Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ridiculous Suggestions

163 posts in this topic

Yes, do that, then, when we go on a server, the owner can lock us into the game and force us to live inside TFC for the rest of our lives.


Oh, and I found the perfect thing for this.


I saw this topic and then, BAM, idea! This idea is however so complex(if used fully) and needs its own thread:Aging and the fountain of youthThis would be a proces of you getting debuffs until you die of aging, whit is diffrent from regular dying and should incorporate:MilkAll da gems!!!Hot springs(not to be confuses whit hot spring)Dat red n' blue steelMagick(if it ever gets added)Offrands to the minecraft god(notch):A fresh raw meat from all beasts(pork, steak, etc)The forbiden fruit(red apple)Sacred blood(red wine(once its implemented))And the primal woods(all wood plancks of the original minecraft trees)If you become immortal(witch is my suggestion for the end goal) i think a boss is in need: Death!Once deafeted, death gives you the mortal elixir, permitting you to become mortal aigain.


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Give steve regular blackouts where he randomly finds himself in different areas, often surrounded by mobs or lava with only a carrot and a sign in his inventory.


Also give the pickaxe a 5% chance of the head sliding down the shaft and catching the little bit of skin between the thumb and index finger, giving the player a 10 minute reduction to mining. Similarly while forging for every hit there's a 2% chance of dropping the ingot and forgetting it's hot and picking it up while burning the skin on your hand. There can be a 10 minute reduction in forged tools max durability, but at the end you have the option to pull off the scab and reset the 10 minute reduction but also give the player an "enjoyment" buff which increases hunger capacity, the ability to walk amidst zombies and the inability to sleep.


Introduce a spider eye helmet which allows you to simultaneously walk between all mobs as well as taking a light amount of poison damage. Also include the ability for skeletons to mount you and you must fist fight to get rid of them.


Last suggestion, allow creepers to change to the texture of the biome and rock type around them. When killed they should drop creeper bones, a dog trained with creeper bones will attack mobs and explode when they are within killing distance of at least 5 mobs. The should also leave green coloured feces around enclosed areas with spawn protection that can be used to melt blue and red steel without a bellow.


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so we need zombie rabbit pie


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Being able to go to space if you go high enough


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No no, we should go to space by digging down really deep, through the bedrock, through the mantle, and through the core, then falling out the other side. If we do this at noon, we fall on the moon where everything is made of endstone, which can be processed into green cheese, and if we do it at midnight, we fall to the sun, which is made entirely of red steel blocks and lava. If we do it at any other time, we fall to the neverending void of space, and get stuck there until you find and tame a enderdragon, then ride it back


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We could also have the ability to bind souls to suits of armour!

Nah, sounds really overpowered. Even at the cost of an arm and a leg.


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naah, you can'f just find nanobots. That's too easy.

No, firs you make tweezers and a magnifying glass, along with a chisel and hammer.

After equipping the magnifying glass, you can then use the tweezers with the chisel to harvest 1/8th microblocks when chiseling blocks. Using those microblocks, you can then craft micro versions of other things in a special micro-crafting grid. Using that grid, you make yourself a micro-forge, micro-crucible, some micro-molds (using a special tool to knap micro-clay), and, ultimately, to make micro-tweezers, a micro-chisel, and a micro-magnifying glass.

Repeat this process about 10 times.

Then, you can craft your nanobots in the micro^10 crafting grid, with 1/8^10th scale (roughly 1/1,000,000,000th scale) microblocks!

No, no, no, you're misunderstanding. They make colonies, so they would be pretty visible for the naked eye. They also replicate themselves. Just supply them with adamantine and uranium. What's not easy is the worthiness test. 8000 lbs of salted meat?


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No, no, no, you're misunderstanding. They make colonies, so they would be pretty visible for the naked eye. They also replicate themselves. Just supply them with adamantine and uranium. What's not easy is the worthiness test. 8000 lbs of salted meat?

Nope not that hard.


Maybe two years of pig breeding and I'm fairly sure you could have that amount.


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In two years you would dig down to bedrock. And find adamantine.


8000lb*16=128000oz=800 stack full of meat. You need to be close to the colony else the meat would despawn first.


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Ooooh, Oooooh, I got a great idea!


We need chocolate golems that fire explosive rockets that heal you and hurt hostile mobs made by vanilla cobble which is made by red steel buckets crafted with coco beans!


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Dwarves that come to your fully-protected chunks and abdicate to you. Designate stuff so they do stuff. Must be fed and given alcohol. Intricate nametag which shows name, profession, task, happiness, and overall health.


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Not fixing bugs

Adding bugs(you know, the bug kind of bugs, not the buggy kind of bugs)


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Add goats that are invincible and can be tamed so you can rag-doll them 4-life!


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Oh, yes, and we need voodo dolls


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1:1 scale of my school complex randomly generating on the central continent.


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A special kind of rabbit that spawns in the exact place that lightning strikes


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Realistic banana tree.


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Realistic dragon riding a realistic unicorn riding a realistic basilisk realistically.


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Making Terrafirmacraft 100% realistic but made of blocks


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We must input earth logic into TFC. Then input TFC logic into earth


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common sense



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Yes, we definitely need floating yellow emoticon faces in TFC.

I have no idea how we missed that. Thanks for reminding us Dunk!


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