Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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More Survival Bars! Yay (Idea's From The Enviromine Mod)

12 posts in this topic

Check Out The Enviromine Mod.


I Think Some Of The Aspects Of The Enviromine Mod, Should Be Added To TerraFirmaCraft.

Just To Add More To The Realism of The Game, Add To The Difficulty Of The Game, And Just I Believe Make It A Funner Experience 


Like Being Able To OverHeat, And Freeze To Death,

A Added Air Quality Bar, And Being Able To Suffocate To Death If Air Quality Levels Get To Low,

And A Sanity Bar, With Bed Rest, Flowers, Hot Springs, Etc. Being Able To Fill Said Bar Up.


To Get A Better Idea Of What I'm Trying To Purpose Here, Please Check Out The Enviromine Mod On YouTube, In A Showcase Of Some Kind. 




Please Leave Feedback!!!   =D


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1. TFC isn't aiming to be realistic. See my signature below or the FAQ page.

2. Body temperature is already planned for future builds.

3. Sanity bars have already been suggested in the past, and the idea has generally been shot down. This is Minecraft, not Don't Starve.

4. Please don't capitalize the first letter of every single word in your post, it makes it extremely difficult to read.


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1. TFC isn't aiming to be realistic. See my signature below or the FAQ page.

2. Body temperature is already planned for future builds.

3. Sanity bars have already been suggested in the past, and the idea has generally been shot down. This is Minecraft, not Don't Starve.

4. Please don't capitalize the first letter of every single word in your post, it makes it extremely difficult to read.

1. I don't see how capitalizing every word makes it harder to read, but I'll give it a go,

2. I'm very glad body temperature is being added in the future

3. I know realism isn't the 100% Goal of this mod. But it is a main factor of it.

4. Please don't shoot me down so fast, and atleast look into what I'm purposing

5. And what about Air Quality? 




-It's a game made of freakin blocks, I don't expect everything to be 100% realistic in the 1st place, but ya know it is very neat to add in the details, no matter how minor


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I don't see how capitalizing every word makes it harder to read, but I'll give it a go,


The English language carries the following conventions about capitalization:

- The first letter of a new sentence is capitalized, in order to mark the structural break in the flow of text.

- Proper names and titles are capitalized, as a means of emphasis/honorific.


By capitalizing every word, you break these conventions. The first, immediate effect is that anyone used to reading conventional English will immediately notice that something is "not right". It feels instinctively off, because they're used to seeing capitalization used very rarely.


The secondary effect is that you're scrambling the flow of text. The reader can no longer rely on using capitalization to detect where sentences start and end; in effect, he has to invest far more effort into scanning for punctuation than he usually would. Furthermore, the melody of each sentence (what you "hear" in your head when you read something) is lost. But that melody forms an important part of our instinctive understanding of language - for example, we can identify that a sentence is a question even without understanding a word, just by how the pitch changes from start to end. Without a melody, your text comes across as robotic and unnatural, and it requires additional effort to try and figure out what you're actually saying. Similarly, proper names lose their emphasis, which in some cases can lead to ambiguity: the word "earth" describes soil and dirt in general, while the word "Earth" is the proper name of the planet we live on. Depending on how you form a sentence, you might be meaning the latter but people assume that you mean the former because it looks just like every other word in your text that is falsely capitalized.


The tertiary effect, finally, is that people put off by this style of writing will often subconsciously put you into undesirable categories in their head. "He/She's whoring for attention." - "He/She is borderline illiterate." - "He/She must be really annoying to be around." You're basically flubbing your first impression on strangers, and first impressions form a majority of what we base our personal interactions on. It doesn't matter if none of these things are actually true - what matters is that people think they might be true. You're selling yourself short.


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some opinions.

Air Quality.

How will we do this? I mean, sure I can think of things that will lower it, but what raises it?

How will we be able to say, go down to our mines without suffocating because of no airflow and tons of burning sticks everywhere?

And I don't really like Enviromine's 'leaves makes clean air' It just makes you carry a load of leaves around with no real purpose, and random leaves looks ugly.



3. I know realism isn't the 100% Goal of this mod. But it is a main factor of it.

No not really. It's believability, then gameplay. It's not realistic for planted seeds to instantly sprout, but it's believable, and it works with gameplay(give feedback so people know that they have planted the seed), so we do it.


I think we have enough bars currently, and adding more would require lots of items, thoughts, and consideration so it doesn't just turn into a annoyance that simply eats up slots.


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No Air Quality bars please. It just wouldn't add enough bang for the development time buck.  No Sanity bars ever, please.  I have no need in-game or in RL for flowers and hot springs to keep me sane.


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The English language carries the following conventions about capitalization:

- The first letter of a new sentence is capitalized, in order to mark the structural break in the flow of text.

- Proper names and titles are capitalized, as a means of emphasis/honorific.


By capitalizing every word, you break these conventions. The first, immediate effect is that anyone used to reading conventional English will immediately notice that something is "not right". It feels instinctively off, because they're used to seeing capitalization used very rarely.


The secondary effect is that you're scrambling the flow of text. The reader can no longer rely on using capitalization to detect where sentences start and end; in effect, he has to invest far more effort into scanning for punctuation than he usually would. Furthermore, the melody of each sentence (what you "hear" in your head when you read something) is lost. But that melody forms an important part of our instinctive understanding of language - for example, we can identify that a sentence is a question even without understanding a word, just by how the pitch changes from start to end. Without a melody, your text comes across as robotic and unnatural, and it requires additional effort to try and figure out what you're actually saying. Similarly, proper names lose their emphasis, which in some cases can lead to ambiguity: the word "earth" describes soil and dirt in general, while the word "Earth" is the proper name of the planet we live on. Depending on how you form a sentence, you might be meaning the latter but people assume that you mean the former because it looks just like every other word in your text that is falsely capitalized.


The tertiary effect, finally, is that people put off by this style of writing will often subconsciously put you into undesirable categories in their head. "He/She's whoring for attention." - "He/She is borderline illiterate." - "He/She must be really annoying to be around." You're basically flubbing your first impression on strangers, and first impressions form a majority of what we base our personal interactions on. It doesn't matter if none of these things are actually true - what matters is that people think they might be true. You're selling yourself short.


Pretty much type right its not cool or fun its annoying as hell. Ow ould ou ike f  eft ut he irst etter f very ord inda  ain ight?


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I appreciate the HELL out of what you're trying to do here, but a suggestion thread is not the place for wall-o-texts about anything other than the thread topic. That said, if you want to PM this guy a full treatise on the workings of the English language, then please god by all means - you're just saving me the work of doing it myself.


But yeah, serious threads stay on topic plz (derail stupid ideas all you like though, that's fine).


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For me is a good idea add a body temperature bar like the enviromine's one, but the other bars are tedious, so make them is ok, but add config settings for disable their effects if a player wish... This is my opinion.


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More options to become more hard and boring?
We need more low tech items to have more cool things to do!


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Seems like this has been proposed before.   Since it's a mod, I don't see why you can't just tweak it to work with TFC yourself.  I know that at least one of the mod packs does this.  Technofirma, I think?


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Necro'd. The ideas in this thread are outdated and TFC2 will likely be something else. The body temperature feature will probably be a low priority for Bioxx for the time being (if he would be so kind to confirm this).


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