and I don't have time right now-, but maybe this could be made for biomes too. As in "there's 50 trees in this forest biome; chop half of them and it turns into a sabanna biome. Chop them all and it will slowly turn into a desert biome (eacht time it rains it will degrade the soil)". Or the reverse, irrigating a desert biome into a sabanna, or planting enough tropical trees into a forest to turn it into a rainforest (very very slowly, I'm thinking of several game weeks or more).

That's an awesome idea, but I wonder if MC is capable of altering biomes during runtime like that.


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I will not be creating mobs to fill a purpose per se, only creating mobs and making them behave as realistically as possible


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hmm i see, so like the mob AI in terraria sort of?

they had different AI for diff mobs

i think they had a "flyer" AI and a "fighter" AI and a "worm" AI

maybe we could turn those into some that fit our uses more?


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The most resource intensive part of minecraft is the animation. Mobs can behave perectly fine in non-rendered chunks. Mobs will be getting new behaviour, but we're not going to do this globally. This means that instead of programming the end result, i will be programming behaviours, ex instead of programming migration, the mobs would dislike cold weather and try to find a warmer climate, the difference being whether i tell them to do it or they figure it out on their own.


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