Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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How can we promote TFC better?

14 posts in this topic

I'm fresh out of the uterus here, found TFC about a week ago, but please read on nonetheless. For me, Minecraft finally started to play like an actual game, where terrain, items, resources actually mattered. I'm forcing myself not to go into a rant of why and how much I love this mod, so will stop right here, and get down to the point.How can we promote TFC better/more?  All these are suggestions, please don't take it as an offence since it is definitely not intended to be one.FirstLogoThe logo could be a bit more compact, in a square sense. Right now, it's too long and hard to integrate anywhere. This tweak that I'm humbling suggesting, should enable people to better share, include the logo in their playthroughs, etc. In essence, it will enable Terrafirmacraft to spread more naturally. I've got a designer wive, I could ask her to help out with this a bit if you like. It would be based on the present design, but it would also be more compact, easier to notice as a symbol and aesthetic shape etc. If I get the go ahead by a mod, admin, or whatever, I'm prepared to create a few permutations in collaboration with someone that knows what you guys need. I'd also appreciate if the open document file of the present logo is sent if we continue on with this, so I can work off of that. Color syncing, vectors etc. The sloganIt suggests that Terrafirmacraft augments Minecraft survival. I'd say it does MUCH more, and completely recreates it, making it actually interesting. If so, the slogan could be tweaked a bit to portray that aspect. Brainstorm examples:1. "This is how you survive Minecraft"2. "Drink, Eat, Stay warm, Stay covered, survive" 3. "How long can you survive?"4. "Survival done the right way" (It's close, but it does indicate that it's doing it's own thing, not simply augmenting someone elses thing)5. "Survival at it's best"These are just some quick examples to portray better what I mean when I was saying that the slogan right now refers to slightly changing something already present. I believe that TFC should be presented as a radical reimagining of Minecraft. A unique groundbreaking survival mod that changes everything.Next topic in line (Will try to be brief, but I really consider these things could help TFC get to the right people, the right players more.Social NetworksI failed to find an official Facebook and Twitter profile for TFC. Even if you guys consider Facebook terrible, it's nice for people to congregate at a single point there, share experiences, help each other out and promote TFC further. I made a demo of a fanpage for TFC on Facebook. The design and everything are preliminary of course, and the moment an admin or whoever is in charge tells me to delete it or transfer the rights to his FB profile, naturally I will do it :) already is a Subreddit for TFC, and it's great, and if not yet done, it should be maybe promoted :) point:Stay AwesomeThis one is self explanatory and you guys are already doing it, the devs, the community, the content. Thank you. 


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I agree, now is especially the time with the likes of Ethoslab and Arkas starting to do LP's of TFC. His initial video got like 1/2 million views.


I almost find it a pity that I discovered this so late. Most of the people I play with have already deserted minecraft by this point in time.


It might be cool to get some other LP'ers to check out the mod aswell.


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I have no experience with LP's unfortunately. I just watch some. But the content they share, and if they have a prepared media package which of course I'm ready to compile, it's going to work much better, TFC will be presented in a better light and people would remember the whole thing better. And before TFC completely erupts into higher popularity, it would be really good to prepare certain aspects, tweak others etc.  


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I like the idea of a new compact logo (and/or image kit) that everybody could use. I'd like to end up seeing a few examples in the future. :D


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Slogans and facebook pages aren't of much benefit for additional promotion till you have a source of new users first. While I like the official "TerraFirmaCraft - Survival mode as it should've been" I don't think we really need many catchphrases. Interest of the users is what the mod would need. I'd rather suggest staying in contact with members of communities where people may simply enjoy what TFC offers over vanilla features.

There are several survival-oriented games, a few imageboards etc - starting relevant discussions or mentions where appropriate may take one a long way, especially if it'll be actual discussion or mention strictly in regards to one rather than advertisement or 'oh, can I recommend you X game? Go there and play it!' which may be done with purest of intentions but still will look cheap and warrant consideration of spam-banning if made with a fresh account on some other game's forum.


