Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[32x][0.78.17][v3 FIX]Faithful TFC textures + DEV Build! 9.6.2014

178 posts in this topic

I will be doing this textures from now on



Finished some gems

Finished some logs

Finished some planks

Finished some rocks




i told you, i'll still be doing the textures but you can post the textures here, as you did. anyway, if you want i can put some of the textures i like in the pack.


Here is what i like:


Gems: the "normal" and "flawed" gems still look bad, had trouble with them too.

           the "exquisite" one looks beautiful man, awesome

           the "chipped" one from me is what i like more


Logs: VERY NICE, finally some good looking logs man ^^ i had so much trouble with 'em...

Planks: they look very different from mine but still good, tho i guess i'll keep going with mine, i like 'em more sry ^^

Rocks: Not looking that good, i'll do them dont worry. Also i guess they are actually textures from the stone textures so first i want to finish them.


after all pretty nice. i guess im wanting to try out stuff (in my summer vacation) with the stone and all. you could do all the item textures (like gems for example) if you want to. you can send me the stuff on skype if you want (offdead91) for example to ask me if the gems look better 


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i told you, i'll still be doing the textures but you can post the textures here, as you did. anyway, if you want i can put some of the textures i like in the pack.


Here is what i like:


Gems: the "normal" and "flawed" gems still look bad, had trouble with them too.

           the "exquisite" one looks beautiful man, awesome

           the "chipped" one from me is what i like more


Logs: VERY NICE, finally some good looking logs man ^^ i had so much trouble with 'em...

Planks: they look very different from mine but still good, tho i guess i'll keep going with mine, i like 'em more sry ^^

Rocks: Not looking that good, i'll do them dont worry. Also i guess they are actually textures from the stone textures so first i want to finish them.


after all pretty nice. i guess im wanting to try out stuff (in my summer vacation) with the stone and all. you could do all the item textures (like gems for example) if you want to. you can send me the stuff on skype if you want (offdead91) for example to ask me if the gems look better 



Any chance we will have an updated version with his work included soon?


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Is this texture pack still being maintained?


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The forge burning texture is missing.


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uff sorry guys, had a little bit to much real life action going on. gonna restart the weekly uploads i guess.


so next update tomorrow


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uff sorry guys, had a little bit to much real life action going on. gonna restart the weekly uploads i guess.


so next update tomorrow


Hey Dead91, woul you like some help in some stuff that are not stone?


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Hey Dead91, woul you like some help in some stuff that are not stone?

Why not, just send stuff to my skype, offdead91 and i will judge it ^^


heres some stuff that you, or others too maybe, work on overall reworking stuff that looks bad, Metal blocks, bit of the crops, on the "wood sheet" stuff (rather folder, basically support log textures), gems, double ingots and such from ingot area, ore items, pottery stuff, rock items, support log item. 


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The forge burning texture is missing.

what forge burning texture? post images if its an ingame missing tetxture.


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TFC changed the lit forge texture to an animation, so your non-animated forge texture is broken now.


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TFC changed the lit forge texture to an animation, so your non-animated forge texture is broken now.

"your", i didnt work on any Forge textures yet so im confused. could it be because i deleted the mcmeta file? but if so shouldnt those deleted files from me get replaced from the standart textures?


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"your", i didnt work on any Forge textures yet so im confused. could it be because i deleted the mcmeta file? but if so shouldnt those deleted files from me get replaced from the standart textures?


Just downloaded the pack. There is a Forge On.png located at assetsterrafirmacrafttexturesblocksdevices in your zip file.


Posted Image


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"your", i didnt work on any Forge textures yet so im confused. could it be because i deleted the mcmeta file? but if so shouldnt those deleted files from me get replaced from the standart textures?


By deleting the mcmeta file but not the texture itself Minecraft will still try to load the texture but doesn't know how to handle it and just puts the purple and black no texture texture on it. adding the mcmeta file back fixes this issue (Thats what I did) there was also an issue with the Bloomery too 


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By deleting the mcmeta file but not the texture itself Minecraft will still try to load the texture but doesn't know how to handle it and just puts the purple and black no texture texture on it. adding the mcmeta file back fixes this issue (Thats what I did) there was also an issue with the Bloomery too 

ah thanks magoca, gonna upload a new version today with those 2 files in.


