Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ridiculous Suggestions

163 posts in this topic

Your silliest suggestions for TFC. Things that would be impossible to add, things that would be pointless, and most especially things that would be both. For example:


  • Rocket ships: You would probably use blue steel for the nozzles; it can hold lava, after all.
  • Less emphasis on survival and advancement, and more on food preparation and interior design
  • Time travel. 'Nuff said.
  • NPCs that enchant your prospecting pick so it's more accurate (that was a joke, please don't ban me!)

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micro blocks: every block is as large as one pixel

they are used in world generation to smooth the world (for example round logs, detailed leaves)

if you use a pickaxe multiple blocks will break with each hit

you would have 0 fps on a render farm


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Blue steel nozzles, red steel fuel tanks?


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Teleportation (without using the console)


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A pac-man robot that runs on chocolate frogs and eats burning kapok leaves.

chocolate frogs not included


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Being able to go to the moon and bringing back moon rocks and ores.


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Gretech recipe and blastfurnace compatibility, aka iron and steel etc can only be obtained true TFC ways *shivers* :blink:


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Gretech recipe and blastfurnace compatibility, aka iron and steel etc can only be obtained true TFC ways *shivers* :blink:

Mod compatibility is the end goal of TFC ;P


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Ok then, I'll suggest mod incompatibility!


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The ability to travel faster than light.


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Terrafirmacraft Kingdoms! ( yeah I'm calling you out Dunk ;p )


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Mod compatibility is the end goal of TFC ;P


*shivers again* ;)


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I'd like the ability to retrofit the bear NPC with armour and rudimentary hand cannons to crush my foes and protect my castles.


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Then I'd like a tameable enderdragon that shoots witherskulls and spawns baby zombies loyal to me to crush Shini_otoba's bear NPC.


Then a sci-fi laser hand cannon.


Oh, and a gun that doubles as a accurate pro-pick


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Butchery!!! Literally being able to grab the knife and cut the abdomen of the dead animal, cut the various organs and store them separately. There would be a lot of blood. Also you would need to manually cut the hide and collect the bones. You throw away nothing in an animal. 


Then an use for every unused ore, mineral, gem in the game.


More rail types, kind of a railcraft addon to TFC.


Ceramic, in the IRC we're talking a lot about these things, about giving unused items an use.

Edited by dunkleosteus
>: (

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TFC needs cats. not the cute kittens from vanilla, but a model based of my pet cat, whose name is literally B*tch Cat.


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I want TFC to be virtual-reality!


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Mosquitoes and Loons - Ontario style. Your move, Dunk.


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Your move, Dunk.


Your move, Dunk.


Your move, Dunk.


Your move, Dunk.

Man! That's a challenge!


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The ability to move things with your mind.


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Earthworms, giant monstrous earthworms with the mouth full of teeth.

Moon moon.

The giant mushrooms, 100% more giant with 100% more falling spores!

The power to become a squirrel.


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Have wondering nomadic tribes with actual artificial intelligence


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crafting a block of vanilla minecraft dirt into a vanilla minecraft damond


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Adamantine. Like, the holy turquoise colored light metal found deep between the bedrock.


EDIT: Looks like I'm going to create a thread about this.


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