Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Smithing Trick

6 posts in this topic

Hey guys, I just moved to bronze age today in TFC and made my first anvil. My first impression ? Pretty bad, i was kinda annoyed by how precious and exact you have to be, you also have to act fast because the metal is cooling down fast. It literally took me about 15 minutes to make my first tool. I found that very frustrating, so I went to the wiki to look for some nifty tricks, but there were none. Apparently the green arrow that tells you how far to go differenciates with the world seed. But there still is a trick that makes smithing a whole lot easier i found out. If you find not knowing what you are doing fun, the just stop reading, I wanna share this just with people that find smithing really frustrating and wasting your time just like me.


So, the trick is that every tool, no matter what material, has the same required rules to finish the product. So the only hastle is to line up the goddamn arrows. The best way to do this though, is to line up the arrows first and then you just have to find out what techniques you should use to finish the product. For example the pickaxe.


Redacted By Kittychanley - Obviously its possible to exploit the current system if you want to try and figure out which combinations are perfect matches but forcing these hidden combinations upon others is not permitted on these forums.


If you will demand it I can construct entire list of all the tools in the game, but that is purely up to you guys, someone might find it fun finding the combinations.


Hope this trick will help you and have a nice day !


Ps: Sorry for any gramatical or spelling mistakes, English is not my mother language.


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So you are saying you figured some "trick" out, that would take any intelligent person 5 minutes after they know the rules of smithing.


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Smithing isn't really hard at all, just mess about with it and you will learn your own method.  I align the arrows, then follow the rules.  This shows me how many single hits it is from center, I reverse it and follow the rules again and 90% of the time I will get it.There is no real "trick" it's all an estimated science and that's how I like it, in real life blacksmithing isn't a perfect science, it takes alot of practice, mistakes, and finesse.


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With little effort I noted down recipes for making and refining all materials on the anvil. These recipes always use the minimum number of clicks and are never off. This takes away frustration but does add monotony. When making wrought iron from a bloom or preparing blue/red steel i wouldn't have it any other way though. It's time consuming as it is.


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I love how the mod creators say that people are 'forcing' knowledge of the game upon others when they have to choose to read it to know. Besides being totally wrong, it's kinda annoying and unfair to those of us who want to know exactly how every bit works so we can make things perfectly every time



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On 4/2/2018 at 10:55 PM, mrdorkface said:

I love how the mod creators say that people are 'forcing' knowledge of the game upon others when they have to choose to read it to know. Besides being totally wrong, it's kinda annoying and unfair to those of us who want to know exactly how every bit works so we can make things perfectly every time


Yes.  How dare the people that run a forum and designed this mod not allow people to freely post game-breaking exploits! </sarcasm>


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