Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Reflections on suggestions

8 posts in this topic

I was quite active on this forum for a while, I mainly posted in the suggestions. I don't really play the mod any more, though I do keep tabs on the changes.

I've always wondered what impact the player suggestions have on the games development. When I look back on the effort I put into those suggestions, I realize that I spent most of the time because I found it interesting to think about the possibilities, rather than a genuine belief I would affect the course of the game.


Any thoughts ?


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The possibility is endless, true. But our dev's time isn't. If you think your suggestion is somewhat easy to code, you need to come up with your code.


EDIT: I also don't play Minecraft anymore... 


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I'm in a similar, if not the same position as you Jed. I don't play TFC anymore (mostly because of computer limitations and dedicating more time to real life things, reading, writing, and roleplay), yet I still monitor the devs' progress on the mod. Most of the suggestions I made on this forum, though few and far between, was more about expanding on current vanilla mechanics and making them better, but they still had some semblance of an interest in expanding possibilities. 


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I feel like I need to point out I don't mean this in a bitter way at all. I enjoyed the time I spent writing the suggestions, and I never expected any of the functions to be coded into the game.


I'm in a similar, if not the same position as you Jed. I don't play TFC anymore (mostly because of computer limitations and dedicating more time to real life things, reading, writing, and roleplay), yet I still monitor the devs' progress on the mod. Most of the suggestions I made on this forum, though few and far between, was more about expanding on current vanilla mechanics and making them better, but they still had some semblance of an interest in expanding possibilities.


I think a lot of people are the same Sda, I've got a job, a social life and any single player games I want to work through. I think if this mod was a standalone game with better graphics, it would probably eat a chunk of my life, but I don't feel the same draw to play minecraft anymore.

I also feel like there was never the community to fully draw me into the game. In the earlier days, we tried hard, I even hosted a server aimed at RP survival with factions, but there was never the population to sustain any really interesting interaction.

I think if you could get a server running this mod with a decent number of players, you could have a genuinely interesting MMO, without it being any different from today.


BUT back on track :P


The possibility is endless, true. But our dev's time isn't. If you think your suggestion is somewhat easy to code, you need to come up with your code.
EDIT: I also don't play Minecraft anymore...


The question I posed was more directed at how much player suggestions influenced the game design choices, rather than if any of them were included outright, but I do totally agree with you and there were many times during my suggestions that I wished I could code to make them into an addon, though I don't think that was considered an option by Bioxx and Dunk at the time.


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Suggestions in general help quite a bit in development of gamesmods, i have played many different games both online and offline, and in most iff not all a large part of the development that i could see (meaning after release) took shape depending on suggestions or even done because of suggestions (aside from the few gaming studios that seem to not know the concept of a community).


Id imagen if someone is working on a game heshe is going to get really focused with a certain mindset, other people there view on things could then really help shape it making it a success instead of a fail or chain of fixedupdates because heshe overlooked certain aspects.


I have no idea how game development works though so i could be horrible wrong, but that my general understanding of it from the years of experience i build up. Im quite sure i have taken part in shaping atleast a few games out there, despite how little my input may have been.


*edit* Post 100 !!! :wub:

Edited by lordbufu

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Well, suggestions are just that - suggestions. Unfortunately, whether they help the game or not (poster's intentions aside) may be disagreed with when it comes to devs. It, to a very big degree, depends on developers themselves. Even with TFC I've stumbled upon quite many situations where certain new features were received somewhat poorly or certain suggestions were very popular both with community and some of the devs, but Bioxx (he's the devteam leader, right?) decided he'll have none of it and nothing changed.

In case of most games' communities, suggestions forum work in two ways - less obvious, is to maintain community's active interest and communicaton, keep the game in people's minds. Second, is so when developer actually wonders about certain aspects of the game, ponders their implementation - and then can consult what people hope for, what they'd like to see (or not) and why.

There's also a matter of scope of suggestion, how it's presented, whether it fits arrangements, taste and phase of development of the game.

So, there's no one, stable level of impact of suggestions. It depends on game, relation toward internal development plan, community and developers.


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Suggestions certainly do have an impact. (Also, good to see you Jed)


Just recently, canoes and a change to the shears recipe have got the go-ahead to move into prototyping to see if they work as a valid feature. Both came out of the suggestions forum.


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Cool ! I'm glad to hear that. I think some of the suggestions are genuinely great, but I can totally see from your perspective that you can't spend all that time programming in what are effectively requests :P

Good to be back, haven't been around in a while :P


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