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@Visitor I can only offer my humble opinion in regards to aspects that I have experience in. Your proposals are in no way conflicting with mine. In fact, mine empower your proposals since a good brand, well established and very online compatible would spread that much better. The mechanics of social network presence is often of paramount importance since yes, new visitors and interested people stem from their too. Communities revolve and gather there, that flow over to the forums, generate buzz, spread out further. Basic social network presence is a default procedure for anything that aims to spread, no matter if it wants to spread to a wider audience, or as in the case of TFC (as far as I can see) a niche audience with specific tastes. Oh and the slogan propositions were just given as examples of how one of them might work, as oppose to the present one which indicates it tweaks minecraft, rather than cleverly redefines it.@Caveman, the moment I get the go ahead, I can present some options in the regard of a more compact, compatible logo :)


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I never intended to oppose your ideas, simply given my opinion of what's important in case of promotion for TFC and what I consider of lesser importance at this point, so no problem here.

As for TFC slogan, I actually don't mind it to stay the way it is - after all, the fact that it is based and 'merely' develops survival aspect of Minecraft is true. It's not a standalone game and requires Minecraft to work. At the same time it very well states what it's meant to do and may be appealing to target audience - those who aren't overly happy with vanilla survival.

To be honest though, slogan isn't something that should matter much. If I go about what may be seen as promoting the game, it's just me talking with those who may be interested and saying what I like and why the mod may be a thing worth consideration. Slogans are mostly to catch attention of otherwise rather ambivalent parties who are not interested in more in-detail description and with those I am not really sure I want to talk about TFC.


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As others have alluded, your best bet is getting the youtubers to try it out.  I'm willing to bet that more people started TFC after watching Etho than most other forms of advertising combined.  Get someone big like Captain Sparkles to endorse it and that's potentially 7 million people are so who will hear about it.


Obviously not all of these people would jive with TFC's style, but this is the most effective advertising you can hope for really.  These guys turn people who aren't even looking for mods onto new things.  


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The slogan is the least relevant aspect of the elements actually. I agree :) But the logo and social network presence is quite important, and social network presence requires almost no effort, I can transfer control over the group immediately and there it is, a TFC FB group :) About the logo, it also requires almost no effort, since I will be playing around with it on the side, and devs don't have to be bothered too much, other than a short description of what they want, in broad terms. ---Let's PlaysIsn't it possible to promote certain LP's on the official page of TFC? That way TFC will show support, more people from the forums can flock over to the videos etc. 


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The slogan is the least relevant aspect of the elements actually. I agree :) But the logo and social network presence is quite important, and social network presence requires almost no effort, I can transfer control over the group immediately and there it is, a TFC FB group :) About the logo, it also requires almost no effort, since I will be playing around with it on the side, and devs don't have to be bothered too much, other than a short description of what they want, in broad terms. ---Let's PlaysIsn't it possible to promote certain LP's on the official page of TFC? That way TFC will show support, more people from the forums can flock over to the videos etc. 

Promotng Let's Plays on the main page may sound like a good Idea in theory... but if they are already here you're promoitng the youtube not the other way around. The entire point of this thread is to promote TFC. Also even if they did do that then they'd be supporting the larger youtubers, Like Etho, Arkas, and Pak, Dunk already participates in Paks TFC Tuesdays live stream on twitch and if dunk were to promote his own videos that werent the update videos people would just think he's trying to promote his channel.


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@Iced, I don't know a lot about that, so from now on I will keep my mouth shut about that aspect. :) 


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The album is hidden and people with access to the link only can see it but check out what a compact logo might look like. Keep in mind I just used the logo already present on the website, and worked on it only in photoshop, no vectors : 

I like this one since it represents one minecraft block :) filled with TFC survival and enemies. 

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Your free to hop in IRC and chat with the IRCers.

I've been trying to be around more often again. I mainky work on the website but have let Kitty keep an eye over it for the most part.


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An FTB modpack with complimenting mods like smart moving would go a long way.  A standardized set of mods would allow server admins to create and run servers more easily.  TFC has a severe lack of servers, especially for me as an Australian player.  Every server I have joined has a 1 second lag and SSP feels hollow when you have no interaction.


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