EDIT: Uploaded the fixed version (i hope). Thanks to mag0ca and kittychanley for your support, youre in the super useful credits! ^^


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hey, just created an account to let you know how i love this! keep up the good work bro!


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ah thanks magoca, gonna upload a new version today with those 2 files in.


EDIT: Uploaded the fixed version (i hope). Thanks to mag0ca and kittychanley for your support, youre in the super useful credits! ^^


Your very welcome :D


I made a custom title screen a while back because I felt that the default minecraft on was not befitting of a conversion mod. It's not very good but if you want to use it feel free.




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Hey guys, I'm back! :) Just wanted to inform you that im going to work on the textures again. I also cleaned up the thread a little bit. Also added DEV Builds, so you'll instantly see what textures aren't done yet and so the unfinished files are in the pack.


Playing TFC again after a long time with a couple of friends. TFC changed a lot and i love the new changes they've done. Felt like I'm missing my textures.


For user interaction, follow me on Twitter. Don't worry, I wont spam too much. Only texture related stuff goes there!



Making a lot of changes to this Thread like not as many colors, move a bunch of stuff, shorten stuff. 




[1.6.4]Faithful textures for TFC Beta 0.78.14

Ad Version for support


[1.6.4]Faithful DEV textures Build

Ad Version for support


--- I'll upload DEV Builds, if you want to help me with textures. All Unfinished textures are in there. ---  :)


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Hey guys, I'm back! :) Just wanted to inform you that im going to work on the textures again. I also cleaned up the thread a little bit. Also added DEV Builds, so you'll instantly see what textures aren't done yet and so the unfinished files are in the pack.


Playing TFC again after a long time with a couple of friends. TFC changed a lot and i love the new changes they've done. Felt like I'm missing my textures.


For user interaction, follow me on Twitter. Don't worry, I wont spam too much. Only texture related stuff goes there!



Making a lot of changes to this Thread like not as many colors, move a bunch of stuff, shorten stuff. 




[1.6.4]Faithful textures for TFC Beta 0.78.14

Ad Version for support


[1.6.4]Faithful DEV textures Build

Ad Version for support


--- I'll upload DEV Builds, if you want to help me with textures. All Unfinished textures are in there. ---  :)



Hugs and kisses from me for that :)

I was a sad panda for a day or 2 when i found out it wasnt fully finished / up-to-date :P


Tnx for the dedication, and the awsome work so far ;)


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Hugs and kisses from me for that :)

I was a sad panda for a day or 2 when i found out it wasnt fully finished / up-to-date :P


Tnx for the dedication, and the awsome work so far ;)

*hugs back* 


thanks man but the pack is still not finished ^^ Its been 2 years now... my thread was started on may 13 2012 :D

didnt believe it would take that long. 


Glad to be back in the TFC area and im digging it more then ever before ^^


EDIT: Also wanted to say I have my last exam going on and after that I'll have more time again. 

EDIT 2: Going to focus on the gui's for now and then some items like the ceramic stuff


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It would be nice if you could make the acacia wood texture. I can look to make all the fences textures based on the existing wood textures.


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It would be nice if you could make the acacia wood texture. I can look to make all the fences textures based on the existing wood textures.

Would be awesome! let me take a look, just finished all gui's. maybe im going to upload the wood texture with the guis later on


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Thatch please pretty please? I will provide a screenshot of a nice house for it :P


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Thatch please pretty please? I will provide a screenshot of a nice house for it :P

Yeah i wanted to do it soon. I'll try to make it now. I already did the straw item and  that looks surpisingly good! :D


If its done, im going to release it on sunday. check out my twitter, posting pictures there with comparison and such. well if you want to see it before ^^


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Yeah i wanted to do it soon. I'll try to make it now. I already did the straw item and  that looks surpisingly good! :D


If its done, im going to release it on sunday. check out my twitter, posting pictures there with comparison and such. well if you want to see it before ^^

Cool!I do graphics design myself, however I have no clue about texture working, and especially not pixelated ones :-/


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